« on: March 27, 2010, 11:54:51 pm »
I think in pepokish's reply, he is not talking about believing in god restricted him, he is talking about religion restricted him. Most of the times, one can choose how much they will dedicate into their beliefs, but sometimes not. In pepokish's case, his family is very religious, and that will restrict him from enjoying many aspect of his life. In China, most people believed Buddhism at least to some extend, but that can range from meditating every once in a while to visiting the monasteries everyday and still higher to becoming a monk or nun. Would you say meditating every once in a while restrict your life? No. Would you say visiting the monasteries everyday restrict your life? Somewhat. Do you say becoming a monk or a nun restrict your life? Definitely, a monk or a nun has to follow many strict codes, they are not allowed to drink, to consume meat, to marry or even have any romantic contact with a member of opposite sex.