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Messages - Kuross (767)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Skill
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:55:06 am »
I agree with Jmizz. Having been a long time CCG'er of 15 years (namely *cough* MtG *cough*) there are plenty of nuances that define better players from casual or new. One aspect of this game is knowing the cards and what one can expect from them. Timing and, interestingly enough, math plays a factor in what I've experienced, but more like math from a chess point of view. Being able to plan certain attacks and manuvers, when to play a card, so on and so forth, takes a certain amount of brain power, even if it's not a lot and you'd be surprised how often peeps miss some of the obvious plays even based on that.

Sure, this game is easy. The rules are simple and there aren't a lot of cards to choose from (yet). Same statement can be applied to chess. Only 32 peices with very simple rules. Not as easy as it sounds though to play. And I am not making Elements out to be uber difficult either. I'm only saying experience and knowing the field of play are huge advantages that newer players take time to figure out. Luck is also a factor. But I'd be willing to bet that the player who knows his PvP deck and has a lot of practice will beat newer players who net-decked more often than not.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:42:50 am »
Gotcha, vampirism is active. -edited stoopid typo demon mischief- Got a bitty mixed up on active/passive; assumed active was something that could only be activated and passive was always on. *palms forehead*

Okay, so then the next question is- are there limits on what can be a passive skill? Airbourne certainly doesn't seem harmful, 'till you play "Wings" then you start to care. ;) Also, are certain passive skills locked into specific elements? Air seems to have cornered the market on all things "Airbourne"-ish, with a few exceptions. Maybe a better question- is there a referrence manual for what can and can't be on a card?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Changing ultimate spells
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:20:54 am »
Perhaps the spin here is to look at the reason fractal and miracle got hit with the nerf bat. They have a cost as a result of an epic effect that requires a hefty cost to play. Any card that requires that kind of drawback should be carefully reviewed to avoid further Fractal issues rather than look to put in more. Don't get me wrong, I think the idea has merit and pursuing cards with epic costs/drawbacks would be cool, but I think one should carefully consider why it needs to have a drawback to be uses in the first place.

Maybe just thinking of cool, epic cards then scaling them back before sliding them into the card list might be better? Safer to have weaker cards that need upgrading rather than OP cards that need scaling back.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 20, 2010, 03:45:30 am »
Ohh... so, the option to explore passive/active ability combos is open?

Before I go into hiatus and come out to bounce 34,654 thousand random ideas off the E community, are coming up with new active and passive skills fair game? Ex- "Link: (activate) Every time creature successfully deals damage to a player, that damage, rounded down, is applied to linked creature." In other words, have a creature with "Link" target a creature on the field, then apply damage as described until it is dead. Then the player controling the creature with "Link" can target another creature, but not until the link is broken with the previous creature (i.e.- dead or removed from play).

Stuff like that is what I'd explore, then maybe come up with other skils that would mesh on one creature. Using the above example, a creature with Link (active) and Vampirism (passive) could go on the same creature. Am I getting this right as far as passive/active?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 20, 2010, 02:55:30 am »
What I am trying to do here is simply explore ideas of multiple casting cost cards. If the mechanics don't allow for it, or aren't in the future of the game, so be it. I get that the Mark is set and there are 12, I be cool wit dat. Was only suggesting a place for multi-cost cards was all (notes change to header).

What about single Element cards with multiple usage elements within them? Ex- Swamp Monster: 3/4 :life creature with two abilites,   :water Drown- target creature -2 HPs,  :air Swamp Gas- Target creature gains wings for 2 turns. End of second turn, creature dies.

I'm only using this as an example (most of the time this stuff is off the top of my head, so I apologize) but the point I am trying to make is there seems to be precedent to have costs with costs (Pegasus or Lava Destroyer) so it seems logical to assume one can have more than one cost on a card.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:32:50 am »
Having read through that interesting debate between ScaredGirl and cipher_nemo, it seemed very plausible, as described in that thread, to in fact incorporate multi-casting cards in the game. Most of the discussion on the above linked threads (with one leading into the other) was about rainbow's power and that this is not MtG (which I think we all can easily agree on).

I did run into another interesting point in this conversation that I have yet been unable to pursue. What and where is the official Elements storyline? I've read a few player suggested ones, both here and Kong, but I can't seem to track one down on this forum. On the wiki, this is all I've been able to find, short of the opening paragraph on intro to basics and the one-liners for each element:

I assume since it's a fan-based story it's not official, but even if it was, it doesn't explain how we, the individual players, develop, control, maintain, or otherwise manipulate or become the elements. Why do we use pillars? How can we use other elements that aren't ours, ex- Fractal Pest: Aether/Dark- Am I able to channel Aether being a Darkness elemental or vice versa?

I don't mean to nitpick and I am not trying to be difficult. If my suggestion doesn't fall within the established storyline, point me to it, I'll take the time to read it and forfeit my suggestion should it be clear it doesn't fit. But if there is no defined storyline, please don't use the storyline argument to shoot down suggestions. I've mod'ed/admin'ed on RP servers in the past where I've written/read hundreds of pages of storyline related ideas in an effort to maintain and keep a healthy storyline active and moving forward and I know what it takes to make it all work. But if the storyline is not somewhat fluid to allow the multitude of individual ideas and suggestions to keep it relative, the storyline will become stagnant, potentially killing ideas before they even come to light. However, not to sound harsh, the storyline on a game like this is mainly for flavor, with the side benefit of generating ideas for cards. I have to believe that the majority of Elements players pay very little attention to any storyline and only log in to play a really cool card game.

If there is a storyline, even though it may not be extremely relevant to the masses, an easier way to find and read it should be made available. I have tried for a couple of hours to find one and have been unsuccessful. If it does exist, it is buried deep within the community of Elements.

That all said, barring a storyline, the original question still seems valid. Would incorporating multi-casting cards be something Elements might be willing to do?

On a side note, I have had the pleasure of writing many a story in my day (is old fart) and it might be fun to refine some of the posted storylines into one consistent and accepted story, barring approval from the Elements community. This is assuming there is no established story. If there is, disregard this offer and I look forward to reading it!

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 19, 2010, 11:27:33 pm »
Elements is an free online fantasy card game in which each player embodies an elemental – a spirit composed of an element. Elements are the fundamental building blocks of nature and express skills (unique to each element) that can be used in duels against another elemental.

It can easily be argued we aren't "Elementals" but hosts, or Channelers, of the elements we embody. That being the case, is it too much of a stretch to say onecan embody more than one element within their being?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Rainbow Mark- the 13th element
« on: August 19, 2010, 10:48:09 pm »
I apologize if I didn't understand the issue at hand for coding. I was under the impression that the coding problem was specific to the addition of a 13 element and not in general with the creation of multi-casting cost cards. If coding additional casting cost Element cards is too problematic then idea is kaput and end of discussion. Also, I only suggested "the 13 element" as a home for potential multi-casting cost cards. Perhaps a bad choice of a header for this particular discussion?

As for the metamorphosis part, I don't understand how this works since my understanding is that it no longer applies given one can simply change their mark. It can be argued that if one can change their mark at will, the inclusion of multi-casting cards is also possible, from a back-story point of view. We may still be "Elementals" but we are now given the ability to draw upon, manipulate, convert, or otherwise arbitrarily change the element we are controlling.

I guess, for the sake of discussion, one simple post from the scripters would shoot this down or make it possible to continue on this tract. I am just a bit new to this and am not sure whom I'd ask, or direct this question toward, else I would save the community from publically pursuing this line of thought. But, I will say, at least to me, the idea of multi-casting cards is very intriguing to me.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Rainbow Mark- the 13th element
« on: August 19, 2010, 03:13:54 pm »
Yeah, I suggested the "rainbow mark" as a location for multi-elemental costing cards, but in hindsight, it probably would make more sense if they were simply added the the "Other" section in the bazaar/deck listing.

My thought on multi-elemental costs to play were something along the lines of card concepts that didn't fit in one specific element, but seemed to encompass two or more elements. For example- "Chaos Beam: A beam of light that randomly changes target creature's ability to a different one (example- changes 'Devour' to 'Dive')" Cost to play the card (spell)-  x :entropy x :light, X being whatever would make the cost acceptible.

The fun part would be opening up more ideas on two and three element based decks. Decks that have access to multiple element cards without being rainbow as defined by four or more. I know I've skirted the idea of focusing on just 2-3 elements when making a deck, and I know there are many more cards coming, but it would be nice to see some bridging cards that make 2-3 element based decks more feasible than they are curently, such as the Pendulums. Don't take me the wrong way, I've been playing this game for some time and love it and I am not negatively criticizing. I'm just looking to see if maybe this is possible, and if so perhaps I'd like to explore card concepts and submit them, but if not, I would like to know so I don't pester the admins with my, sometimes blathering, requests. ;)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Rainbow Mark- the 13th element
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:52:17 am »
Cool beans on the Rainbow then, I can see that.

Perhaps just focus on mutli-element cards then? Or is that too much on the game engine? Never thought how much work that might entail  :o

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 19, 2010, 01:37:00 am »
Okay, so I apologize if this is either way off base or has been already suggested, but here's my thought.

**Create a 13th mark that works like a Quanta pillar.

**Create creatures/permanants/spells of multi elements (ex- "Sandstorm"- (Air and Earth quanta to use). Unburrows all creatures on the board and deals 1 damage to all creatures.)

The idea here would be to open up potential syngeries within specific elements by utlizing pendulums or expand on rainbow decks which would use this as a home. I was also thinking, that if this flew, the element would be based on a technological theme of some sort- science blending the elements into whatever it sees fit.

Like I said, just throwing this out there to see if there is any merit to this idea.

Duo-Decks / Re: Shrieking Gemfinders
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:43:17 pm »
Is an interesting idea... perhaps drop the shreiker and 2 bolts for 3 Sogs? Shreiker could mess with your Earth Quanta base if you fractal a lot of them and the CC, though nice, could be offset by the Sogs anyway.

Out of curiosity, I am assuming you are going for PvP here. Am I right?

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