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Messages - Kuross (767)

Pages: 1 ... 60 61 [62] 63 64
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sandstorm | Sandstorm
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:59:11 am »
It's a 2 for 1 effect... unburrows creatures currently burrowed THEN does the 2 damage.

Card Ideas and Art / Sandstorm | Sandstorm
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:28:09 am »
Was rambling in a previous thread and threw this out off the top of my head so I figured I'd pursue it a bit.

2 :air
Unburrow all creatures. Deals 2 damage to all creatures. Discard the turn after it is played.
2 :air
Unburrow all creatures. Deals 2 damage to enemy creatures. Discard the turn after it is played.
ART: (the #7 picture on the list at time of this posting) by Martyn Gorman
This card would work just like a sundial in that on the turn it comes into play, it can't be used, but the next turn it can be activated. Regardless of whether it is activated on the next turn or not, it is removed from play.

Also, I am not sure if a specific name needs to be created for the effect of the card. If so, sure one can be thought of, but I would hope the card's name speaks for itself.

Finally, the real difference between upp'ed and non-upp'ed is the targeting of only enemy creatures instead of all. It's not too noticible and I am not sure if it needs to be, but there it is.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Non-standalones
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:57:12 am »
Perhaps add a complete card listing somewhere on the interface for players to peruse? A link or something that shows players what each card is, including all the rares. 

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: New click delay is too long
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:53:56 am »
lol, sorry, but yeah, I noticed a bit of lag to.

What is cracking me up is how noticible .023 seconds is!! Meh thinks we have been bitten by the grind bug in a bad way ;) :D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Skill
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:43:30 am »
Is there a high ratio of skill to luck in, say, poker?  No, but don't you DARE say there isn't skill involved.  It's even more complicated than chess.  Those odd suboptimal decisions make more difference than you might think.
I was actually going to make that point and left it out!

Mmm... poker. Get a certain amount of cards, bet, show cards and highest hand wins. No skill. NOT! ;D

General Discussion / Re: Frustration
« on: August 21, 2010, 02:04:11 am »
I have to agree with the OP. (Yes I know it's an older post, but that doesn't mean it's not correct.)

The thing about this game, is that everything rewards you properly as far as strategy goes during the match. Playing your cards right, countering at the right times, making the right moves at the right time to win a strategic match, and you're rewarded with....maybe 15 electrum and a RANDOM SLOT MACHINE SPIN?

It's just pathetic really. I'm really close to just not playing anymore because of how unrewarding the results of a win in this game is. You don't get rewarded properly for your efforts, as far as I'm concerned. I've actually been spinning my tires all day today, using a rol/hope deck. I win most of the matches that I can actually have a chance at, but since I have to skip so many impossible to win matches, the amount of elec I win in the matches I do win doesn't cover it, and then the random casino pathetic-idea-whoever-came-up-with-it spin thing decides to not give me a card. I've won 30 games against false gods today and gotten exactly 2 cards. I've lost piles of electrum. This is not challenging or fun. It makes me hate playing. I sit there clicking away with a grimace on my face because I know that even if I play a good match, FATE decides if I deserve a reward or not.

Does that not seem wrong to anyone else? I mean, the game is fun and all, but I don't think I will dedicate my next 4-5 months on it to be able to see what it's like to actually build my own decks because I have the electrum to do it.

Want a paypal donation? I know. How about you spin a random RNG wheel somewhere and if it says to donate, then you get to spin again and see if it's 25 cents or 1 dollar? Not very rewarding either way, is it?
This game is a lot like many others in that those that are persistant tend to reap the most.

I don't think anyone, after passing the first few quests and getting a first look at what upgrading costs are, says this game will be easy to win and build a lot of electrum/score/upp'ed cards. Point is, in order to make this game something worth coming back to one has to go through all the mucky, bloody, tear-filled ruts to get to a spot they can safely say, "phew."

Having spent a few months playing this game and grinding, grinding, grinding *mutters* I can say it is rewarding and worth it. But what makes it really fun for me to pass the grinding time is to chat with peeps suffering with the same issues. Makes it more interesting for me and prompts me to want to log in more, not only to get the better cards, but to hang out with the community. Granted, I am somewhat a new face on the forums and in the chats here, but I got to make a lot of fun online friends and that makes the grinds and pains of going up the food chain that much more fun.

I guess ultimately it's all in how you make the game out to be. If you treat it as nothing more than a miserable way to slosh through the time, I can almost guarentee you'll burn out fast. But if you explore the community, rant with others in chat about how good/bad everything is going, I'll bet there'll be peeps who will give ya a shoulder to work with. So far, peeps here are pretty good about that kind of thing ;)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Skill
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:01:13 pm »
 I agree with amilir- there are a lot of situations one finds themselves in that requires skill and/or experience.

No, Elements does not = chess. The point I was trying to make is that in a given environment with a small amount of cards, there is an exponential amount of variations that can arise when making decks. There is more to skill than just being able to point and click. How much of this card do I put in the deck? What's the QI for what I am trying to do? what's the weakness and how can I cope? If I find myself in a certain situation on a regular basis, is there something I can do to change the deck to deal with it more often? Will that change affect the dynamic of this deck? What's the metagame I'm trying to work in?

Point is, there is more to the "skill" aspect than simply playing a card. I'd go so far to say that a majority of skill comes from deck creation. Going to a gun fight with epic knives is still bringing a knife to a gunfight. And yes, there is skill in the timing and predicting of in game play that does require skill, so I am not overlooking that either.

My recommendation is to play a lot of PvP, primarily in PvP2. You'll see all sorts of decks and play-style and after you've put in the time, I would heavily argue you'll note a difference in skills. 

PvP Tournaments / Re: Post your tournament ideas here
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:44:43 pm »
Pooled Tournament

-At the beginning of the week, post X amount of cards (non-pillar/pendulum) to choose from in a pool.
-Players must only use cards from that pool in their deck.
-Players may use any amount of pillars and/or pendulums as they see fit to use.
-Players may make and use multiple decks based on the cards from the pool throughout the tournament. (It would be highly recommended to save the code for multiple decks so as to not mistakenly add a card which isn't allowed.)
-Players playing a card not listed in the pool in their deck forfeit the round.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Pay the oracle!!
« on: August 20, 2010, 04:05:07 pm »
Oh, how about you can go back to the oracle to get a reading on the next FG (after the first free one) if you sacrafice something nifty, like rare weapons and upp'ed cards!

*ducks from players throwing things in my general direction*

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: False God Realms
« on: August 20, 2010, 03:41:30 pm »
I sorta agree with Toimu at the outset- there might be a bit of an abuse of FG grinding, but the more I think of it the more I like the idea.

First, I think everyone would agree, that if implemented, there would be those that would focus on making decks to beat certain realms. Once a deck is posted that wins a large % of the time against any one realm, the other three realms would be virtual ghost towns as far as FG grinding goes. So the addition of more FGs to each would help balance that out a bit, but I suspect people focusing on one FG realm would still be in vogue.

Thus giving people a reason to play all the realms would be in order. Off the top of my head, maybe add a new quest in where players must beat one FG from every realm to get a prize of some sort or beating 10 FGs from every realm each day gets something shiny for the player successfully doing so.

In any event, I think the idea has merit and should be pursued. I doubt SG would have suggested it if she ddin't think it would work, given the knowledge and history she has here ;) 

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Multi-casting cards and Elements
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:49:34 am »
Also, again, the Vampire skill is active, not passive.
Oh bloody hell, I hate typo demons and other nasty, annoying creatures lurking amongst my keyoard! I meant active, not passive. *beats keyboard*

You know, that duo idea with Sandstorm might actually be feasible in this given environment. It could act like a Sundial. Cost  x :air to play, then x :earth to active. Yes, no?

I ask because that also would open some possiblities for card ideas.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: New name for upgraded steal
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:01:37 am »
Finders Keepers
What's that behind you!
-Sneeze- You still want that?

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