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Messages - Kuross (767)

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Forum News and Announcements / Re: Elements Council - VOTE!
« on: September 19, 2010, 04:59:36 pm »
Meh, I was going to make a post on Kong members and their ability to vote, but I think Kael got to it first.

I to am a Kong member and I hope my vote counts no differently in the next election than any other member of Kong who just happens not to post a lot but still plays this game none the less ;)

But to the point....

CONGRATS to all that made council! Having been on many councils in the past, have fun and good luck!   :P

Forum Archive / Re: KOTH (slowly finding the best T50 deck)
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:14:19 pm »
I feel left out. Am I the only one who farms T50 for both score and money? (AI3 doesn't give me enough money, AI6 doesn't give me enough score)
I don't know about anyone else, but if I want to dedicate some time for score grinding, I'll play in L3. If I want electrum, it's off to FGs. If I am bored of either, I'll play T50. For me, the whole point of grinding T50 is for rares. Once I got all I wanted in rares from T50, the only reason I'd ever go back is to tinker with a deck idea and test against T50 or simply play there for a change of pace. In either instance, I wouldn't grind T50 just to grind and I wouldn't play grind decks while doing so. Maybe I am an anomoly, but many others I talk to seem to see it the same way I do.

However, that's not to say this study doesn't have merit, but I think the vast percentage of the viewing audience will be more interested in non-upped decks versus upped grinders. Most newer players graduate from grinding Elder into grinding T50 to get the rares they need (or want) to make FG decks or PvP decks or whatever they really want to build. They are going to want to know the best deck to take down T50 at an non-upped level. Granted most newer players will want to make upgraded decks for T50 just to either have it or because it's more efficient so knowing what to upgrade into will help. But it seems like decks like No Land Stompy play really well non-upped and I believe it does well in T50 so testing that deck versus other fast non-upped decks is the way to go to help newer players evolve in this game.

Just my 2 electrum's worth.

Forum Archive / Re: KOTH (slowly finding the best T50 deck)
« on: September 15, 2010, 11:29:34 am »
I agree with many of JMDT points in the above post. If I want to score grind, I go to Elder. If I want electrum, I go to FG. But if I want to get rares, it's T50 I go to.

Catch is, there really isn't reason to grind T50 once you have your limit on rares reached (for me it was 12). Sure, you can get some score or electrum and it may offer a change of pace for most veterns, but it's the newer players looking to make a T50 grinder that want this info the most so it's towards them that the study should be guided.

That said, I think the original data constraints and benchmarks should be adhered to to keep this study on track. If you change now, the previous data should be reexamined to ensure consistency in the results. Also, I am curious, do you take into consideration the time of day/week you test? I know the T50 is a lot different on a Sunday morning versus a Thursday afternoon.

General Discussion / Re: Life is fun yo!
« on: September 09, 2010, 06:44:53 pm »
Yeah, I'm a Kong Dong'er and I run with jimmy (jmdt) a lot so ending up on the same team would be fun for me, but i understand the bidding can be complicated so I get if it's not so. However, if I were able to get on Team Life, would be fun ;)

Besides, I love Life... wouldn't be here without it :P

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 08, 2010, 05:48:14 am »
*deck updated on first post*

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 06, 2010, 05:19:55 pm »
For what it's worth, I tried the Oty's in the deck in place of the Mind Flayers for some time and found the Oty's competed with the Puvlys for Gravity too much of the time. So I think it's Mind Flayers ftw in this deck.

However, if you know the FG you're gonna fight next Oty's might be the best option. I knew today (for the third time in 3 weeks that I got to know my next FG battle) that I was gonna play Graviton. So I loaded up the Otys and uber pounded Graviton for an EM this morning. Felt like taking candy from a baby :P
Mind Flayer is really good for countering growth creature. They are really annoying because if you antimatter them, they can grow out of it >:D.
My bad, it wasn't Graviton, but Gemini I pounded on with the Oty's this morning. I just got done beating Graviton shortly before I posted this. :P

And yes, totally agree. I love seeing a lot of 0/6 Lobo'ed growth creatures on Graviton's side of the field  ;)

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 06, 2010, 04:13:28 pm »
For what it's worth, I tried the Oty's in the deck in place of the Mind Flayers for some time and found the Oty's competed with the Puvlys for Gravity too much of the time. So I think it's Mind Flayers ftw in this deck.

However, if you know the FG you're gonna fight next Oty's might be the best option. I knew today (for the third time in 3 weeks that I got to know my next FG battle) that I was gonna play Graviton. So I loaded up the Otys and uber pounded Graviton for an EM this morning. Felt like taking candy from a baby :P

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 04, 2010, 06:49:07 pm »
Yeah, that's my fear to. If we fill deck with too many cards, it will fail on draw alone.

Although I do like the Parasite option. It can whittle down some bigger creatures well and it's costs are non-primary quanta for the deck to work.

Modifications I dig:
    -2 Ultharids, +2 Mind Flayers
    -1 Imp. Steal, +1 Steam Machine.
    -1 Miracle, +1 FFQ
I am a fan of the Supernovas though. Going all towers certainly has it's benefits, but immediate gratification of quanta is huge with this deck since having that fast boost can make or break the game. As for the last modification, I'm doing it since I've had little difficulty with EM'ing when I do it and most of the time I have had a miracle in hand, I'd rather have had a FFQ. Since FFQ can be easier to lose versus Hope, 3 FFQ's seems to be better while still keeping the card count low.


-I might try Bloodsucker to. Will have to experiment to see.
-Unupgraded Hope may be easier to cast by 1 :light, but Hope upped is huge with it's reduction of 1 damage. That can make a huge difference, and has for me, in games.

Keep the feedback coming though, I love it!!

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 04, 2010, 01:33:21 am »
Rainbow is a bit of a race. I was able to get a quin'ed Ulthrid early and put up my defenses enough to EM him my last run through.

That felt good ;)

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:36:11 pm »
Steal needs to stay, then it stays ;)
No need for the steal, since you can just destroy everything anyway, you also need to keep up your Hope most of the time so you can't steal a shield anyway.
One thing I've done with the steal (when I was waiting on a pulvy) was I had Hope in play, a second in my hand and a steal to work with. So I stole the FG's (I think it was Fire Buckler) wall, then cast my second Hope on top of it, thereby destorying the FG's shield in a roundabout way. Still, was nice to steal Octane's Farty Gas and use it against him  ;D

But I do believe Imp. Steal in this deck is more a situational card and not necessary to the synergy of the deck.

+1 Karma for the new popular FG grinder.
Thanks bigtime btw! Totally appreciated ;)

Rainbow Decks / Re: "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 03, 2010, 11:26:06 pm »
Thanks for all the replies!

Yeah, gonna add the Steam Machine fer sure. I'd say it's 50/50 at best to beat out a Diamond Shield with Pulverizer, but you guys are right when it hits and gets Pro'ed, it's done. I did notice this version of Hope defense still has issues with Scorpio, but it definitely pawns Octane ten times better than RoL/Hope did.

Gonna keep working on it, but I'll update the the deck as it develops. Ima might switch the Imp. Steal for the Golem though. I don't like adding any more than necessary if I can help it, but if the consensus is that Imp. Steal needs to stay, then it stays ;)

Keep the feedback a comin'!

Thanks  :)

Rainbow Decks / "Skittles" taste the rainbow!
« on: September 03, 2010, 06:39:27 am »
Deck Helper comment: 
This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now.  Use at your own risk.

Yeah, been saving that name for a little :P Would have called this deck "Hopebow," but, meh, am tired of hearing XXXX-bow names.

First, I apologize if this has been done before. I don't post decks here simply because it seems every idea I get, it's been done before. Hoping that's not the case here, but I suspect it may be.

This is a work in progress so feedback would be cool. I started playing against FGs with RoL/Hope and was moderately satisfied with the results. Then I switched to CCYB because I was tinkering with rainbow'esque decks. What I noticed was I liked rainbows for versatility and I loved RoL/Hope's awesome defense. What either lacked the other had. So I figured let's see what would happen if I combined them.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5if 5if 5if 5oj 5oj 5oj 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 6u7 6u7 77f 77f 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7h2 7k4 7k4 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80h 8pj


Okay, after going though many versions (thanks greatly to dragoon!) this is the version I've found the best success with. I've played many games vs the FGs and I didn't keep a record of all the battles specifically, mainly due to changing the deck up here and there, but I can say this version is the most consistent.

Now, like any deck, this deck has bad days with draws. No deck is immune to that. Also FGs can be very strong given their advantages. Sometimes you can get an iffy hand and the FG just smokes you. These aren't excuses, but simple reality when fighting FGs. But, this deck does well against just about every FG with the notable exception of Dark Matter and Scorpio. They can be beat, and I've beat them with this deck, but it's not a good match up IMO.

At some point in time, I'll post actual win/losses with all the bells and whistles of each match as soon as I get to it. But in my testing and actual playing, this deck has all the fun RoL/Hope has with the control of CCYB. One thing about this deck is it's another (IMO good) deck that one can use when grinding FGs and have fun doing it. The biggest thing I've noted though is the amount of EM's I get. It's uber easy to pull off EMs if you time everything right ;)


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