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Messages - Kuross (767)

Pages: 1 ... 59 60 [61] 62 63 64
General Discussion / Ambassadors
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:08:15 pm »
Just something I was thinking of recently.

I spend most of my time on Kong, mainly cause I have friends there I chat with a lot, but I come across a lot of new players there and I do my best to give them helpful advice, while directing them here, and I've noted other regulars do as well (jmdt, for example).

I was wondering whether or not it might be possible to develop an ambassador program here on the main site. Emphasize people's efforts in getting new players into the game by going out and drawing them in. Perhaps get a core group of people that are willing to go forth and network on different sites to help new players drift here and to the grand world that is Elements. Maybe even a reward system of some sort.

This is completely abstract in my head at the moment, so I am not sure just what to suggest to make it more real, but I figured either there is a program already in existence or maybe someone wants to help create one. I also noted ScaredGirl mentioned something similar to this on another thread, so maybe linking an ambassador program with that would help?

Just trying to be helpful is all I am doing here ;)

General Discussion / Re: What do I do now?
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:57:57 pm »
Hang out in the chat rooms and make some friends. Messing with chat peeps can make it a lot more fun ;)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sandstorm | Sandstorm
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:29:04 pm »
Enjoying the card myself. I have a couple of questions however.

1) When this card is played it appears simply as a permanent, and then once the :earth :earth Sandstorm is used that is when the creatures are unburrowed and then hit with 2 points of damage, correct?

2) In more semantic light, why is it that Sandstorm would remove creatures from being buried? Would it not make more sense that a Sandstorm would bury creatures as opposed to removing them from that state?
1- I figured I'd start off with the ability more like a Sundial in effect since it would have been possible to stack a few Sandstorms then blow them up at the same time. If they stayed in play once cast, they'd be more like Unstable Gas and I am not sure of the power-to-cost ratio that might entail. Figure start low and work my way up with something like that ;)

2- It is true that one could argue a sandstorm could bury more and not less, but sandstorms also have the ability to uncover as well. Sand is almost as fluid and water in relation to the desert and sandstorms shift sand from one spot to another, especially during sandstorms. Perhaps a name change to "Shifting Sands" might be more appropriate? Feedback is always good.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sandstorm | Sandstorm
« on: August 25, 2010, 05:13:44 pm »

To Get to the Crucible
- The photo was taken by Martyn Gorman you need to credit him on the card image.
- Fix the Disparity in Cost between the Table and card Image. It will need the quanta icon unless the cost is generic.
- In the table under the Ability entry you need to put the exact card text from the card image. This is to maintain the text if the image is lost.
- Name now added to picture on card.
- Quanta icons added to table to reflect card cost.
- Description added to ability on tables mirroring the card's ability on the picture.

General Discussion / Re: I'm awesome! I have 12 of every card!
« on: August 22, 2010, 03:15:16 pm »
Just a note, I've been grinding away lazily collecting, but not selling, the cards I get unpp'ed. When I got to the 3000 mark, the game wouldn't let me save anymore until I sold down to under 3000 (including my deck).

What's going to to happen when in order to have 6 normal and 6 upped (not including pillars/towers) of every card one will have to have over 3000 cards?

For what it's worth, I opened up the Trainer and subtracted out pillars/towers in excess of 15, leaving 2574 cards. If one figues that for every card made, one would get 6 upp'ed and 6 normal, that leaves room for 35 more new cards before hitting the 3000 plateau. 

Of course I assume Zanz would allow for more room on people's libraries for the additional cards, so I don't think of this as being a major issue. More food for thought than anything else.

General Discussion / Re: BP's 10 Tips for Improving grinding speed
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:45:38 pm »
9)Focus Focus Focus. Yes, having chat open is fun, but dont let it slow you down. You could waste valuable time. Forums are the biggest culprit of this.
LOL   :P
lol, I thought of this to... the irony is that anyone grinding won't notice and anyone that notices already broke this rule :P

Also, stoopid, little inconsequential fact- using scroll + ctrl zooms in and out as well.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: False God Realms
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:38:17 pm »
*still a big fan of the idea and wants to see implemented*  :D

My only issue is that I don't think this option should be available from the get go. You should be able to complete some sort of 'quest' before getting the option as an elemental to actually TRAVEL to these specific dimensions to face certain FG's. I assume that elementals don't just 'head over' to some realm in order to fight Rainbow or Scorpio; I imagine Level 6 being an accidental 'run-in' with an elemental being who claims to be a God.
Just a suggestion on this idea above:

- Quest #7, "In order to freely pass from one realm to another, one must be found worthy and defeat each individual FG first." In other words, beat every FG once, then unlock the ability to choose which realm to go to at will from that point on.

*adding $.02 to the pile*

General Discussion / Re: Oracle be holdin' out on meh!
« on: August 21, 2010, 04:10:43 pm »
No, s/he means that the Oracle has not been listing a FG.  It has been at least two weeks since the Oracle has said anything other than "--" as a FG for me.
- "He"


General Discussion / Oracle be holdin' out on meh!
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:39:31 pm »
**this is not a complaint. Just an observation**

For the past 6 days (have noted), the oracle has been mum on whom I would face should I be so bold to challenge a FG. Normally, with my alchoholic-induced bravery, I will stand and fight any FG that crosses my path, but those moments of clarity when, once a day, I get to actually know and prepare for a FG seem to be gone. Woe is me! Is the Oracle just being epically elusive or have I not made enough libations to warrant a reading? Where have I gone wrong!! *goes off to sacrafice many bulls and fuzzy, woodland creatures*

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: New click delay is too long
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:16:54 pm »
Soo, anyone gonna make a "clicks to turn to win" study now? 

*snickers*  ;D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Non-standalones
« on: August 21, 2010, 03:11:31 pm »
Perhaps add a complete card listing somewhere on the interface for players to peruse? A link or something that shows players what each card is, including all the rares.
You mean.....the wiki? :P
...and the forum card list? :)
*notes there is no direct link to either the wiki or element's forum on the user interface*

I know there is a wiki, and I know you all know there is a forum, but I was just thinking a specific, direct link to either straight from the user interface might be an option. I spend a lot of time on Kong (I know, I know, bad me, right?) and I do what I can to spread the word of all that is great of Elements. Believe me, I give a lot of help to new players and I direct them all to either the wiki or forum because most of the time, they don't know about it. Putting something on the interface might cut out a middle man and draw more players straight here.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Sandstorm | Sandstorm
« on: August 21, 2010, 05:14:54 am »
Are you saying it does 2 damage to all creatures, or only those burrowed?
I'm saying it would do two things, in order.

1. Find and unburrow all burrowed creatures on the board.

2. Deal 2 damage to all/enemy creatures (including the recently unburrowed creatures).

The idea is that this card would be a way to unburrow creatures (Pests, Graboids) then deal damage to them while dealing damage to multiple creatures at the same time.

And yep, no damage to immaterial creatures. ;)

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