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Messages - Kurohami (1044)

Pages: 1 ... 84 85 [86] 87
Competitions / Re: Vote For Winner: Short Story Competition
« on: January 28, 2010, 11:25:11 pm »
Seems like my story is really out of the play now, oh well. Just the fact that I worked three days for nothing is kind of disappointing. But you guys are the real writers, I'm just trying to get close to one. Congratulations for Silkenfist and Icebraker. Really amazing story you two produced, bloodshadow too.

Competitions / Re: Vote For Winner: Short Story Competition
« on: January 28, 2010, 01:42:15 am »
Kurohami: There is a lot of potential in the story, but you really should have run a better double-checking process at the end. There are names (Greeph?) that appear out of the blue and it is never quiet clear whether the Graviton village in the beginning is connected to the Graviton army in the later part of the story in any way.
Sorry for being a noob, but what does "appear out of the blue" mean? And for the Graviton army's attack, it has no direct connection with the village in the beginning, but as a former outpost, the troops can come from there. I just didn't see much significance to make the connection. Anyway, thanks for the critique, I was kind of mad that no one is commenting on my story, as though it doesn't exist at all. I'm a newbie writer, so there's not much in me to compete with real writers like you guys. It was fun though. :)

Competitions / Re: Vote for Winner: Best Card Idea
« on: January 27, 2010, 10:37:23 pm »
Wow, these ideas are awesome, only most of them are over-powered and would probably destroy the balance of the game. The Crusader is good though. It's basically a flying weapon.
LQTM. There's no balance in this game...there are two-card combinations that make you win the game, and it's not like it's even difficult to play said combinations. If there's balance, it's that everything is so overpowered that it all cancels out.

You can't destroy what isn't there.
Em... that's a intriguing point. But, yes, be specific. What two-card combination are you talking about?

Competitions / Re: Vote for Winner: Best Card Idea
« on: January 27, 2010, 08:52:55 pm »
It's more like a counterpart of twin universe for weapons. Well, it's awesome.

Competitions / Re: Vote for Winner: Best Card Idea
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:27:44 pm »
Wow, these ideas are awesome, only most of them are over-powered and would probably destroy the balance of the game. The Crusader is good though. It's basically a flying weapon.

Competitions / Re: Vote For Winner: Short Story Competition
« on: January 27, 2010, 05:09:41 pm »
Well done, bloodshadow, your story is actually quite interesting too.

Competitions / Re: Vote For Winner: Short Story Competition
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:29:56 am »
Not too many people are voting. The votes are very close right now. No wonder, not a lot of people would bother taking half an hour reading those "short" stories, except the authors and the admins I guess.

Elidnis / Re: Elidnis
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:23:51 am »
He is one god I have yet to beat. I haven't meet him too many times, and I lost every fight against him. I don't really see any way to prevent him from lobotomizing all my creatures.

Paradox / Re: New God: Paradox
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:14:02 am »
For some reason(probably I got unlucky), I fought him once and lost completely. He started by getting one elite deja vu and some ray of lights. on the field then kept blessing it until it had 11/11, then he used its deja vu ability, that's like the third turn. Now, he had 22 damage per turn, then he got out another deja vu, and cloned it when it has 5/5, now that's 32 DPT on these 4 guys alone, plus the ray of lights it's near 40. So, I was dead before I got any creature on the field.

Yeah, that's exactly what he did. The Nymphs are not released yet, neither is Nymph's tear. This is the only way until now. He mutate a Nymph's queen, reversed it back into his cards, and used it to make the rest of the Nymphs. The AI5 in the picture is a weak one, that's why he had time to do all that.

General Discussion / Re: I have Nymph cards now! really cool picture
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:06:55 pm »
So tell us how you did it then? Nymph's tear? You used nymph's tear to get a Nymph queen, then made the rest?  Nymph's tear is not even released yet.

Competitions / Re: Elements Short Story Competition
« on: January 26, 2010, 02:36:52 am »
Wow, this is one meaningful story. But every time I read a fiction that has something to do with change in time I get a headache, for my brain seems to involuntarily jump into the eternally looping sequence, and knock itself out. Anyways, very well done. I had to read it twice to savor how the end of the story merged with the beginning.

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