« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:33 pm »
1. card name: Hell on Earth
card type: spell
element: fire
cost: 6 fire
effect: sacrifice all enemy creatures and enemy will generate 5 x (creature sacrificed) HIS MARK quantum
2.card name: Earth Quake Storm
card type: spell
element: earth
cost: 5 earth
effect: destroy 5 random pillars
3.card name: Cold Icy Rain
card type: spell
element: water
cost: 6 water
effect: deal 2 damage to EVERY enemy creature and might freeze.
4.card name: Potion Tree
card type: spell
element: life
cost: 5 life
effect: heal yourself up to 15 for each 20 life quantum in your possesion
5.card name: Gravity Force
card type: spell
element: gravity
cost: 6 grav.
effect: any creature that have more than 6 Hp will have gravity force, ONE BY ONE
6.card name: Drain life
card type: spell
element: darkness
cost: 6 darkness
effect: drain 2 Hp for every enemy creature (damage dealt is NOT return as healing) if the creature die, generate a Banshee (2|2) for you
7.card name: Holy God
card type: spell
element: light
cost 5 light
effect: plus +1/+2 or +2/+1 for your. if any creature that is death or darkness, dealt -1/-2 or -2/-1
8.card name: Izma's Spell
card type: spell
element: entropy
cost: 6 entropy
effect: your creatures become an abomination or something weird and your enemy creatures become an abomination or die.
9.card name: Aether Agreement
card type: spell
element: aether
cost: 7 aether
effect: your enemy dealt 3 damage and become immortal for 3 turn and each of your creature gain +2/+2 (even immortal creature)
10.card name: Time Freeze
card type: spell
element: time
cost: 5 time
effect: all creatures is stuck in bubble time for 3 turns.(Momentum are ignore). weapon are also can't attack
11.card name: King Plague
card type: spell
element: death
cost: 6 death
effect: infect 1 poison for every enemy creature. if the creatures die, generate King Skeleton (2/2) for you. (even you dont have Bone/Graveyard)
12.card name: Diving Pool
card type: spell
element: air
cost: 6 air
effect: creatures in your possesion dive for 1 turn. ( the creatures that has dived cant dive for 1 turn)