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Messages - Krzysiek K. (66)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Deck Help / Re: Need a Ferox FG killer deck
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:58:05 am »
i was wondering what deck can kill ferox fast??
Then go and try yourself in the trainer. Still, with your deck I'd say that this would be quite hard - Ferox has tendency to spam Life creatures fast and get massive amount of healing from Feral Bonds.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: "Creature Reset" card?
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:50:41 am »
But what about mutated creatures?
I guess that would work just like using dejavu effect on mutated creature - the creature has the same stats and card, but it's ability changes randomly.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: nymph trade
« on: July 12, 2010, 09:12:50 am »
ok, so zac gave me an idea. how about a trading system, but ONLY for nymphs? a nymph for a nymph. it cannot be a give away kind of thing.
So, such system would give two options:
- sell a nymph - we already have this, so this would be redundant,
- buy a nymph - a new way of using lots of cash, which would require even more grinding (which Zanzarino wanted to avoid)

Oracle was introduced as a means of getting something nice not based on grinding, so adding nymph trading would be against this design.

Card Art / Re: Sword of Solaris - My avatar on deviantART
« on: July 09, 2010, 10:21:19 am »
Wrong. You must purchase an official copywrite in order to gain what is known as Proof of Copywrite. The purchase could be $0 - $100, depending on what your copywriting. Without this, its not official copywrite. I.E. - You can't file a lawsuit in a court of law, and cannot fully protect your rights on that artwork. Read the federal laws of copywrite.
Well, not everybody lives in United States for that matter, so I was basing my knowledge on Polish law, where you get copyright automatically and all you need to defend your cause is to be able to somehow prove that you are the original author (e.g. sketches or any form of intermediate/source form should work). I assumed, that in US you get at least as much rights as here.

So, Nova is ok, immolation is not OK? Any reason? Or just because?

I guess it is because it allows a flat quanta distribution instead of heavy fire?
Immolation allows making pilarless fire rush deck, which doesn't feel like rainbow at all (and which would probably outrush rainbows in this event).

I believe you have just reached jmizzle status.
Yeah, his first jmizzle status... only 6 more to go. ;)

I remember Zanzarino saying in an interview that he doesn't want relics to have any use, so I doubt this idea would go, especially considering the fact that with such change relic farms will become very popular, as everybody suddenly will need a lot of relics.

Religion / Re: Raising a child up with your beliefs
« on: July 08, 2010, 02:09:17 pm »
Moral standards does not have to equal religion. I don't think it says anywhere in the Bible not to tear off innocent little bugs' wings, but it is a moral lesson that many parents teach their children. OF course, many moral values may stem from religion without actually being affiliated with them anymore.
For me, moral standards qualify into "beliefs" category. But strictly speaking about religion - your child sooner or later will have some beliefs in this area, so if you have strong beliefs yourself, it will be better for the family if your child doesn't have contradicting beliefs.

Religion / Re: Raising a child up with your beliefs
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:26:44 pm »
Why not? (and most likely, it couldn't be completely random, pending on the norm in your society)
Let's say it's just playing with luck. You should at the very least give it good moral standards.

General Discussion / Re: How can I become T50?
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:23:23 pm »
Winning a card from a FG is 15%.   So if you are winning, on average, 4 cards per hour, you are winning approximately 26 games per hour.... ::)
OK, maybe this was just my luck, but still, with RoL/Hope deck you can came quite close to those 26 wins/hour (and about three times as much quits).

Deck Help / Re: Need feedback for my aether deck
« on: July 08, 2010, 01:19:26 pm »
right now my deck contains:
18x Aether pillars
1x lightning
3x parallel universe
6x dimensional shield
6x phase dragon
1x lobotomizer

how would this deck go against a fg?
what should i add? remove?
This strategy won't work against most FGs. They usually have permanent control at hand, so expect to lose your shield the very moment it will be most needed.

General Discussion / Re: How can I become T50?
« on: July 08, 2010, 12:37:25 pm »
Now that's probably a bad luck streak on the spins from the fg's, but you get the general idea.
Most probably. By playing RoL/Hope against FG usually it's usually not too hard to get 4 upped cards per 1 hour (in contrary to 1 upped card per 4 hours).

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