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Messages - Krupp (4)

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: No time-counter deck
« on: February 22, 2010, 11:07:07 am »
I was talking about the fact that as i've seen till now,the only god-grinding deck[thus the most played]is heavy on time cards.My opinion,and i repeat,is just an OPINION is taht cards that have to be put in every deck to make it winning,are a bit overpowered

General Discussion / No time-counter deck
« on: February 21, 2010, 08:38:02 pm »
I've played many card games and in all of them there was a constant.

No unbeatable deck

I mean,there is always a deck to counter another one,like in scissor-card-rock game.
Instead here in elements,the possibility to play viable[and viable is an euphemism] rainbow decks takes everyone to play the time elements keeping the same cards.This is the high-level game,while with non-upgraded cards there seems to be an equilibrium.

That said,what do you think,time should be nerfed or should be done new cards able to limit it's power or the metagame is to remain like this?

Deck Help / Re: Cheap fire/gravity
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:01:44 am »
i've decided to take out gravity completely,keeping novas and quantum pillar to power up the golems

Deck Help / Cheap fire/gravity
« on: February 20, 2010, 01:22:35 pm »

 :fire element

This is my deck i've been using for 2 days.It gave me enough satisfaction[good luck,who knows] allowing me to beat some top50 decks [and not only the joke ones].

I've played many cards game,like magic and i've been a teacher for both pokemon and yu-gi-oh [don't blame me,i was paid!].This experience allowed me to understand that my deck is terribly noob-looking.I'd like to make some modifications,but please,suggest me the cheaper way to really improve the deck,as i'm saving to upgrade the houglass[not in this deck]

Thank you!

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