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Messages - Kuross (767)

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Life / Re: The Ultimate Speed EM Deck
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:25:37 pm »
Sidenote- I run Life Pendulums, upgraded, in my version and it makes a big difference when dealing with earthqukes vs L3. Upside is you don't notice any change in speed or efficiency either. ;)
Yeah I mentioned that back several posts.  I use the pendalums too,  I haven't updated the OP yet because I don't like the ???.
Yeah, I noticed ya said it and when I finally got around to ponying up the electrum I added them. I just figured I'd mention it here that they do help a lot against the  :earth Elder ;)

Life / Re: The Ultimate Speed EM Deck
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:45:31 pm »
Sidenote- I run Life Pendulums, upgraded, in my version and it makes a big difference when dealing with earthqukes vs L3. Upside is you don't notice any change in speed or efficiency either. ;)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Da Fastest Speedbow Eva!
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:28:54 pm »
Yeah, don't get me wrong, I believe precogs are potent, I just cut them out when facing AIs like L3.

In PvP, they are solid plays, but in this particular deck, the strategy is simple- pound at lightning speed. This deck has only one weapon that is immaterial and no shield or CC. There's not much in someone's hand I need to see that is going to require me to change much in how I play this deck. Though knowing about a future Fire Storm or Plague may make me want to burrow my shreikers or hold back a monster or two, but that's about it. And to be honest, playing in PvP, one gets use to knowing when and what CC will likely be coming at you.

But I digress, this deck is sick fast and it's speed is something to be feared when fighting it. Precogs or no precogs, this deck wrecks.

General Discussion / Re: Ambassadors
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:20:49 pm »
For what it's worth, I lurk almost all the time in Chat room #1 on Kong and my login is "tarrasquebeast"

Also, this may sound newbish, but is there direct advertising of some sort that brings new players directly to this site to play Elements or do new players get here through portals like Kong?

*goes back to explaining the upgrade process to some new players on Kong*

Rainbow Decks / Re: Da Fastest Speedbow Eva!
« on: August 26, 2010, 02:02:12 pm »
No matter how one cooks it, you still have a 30 card deck. The problem I've noted is if I really need a card with this deck, it's Supernova or a tower because I have no Quanta to use. If I have no Quanta to use, then it's likely I'll not be able to use precog. If I have the Quanta I need, then precog becomes a 1 Time placeholder for a card I would have drawn naturally in its place. I figure since the cards I used in Precog's place are ones already useable in the deck the draws would be unnoticible, with the exception of Unstoppable. Also, this deck is fast enough that you don't really need to draw it out to win.

Where Precog's power really is found is in two parts. One, to be able to see what your opponent is sitting on in their hand and two, to thin out a deck of useless draws. What I mean in the second part is if you only need 10 pillars, and 16 other cards to make a deck work, you don't want to fill the other 4 spots with cards that may be dead draws so Precogs will slide into those slots nicely, thereby speeding that deck up. However, if you have cards that would fill in the other 4 slots without really noticing a loss to deck speed/efficiency, then precogs, or any card mechanic like it, becomes a middle man placeholder and can actually slow down a deck.

In my run of 100 gmes, I noted several times I played 1st turn Minor Phoenix (sometimes a Frog) with 2 drop Quanta towers and had no Time quanta to work with until the S-Novas were used. It's possible that the Minor Phoenix was the one I replaced a precog with. To balance the argument though, I concede there were times I had a tower down and at least one Time quanta, but in the long run, those times were very few and I never really saw issue with not being to use a precog at the time. Long story short, I think it's a preference thing and I tend to avoid card mechanics like precog because I've been so used to a certain, unmentioned CCG which tends to frown on using this type of mechanic without do cause. ;)

Rainbow Decks / Re: Da Fastest Speedbow Eva!
« on: August 26, 2010, 03:54:31 am »
Tried this out versus Elder at jmdt's request and found I really liked it!

Only change for me was this:

-3 Precogs

+1 Unstoppable
+1 Werewolf
+1 Minor Phoenix

Since I tested against L3, I saw no point in running precogs. I've played enough against L3 to be able to virtually predict Elder's play. Besides, I'm not a fan of of Precogs unless I am fighting real players. Also, against the AI, I feel Precog is a place holder that costs 1 Time to draw the card I would have drawn anyway ;)

The reason for the cards I used in place of the Precogs were simple- WW and MP are low casters that slide into play easy enough and one more creature with momentum gets past those pesky Dusk/Frost Shields L3 likes to use that really cuts into grinding time.

Anywho... here are the stats I ended up with. The TTW may be very slightly higher than jmdt's, but I had 3 games that really screwed me on quanta and went much further into the turn count than I wanted to go. Also, for what it's worth, I had my settings set to normal, skipped all spins and didn't factor for any time lost taking notes, so I feel if one were to be total focused on the grind, would be able to speed up the below listed time.

Win/loss:   99/1  (epically bad draw vs uber great draw for AI on the loss)
Time: 116 minutes  (1 minute 4 seconds average per game)
TTW- 6.061
1704 Score
1709 Electrum
1 EM
3 fourth turn wins

General Discussion / Re: least used element,card and duo?
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:40:33 am »
Oh, I didn't know we were counting farm decks as well. That might be more difficult to come up with non-used duo decks :P

General Discussion / Re: least used element,card and duo?
« on: August 26, 2010, 12:16:31 am »
Mine- "Water, Flooding,  :light:death"

General Discussion / Re: Ambassadors
« on: August 25, 2010, 09:43:35 pm »
I never thought of using the Kong forum, but maybe the occasional post would be cool.

Getting some mods whom are dedicated players would be choice.

My idea wasn't really about getting all forum-y about driving newer players here as much as it was organizing something that eminates from this forum and reaches out. Maybe 20-30 people that have a nice forum post count here who are willing to play kong elements and get more players over to this site was what I was more looking into. Or something to that effect.

Twas a thought.

General Discussion / Re: What do I do now?
« on: August 25, 2010, 07:12:57 pm »
When you log into Elements on Kongregate, you'll see tabs to the right of your Elements screen. Just click on the chat tab, change to room #1 (where all the cool cats hang) and you're in. Random blather includes talk about fuzzy, woodland creatures, whether or not chimps should have driver licenses, roasting the occasional troll and sometimes talk about the game :P

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Solving Speed Rainbows
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:36:15 pm »
I think it's also safe to say that, given the limited amount of cards in existence, people will naturally gravitate to decks like speedbow.

All it would take is the inclusion of one card that can be used effectively in general, and not just to counter speedbow, as already suggested. Perhaps perusing the already submitted cards and pushing for one to be made is in order to help? I personally rather see new cards added than old cards nerfed.

I believe one issue at hand is how much press rainbows get. When newer players get to that plateau where they can upgrade some cards, all they hear about are how powerful speedbows are, or rainbows in general, and so they go right into making one. Then they hang out in PvP2 for a bit playing their new toy. Now, that is not saying Bows aren't good, but promoting other decks that do well, both against Bows and in general, might be one way to deal with it? Just a suggestion.

On a side note to counter speedbows, there are a few decks out there that can and still be effective. I play an oddball pvp deck that can compete with speedbows, but something one may not expect. I do it mostly for fun, but it does well vs speedbows.

General Discussion / Re: What do I do now?
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:20:55 pm »
Depends on the chat room you hang in, I guess. Believe me, there are lots of peeps playing Elements in a chat room, iffn ya knows where to looks. ;)

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