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Messages - Kuross (767)

Pages: 1 ... 62 63 [64]
- a 5/0 Ball Lightning with an unusable Deja Vu

- 0/15 Steam Engine with Vampire

- 0/2 Chyrsora with Dive

General Discussion / Re: False Gods appearance rate
« on: August 08, 2010, 05:16:47 pm »
I was curious about this as well, though I chalked it up to just being overly paranoid. It seems I tend to face the FGs that wreck my deck on a more regular basis than the ones I have a more favorable chance against.

Does the selection take into account your win/loss record vs certain FGs when determing your next FG opponent?

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: Kongregate Club
« on: August 08, 2010, 05:05:29 pm »
"tarrasquebeast" on Kong. 

I would also believe the "one quanta limit per turn" would not fit with Elements too well. Much like any other CCG, this game is about having skill in deck building. If your deck draws too many or too little quanta, then some deck tweaking may be needed. However, my experience in this game thus far is that the spectrum for good/bad draws can be wide, so one looks for consistancy with quanta to fit the theme, or quanta curve, of the deck.

General Discussion / Re: Things I've learned while playing Elements...
« on: August 03, 2010, 06:06:00 pm »
*- Dusk Shield: 80% of the time, you're hoping that the 50% only triggers 25%, but in reality the 50% seems like it triggers 90% of the time.

General Discussion / Things I've learned while playing Elements...
« on: August 03, 2010, 04:46:50 pm »
I've been playing this game for a few months and have been pretty mum on the forums so I figured I'd try to get more postings in! Plus, I love the game and there are some things that I simply find amusing from time to time so I thought I'd post just a few and see if any others out there shared in said amusement or had others to share themselves.

*- If I have a ton of quanta, and my opponent has a Devourer, guarenteed that little pest will take the one, durn quanta I need.

*- Most aggrevating spin ever to get- first 2/3 of the same, upp'ed card on Half Blood with the last 3rd one being the un'upp'ed version.

*- When grinding FGs with different decks which work best on certain FGs and not so on others, expect to play against the ones that your deck won't do well against most often.

*- Make sure it's "Momentum" and not "Cremation" you're using when going to buff your one and only creature on the table.

*- If ever I need to grind for Vultures, Elder is the place to go.

Farming Studies and Statistics / Re: Turns to win study
« on: August 02, 2010, 05:15:40 pm »
I'd be inclined to say no to the electrum/score increase since both are tied to having EMs for increases in either. If the TTW ratio was below 6, then perhaps over the long run it might. However, even though other versions that run Heals would go off slighty slower they still pull off a lot more EMs thereby making up the difference. I figure since every EM is equivelant to just about 2 wins with 99hp or less (in terms of electrum and score), the super speed Life would have to do the same with regard to winning a lot more games in the same time frame of other versions that run Heals to make up the less EM difference.

Life / Re: The Ultimate Speed EM Deck
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:59:41 am »
I run a very similar version using x3 Epinephrine and x2 Jade Staff with only 3 Improved Heals. (10 towers, 6 Frogs, 6 Trices)

Here is what I found in my own testing with that version:

(in a 50 game run)

6.76 TTW
+1775 Electrum
+1390 Score
28 EMs (56%)
69 minutes to complete w/ spins. (so 50 wins within an hour is very possible if you don't spin)

I notice that a vast majority of my EMs only needed one Heal to make it happen since my Jade Staff kept me in the 80's HP range a lot of the time plus Jade Staff helps widdle down the AI. I like the idea of using the Long Sword, but you can only ever have one out at a time where I have had all my Epinephrine's out at once, but I can see how the Long Sword works well in the above version.

I do know this about my version though. I played it this last week non-stop and only lost twice out a 1000 games. Both losses were a result of an epic fail opening hand versus a epic opening hand for the AI followed by my horrible draws and the AI getting great continuing draws. I gotta figure that a deck with a loss rate .02% isn't all that bad either ;)

General Discussion / Re: D&D references?
« on: July 09, 2010, 02:41:36 am »
True, there seems to be a large referrence to D&D, but I don't see anything wrong with it, short of potential copyright issues. (which I doubt will ever come up unless WotC is ever really strapped for cash)

General Discussion / Re: Weekly Featured Cards poll - Fire
« on: July 08, 2010, 09:05:49 pm »
Just a question on the Jade Staff + Adrenline combo- is it scripted, or designed, to work so that the person running the combo gets a major increase in life? To me it seems outside of the intent, or written description, of the staff as it is only suppose to give 5 hp "at the end of the turn" and not whenever it hits an opponent.
Read my analysis on Adrenaline. It gives a creature multiple turns in the space of one turn. Flying Druidic Staff experiences four turns, and each turn it heals you for 5 HP, so in total it heals you for 20 HP.
I did read the analysis and understood what you were saying, as well in the other forums on adrenline,  but my question was whether or not that was the intention not the end result. It feels more of a glitch than something meant to be used in such a way. If it was meant that way, cool beans. Just curious since the card does not read that way to me. I'll post something more in the other forums before I detract this thread any further.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly Featured Cards poll - Fire
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:41:42 pm »
Just a question on the Jade Staff + Adrenline combo- is it scripted, or designed, to work so that the person running the combo gets a major increase in life? To me it seems outside of the intent, or written description, of the staff as it is only suppose to give 5 hp "at the end of the turn" and not whenever it hits an opponent.

BTW, my pick is for Explosion. No other reason than it is fun to blow something up on the back row for 1 Fire.  ;)

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