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Messages - Kurohami (1044)

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84 ... 87
Multilingual / Re: Oh Canada!
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:54:59 am »
Despite being a Canadian, I'm always confused about how people pronounce "Tim Hortons", strange, eh?

Multilingual / Re: Oh Canada!
« on: March 25, 2010, 12:22:28 am »
One more Chinese Canadian here, we never worry about man count, eh? And use chopstick to eat pizza is way too easy, I use chopstick to eat sandwich and drink double double coffee, that's the way to go, eh?

Life is the process from birth to death.  Life is a state in which we breath, move, consume nutrients and reproduce. The purpose of life is to carry on our genetic material, thus keeping our species alive. The meaning of life is to find values in what we do. Is this good enough? I didn't plagiarize anyone, this is my definition of life.

How about me? ;D I'm not so busy with school stuff at the moment and I think I understand life quite well. I don't have a fully upped life deck yet, but I will have one soon.

General Discussion / Re: "Mark of X" Cards
« on: March 24, 2010, 12:12:46 am »
It's destroyable/stealable?

General Discussion / Re: "Mark of X" Cards
« on: March 23, 2010, 11:47:50 pm »
Then what;s the point of have them upped if they act the same ways as pillars?

Humor / Re: OMG! They used elements of Elements!
« on: March 23, 2010, 02:11:48 am »
Now I see the humour :D

Humor / Re: OMG! They used elements of Elements!
« on: March 23, 2010, 01:42:05 am »
Honestly, that site is badly designed, I don't think their game would be much better either. And, are you sure this should be in humour section?

Life / Re: Thorn Carapace / Spine Carapace
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:12:00 am »
Wonderful shield, upgrade's not so impressive though.
And what happened to Ohmega?

Forum Game Archive / Re: Re: Corrupt A Wish!
« on: March 23, 2010, 12:00:25 am »
Granted, but both your house and the statue is destroyed because your house is not large enough to contain the statue.

I wish to become the master of life

*Icy, how come I can't add your Super Gullibility Points?

Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:55:05 pm »
Actually, yes. In order to sit down and write those books, I'm pretty sure they used pen and paper.
Not necessarily, they might have used quills and parchments.
Sure, it all may be made through imagination, but it is definitely not "without a doubt."
For some, it might be doubtful, but for me it's without a doubt.

Religion / Re: Does God Exist?
« on: March 22, 2010, 09:11:54 pm »
I haven't missed a thing of what you said, and I've countered all of them. You did not really overrode my arguments in the above post, so I don't really need to repeat myself. I agree that it is a part of human nature to fight, but some conflicts, in fact, many conflicts are seeded by beliefs in religions. They started the conflict because they think god is on their side, and that justify whatever they do, this is foolish, you cannot deny that. One cannot justify ones actions with beliefs that are not supported by evidences. This is not my belief, this is a simple law by which the world is operating upon. The religious groups can believe whatever they want to believe, but if they do something not right, their gods won't save them from the laws. Their belief simply will not defy Justice defined by the greater portion of the people. And you said I did the same thing as the Hutu, only verbal, how? I don't recall calling anyone fools, I only said acting upon unsupported belief is foolish. Is "acting upon unsupported belief" a person? If it is, sorry, I thought it is a normal phrase used  in the English language.

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