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Messages - Kuross (767)

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General Discussion / Re: Spin Information for Elder (Level 3)
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:35:09 am »
How many losses and how long were spins?
Very simple- 500 wins, no losses. Can't spin on a loss ;)

But if anyone wanted to know, I think I lost about 4 games or so. Wasn't too many.

Also, spins take 8 seconds from beginning to end. I modified the above to add that bit of info.

General Discussion / Re: Spin Information for Elder (Level 3)
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:25:34 am »
Actually, I used my version of EM Life Rush which, including spins, was about 1:20ish minutes, so a lot less time than 26 hours ;)

Still, was many hours over several days and taking the time to get the data and compile it took some time to. Figure it will be helpful in knowing, with more accuracy, what AI3 is capable of generating.

General Discussion / Re: Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.
« on: September 02, 2010, 12:20:50 am »
Just a quick look at how this study adds up with the info from the spin data-

Healbow: 80.12 sec. / Game, 23.678 electrum / Game.
8 seconds to spin all spins. So, Healbow now takes 88.12 sec. / Game with spins.
Average electrum per Game with spins: 24.25
Electrum/game: 31.62
Total electrum/game average over time: 55.87

In one hour, Healbow can then get 41 games with spins. Therefore, with that many games, Healbow can generate 2291 electrum / hour with spins.

Another way of looking at it, Healbow can get enough electrum in 39 minutes to upgrade a card.

The above is just an example of how important this data can be to people looking to spend their time grinding. ;)

General Discussion / Re: Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:25:59 pm »
1. Here is a link to the spin data I compiled. There is useful info there that can be used in conjunction with this study.

Spin Data (,12094.msg160827#msg160827)

2. This is really impratant actually. Currently, Elder is the best place to grind for score. Given that, having knowledge of the most efficient decks availiable is very important. I can't see how this info is not important to be honest. jmdt has done a lot of work for the betterment of the community and this info has already helped many others I know of.

General Discussion / Spin Information for Elder (Level 3)
« on: September 01, 2010, 10:21:57 pm »
Figured there are those out there that might be interested in this info, so here ya go! Just keep in mind I am no statistician! ;)

Elder Spin Information

Games played: 500

Total amount of spins with matching first two pictures: 521   
(This number includes rares since the first two pictures still generate +5 electrum, regardless of the third picture.)
Electrum from paired spins: 2605

Spins with no cards won: 322
Total amount of electrum won from matched pair spins won: 1610
This number only represents the amount of electrum won from just matched pairs of spins.

Cards won: 199 (including rares)
Rares won: 20
Electrum won from cards sold: 9520

Games with no spins: 141
Games with successful spins: 359
Games with 1 spin: 223
Games with 2 spins: 112
Games with 3 spins: 24

Games with no cards won: 328
Games with cards successfully won: 172
Games with 1 card won: 150
Games with 2 cards won: 20
Games with 3 cards won: 2

Relevant Information from the above data

**Average electrum per game with spinning: 24.25

*Each set of spins takes 8 seconds.

Amount of total electrum won: 12125
Percentage of electrum gained from cards: 78.5%
Percentage of electrum gained from matched pairs: 21.5%
Percentage of electrum won from only matched pairs of spins: 13.3% (Only counting spins with no cards won)

Successful spins per game: 1.042
Percentage of a successful spin: 34.7%
(A successful spin is defined as any spin that wins, including spins with only matching first pairs and spins with cards won)

Percentage of a game with successful spins: 71.8%
Percentage of games with 1 successful spin: 44.6%
Percentage of games with 2 successful spins: 22.4%
Percentage of games with 3 successful spins: 4.8%
Percentage of successful spins with no cards: 64.4%

Percentage of cards won per game: 34.4%
Percentage of games with 1 card won: 30%
Percentage of games with 2 cards won: 4%
Percentage of games with 3 cards won: 0.4%

Misc. notes

Longest streak without winning a card: 11 games
Longest streak without winning anything (cards or paired spins): 5 games
Longest winning streak for winning at least one card: 6 games
Longest streak for winning something on spins: 11 games

List of cards won

Vulture x12
Firefly Queen x11
Devourer x10
Fire Bolt x9
Lycanthrope x8
Poison x8
Ice Shield x6
Guardian Angel x6
Blessing x6
Photon x6
Chrysaora x5
Parasite x5
Fate Egg x5
Pegasus x5
Reverse Time x4
Parallel Universe x4
Ice Dragon x4
Boneyard x3
Chaos Seed x3
Procrastination x3
Emerald Shield x3
Virus x3
Nova x2
Déjà Vu x2
Otyugh x2
Devonian Dragon x2
Armagio x2
Lightning x2
Freeze x2
Heal x2
Momentum x2
Wyrm x2
Mind Flayer x2
Solar Shield
Short Sword
Black Dragon
Sapphire Charger
Forest Spirit
Stone Skin
Skull Shield
Ice Bolt
Fire Shield
Thorn Carapace


Arctic Squid x4
Eternity x3
Miracle x3
Morning Star x2
Druidic Staff x2
Vampire Stiletto 
Owl's Eye

Notable mentions

Quantum Pillar
Emerald Pillar

General Discussion / Re: Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.
« on: September 01, 2010, 04:39:39 pm »
this thread is great...should definitely be stickied once its really well organized and such.
i'm surprised how much better your EM rush is than the competition...i'd make it if i cared about score
Yeah a stick would be nice.

Once I finish the unupped section, I have a pretty large analysis planned.  I have all the upped data built into a spreadsheet already that lets me calculate score and electrum per hour with and without spins.  I will post all thisand some commentary later.
Making a topic about your deck analysis on kong forums would be a great idea also than so many players would read it than know which deck they would most likely use aginist lv3's.
:life shall rule the world buhaha.
IMO, as much as I occsionally love helping newbs on Kong, I think a link guiding them here at most would be best. What I'd like to see are more rounded players making their way here to this site.

If there is sentiment about the color of the life bar, I wonder if everyone also loves playing the guessing/calculating game on adrenline? Would love to see that figured in the color coding (hehe, little pun), although I understand how adrenline works, so I understand if it's an issue to code it.

General Discussion / Re: Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.
« on: September 01, 2010, 01:52:04 am »
 (unupped) No Land Stompy (,11029.msg145428#msg145428)

Test conditions: 50 games, muted, no spins, as few clicks as possible, vs'ed Elder.

Sec/game: 84.48, Sec/Turn: 11.03, Clicks/Game: 21.9, Clicks/Turn: 2.859, Score/Min: 10.270, Elec/Min: 10.483
Time overall (min.): 70.4 (4224 seconds)
Score: 723
Electrum: 738
Wins: 45
EMs: 3
Losses: 5
Avg ttw: 8.511 (450)

This deck is very subject to CC and bad draws. All losses came as a result of poor draws or heavy CC. In several wins, the games went beyond the 8th-9th turn due to CC. Just something to watch for if one should wish to run this deck.

General Discussion / Re: Win Time Study - Pro Stats for Pro Grinders.
« on: August 31, 2010, 11:57:25 pm »
We know the probability of winning a card in a spin. We know the value of cards in AI3 decks. We can easily calculate the average revenue generated by spins.
Well, this seems like a good way to prove your argument, SG.
Yeah, I'd be interested to in these statistics.

Honestly the only way to do this right is to do 3-5 hour runs with and without spins with a fast EM deck and with the fastest deck, say V2 fire rush and compare notes.  That is an entirely different study though.
There's no need to do any 3-5 hour runs. The whole point is that you can do it without any actual playing, simply by using math.

All we need to do is calculate the average revenue generated by spins. We already have all the different parts of the equation, rest is simple math. After we get average revenue from 3 spins (for example 17 electrum) we simply add that number on top of each win.
Yeppers, doing that as we speak. I've got 230 games logged with specific data for spins and I'm going to go to 500. Hopefully by tomorrow, I'll have all stats needed from the 500 and post the info on the forums. Then we can use more specific numbers when doing the math for all the data from this particular study ;)

Say, since we can't trade cards in this game... perhaps we could sell them?    ;D

Hey, I figured out the fastest way to upgrade all your cards!  In half an hour, you can be as awesome as jmizzle7.  All you have to do, is donate $10,005.  Donating $10,005 will give you 2001 upped cards.  1977 upped cards (you keep 6 upped SoG, SoD, SoR, Chimera) convert to 2,173,600 electrum.  You'd have 692 electrum left over to play t50 and get those Relic cards you need to finish your collection.  Enjoy.   ;)
So are you saying we can actually put a $ cost to our cards? Like say I have 500 upped cards, I have the equivalent of $2500 in cards?

Saaa-weeeet!   :P

I would actually like 12 Holy Cows before I get 12 of every nymph lol.... It's pretty much the best card ever.
That would be choice! Just thinking of Holy Cows brought me back to the grand days of Cow levels in D2 ;)

Oh, how cool would it be to make the Holy Cow a Life creature? Then, with the trices, we could have a farm deck full of farm animals! (chickens and cows on crack) :P

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