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Messages - Kuross (767)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Auto-grind
« on: September 27, 2010, 02:43:08 pm »
I feel this would turn out to be my AI vs the game's AI in an all out battle of which algorithm wins using decks as the median. All I would need then is to have the results of my matches emailed to me! It's on par with having a remote to get the TV remote that's 3' away from you on the couch :P

General consensus here- 'tis a no-go  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Cards you'll most likely win from the spin vs FGs
« on: September 27, 2010, 02:37:19 pm »
for all the time i spent playing RoL/Hope trying to get my revenge on DG, i didnt get a single morning glory but i did get everything else though
lol, might be me then... it's the card I got the most from DG. It got to the point that I've probably sold more Morning Glory's than I have at the moment.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph Metamorphosis
« on: September 27, 2010, 01:21:43 pm »
I say "yeah, a nymph! .No matter which one I get". Of course, I´m more happy, when I get a nymph I like.
Maybe I ´ll find a deck for it.  Maybe zanz makes a cool card I can use with my nymph.
I agree with you that nymphs should be kept and I hold on to all mine in the hopes I can use them usefully one day.

However, I spend an enormous time talking people out of selling their nymphs because they neither see the use of them or they they just don't care. Granted most of them are newer players, but that begs the question- if these are really nice Christmas presents from Santa Oracle, then why is it an almost knee-jerk response for new players to sell them when they get them? It's either because they are not powerful enough to warrant use or they hold on to them with the hopes of making a deck with one someday, but never really do due to their lack of playability. Everyone I chat with about nymphs tend to agree that if they had more of one or another they'd use them more often. But since most people who have multiple nymphs usually span the elements they can't use them and they just sit on the shelf collecting dust.

Perhaps the problem is that nymphs are not powerful enough in general. If we're going to have a creature that takes months and months to get it should be uber enough to use. Otherwise, most nymph's only purpose is bragging rights on the chat. For this reason I say either make nymphs more uber or make them more playable. Since I feel most people would be more opposed to making them uber, then making more playable is the next logical choice. Otherwise most nymphs will just be epic collectors of dust in a player's library.

By the way, anyone ever just get something horrid for Christmas and feel totally ripped off? I love getting a really ugly Christmas sweater instead of that toy you spent months begging your mom and dad to get you for Christmas ;)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph Metamorphosis
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:43:40 pm »
The way nymphs are now, any single nymph any person ever gets is a real bonus. It's a really awesome, desirable, cool thing. When games have really awesome, desirable, cool things in them, two things happen: First of all, the game is more awesome, desirable and cool in general. Second of all, players start wanting those awesome, desirable, cool things and start asking game designers to have them. The problem is that giving those awesome, desirable, cool things to people suddenly makes them much less awesome, desirable and cool ... and that's bad for the game.
With regard to the underlined- how? What exactly is the bonus if they are not uber or epically powerful?

If it's a matter of collecting for the sake of collecting, then put something in game that is completely mundane and innocuous and give nymphs some shifting ability. That way people can actually utilize a playable card in the game without having to grow white hair trying to get ones they can or want to use.

The sentiment here isn't "they're so rare that I gotta collect them all" but one of people saying "I got this nymph and because it's not one I can use it's completely worthless to me at the moment."
If nymphs were meant to be used for collecting-only purposes, then making them playable would not have been part of their creation.

I believe Zanz meant for these nymphs to add flavor to the game while giving people something to work to get by logging in every day. A reward so to speak for the time to actually log in and keep playing and those that have logged in more have had a greater chance to get one of these cool cards. However, I think people feel more punished than rewared when they get a nymph they don't want or can't use for whatever reason and I believe giving those players a chance to shift their nymphs is totally acceptable. It won't disrupt their rarity and it won't disrupt gameplay. It will only enhance everyone's gameplay experience.

General Discussion / Re: Cards you'll most likely win from the spin vs FGs
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:28:09 pm »
Seems most peeps run RoL/Hope decks early on in their FG grinding career so Divine Glory tends to be a crowd favorite there and thus, at least in my experience and in others, "Morning Glory" are a common win card.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph Metamorphosis
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:17:52 pm »
Let's all just be clear on one point: rarity =/= power.

Nymphs are not uber. Nymphs are not game breakers. Yes they can be strong. But they are subject to CC just like any other creature. Most of the sentiment against making them more fluid is that people will make some uber deck that no one can beat if they don't the have nymphs to counter them. That is not true simply because the game is balanced enough to be able to counter any new deck theme that comes from being able to shift nymphs.

Yes, some people have multiple nypmhs of the same element. Any one here actually fear those people as a direct result of their nymphs? No. It's because those nymphs are not as powerful as many are making them out to be. I agree, nymphs have power. But are they so uber that having multiple of one in a deck makes that deck too powerful? No.

I honestly don't see what is so wrong about allowing shifting of nymphs. It would only open up the metagame and that is only going to lead to better things. There was mention of longevity for the game. By allowing more deck choices you allow for longevity as a result. Anyone with CCG experience knows that the more choices in deck construction people have the more likely those people are to stick around.

I always hear about grinding and how it sucks. The pinnacle of grinding in this game isn't Elder or False Gods. It's logging in every morning to see if you're lucky enough to merit a nymph. I promise you it is easier to grind 2,000,000 score than it is to get 20% of the nymphs.

Again, I'll say it. the nymphs are not so uber that they can't be beaten. Not once has anyone in this thread said there should be more nymphs, only that people that have actually won one should be able to change their nymphs to something they can use. Thus their rarity stays intact, but their useful increases. I see nothing wrong with this in any way shape or form and I hope people opposed to this idea, or similar, see the positive aspects this can bring to the game.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph Metamorphosis
« on: September 27, 2010, 12:32:41 am »
I really hate to be a Debbie Downer but I just want to reiterate that I really think this is an absolutely TERRIBLE idea. No offense intended at all, I think it's great to talk about different ideas to improve the game. I just think that if you take the single best prize that exists in the game and suddenly make it much less special, you really REALLY hurt the game a lot. If this change happened, I think I would enjoy Elements MUCH less and that it would have MUCH less long-term play value.
I don't understand how it would undermine the game at all. If anything, it would be a boost to deck possiblities and thus create a more dynamic metagame. Also, I think it's safe to say few, if any, have 12+ nymphs. There are players that have been playing this game for over a year and still don't have 12 nymphs or even 8-10 for that matter. This suggestion looks to make nymphs more useful instead of less. Most people thatwin nymphs don't, or can't, make use of them because the ones they have aren't either in the element they would use them for or don't have an amount to satisfy a deck's requirement. Allowing those that have stuggled to win a few nymphs be able to change them up a bit to make cool decks is nothing but an incentive to others to collect enough to make cool decks themselves.

I don't know about you, but if one averages one nymph a month from the oracle, it would take 12 years to get all the nymphs necessary to make all the decks possible with nymphs included and that's a bit longer than I would expect to play to collect them all. Maybe they're people out there willing to do that, but I am not one. I'm sure the intent was to make getting nymphs really hard, but having to wait 12 years to get them all seems a bit ridiculous. Even at 12 in a year seems just a bit overkill, but at least you know people would be dedicated enough to the game to diligently log in every day in that year's time to get the nymph's.

Long story short, be able to shift nymphs from one element to another for a cost seems completely reasonable.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: New Upgraded Card Names (Suggestions)
« on: September 26, 2010, 03:25:25 pm »
I gotta say I like this idea myself. I'm for a little game flavor and some of the ideas DrunkDestroyer suggested are pretty cool IMO.

Unstable Gas --> (Unupped to turn into Unsettled Gas, Upped to Unstable Gas)
Fun thought, unupped version of UG: "Spicy Mexican Night"  upped into of course "Unstable Gas"  ;D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Nymph Metamorphosis
« on: September 26, 2010, 03:18:34 pm »
But encourages people to ask for rare farms.
One of the reasons why I´m against this.
You can't win nymphs from a farm (spins) so I don't know how this matters.

I am for the idea myself. You've already done the "work" at getting a nymph, why not have an ability that changes it into something you can use. This idea doesn't make getting them any easier, it simply makes it more useful for having them.
Say you have to spend 1500 (or some other random price) to change one Nymph into another. Not only would you need less nymphs overall, but you'd have the flexibility to make more decks. Thus instead of trying to collect 144 nymphs to have them all (6 normal + 6 upped * 12) You'd only need 12. As everyone is accutely aware of getting 12 nymphs is, in and of itself, a rather epic undertaking. Getting 12 may be easier than collecting all 144, but at least it's somewhat in the realm of possibility to achieve in my lifetime.

General Discussion / Re: Shard of Gratitude
« on: September 24, 2010, 07:10:03 pm »
I have 25 unupped SoGs :(
Dunno what to do with them. Maybe if there were a trade system... But then again, I have a playset of every card :D
Perhaps do what I do... collect enough to upgrade one card from the sale of all your useless shards ;)
(300 shards sold at bazaar = 1500 electrum)

I plan on upgrading one of my Nymphs with the extra shards I have. Currently I'm sitting at 152 extra shards. Only 148 to go!! :P

I say the appropriate counter to a flying weapon is to make a card called "Flying Sheath"


General Discussion / Re: 12 elements 12 months
« on: September 24, 2010, 03:12:43 pm »
I would guess the elemental breakdown per month would greatly depend on where you live.

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