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Messages - Kobisjeruk (1839)

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Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: ~ Elemental Shackles ~
« on: March 16, 2011, 09:10:57 am »
positive feedback +1

flesh out the idea to make it event worthy (and beautify it please)
particularly inbetween games deckbuilding phase (probably the biggest issue here)
i am partial to NOT speedbuilding myself, that seems more tournament-ish but i dislike long drawn out event so you either need to shortened it to Best Of 3 (time interval for rounds stays at 4 days @ 4d/round)
use 7d/round and BO5 but using swiss system and event stops at R8 (2 months at most) with the biggest point gainer will be  declared the winner

also, i would like you to take some measure so that the decks wont be 'typical' / predictable as in someone posted a successful 50% Earth deck and everyone else after that who are forced to use 50% Earth copied and uses the same deck (or they can just plow through war archive and search for 50% Earth deck that are successful against majority of the field)
my suggestion is banning usage i.e. each player may ban 1 card (after the first game of course) and his/her opponent are not allowed to use that card in the next game

morte is doable, i wouldnt skip him if i were you
scorpio on the other hand is very hard, especially if you're not using electrocutor package

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: King of the Hill
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:10:02 pm »
i have a suggestion for item name swap and it doesnt fit the event title...but then again, nothing is definite, not even the title

instead of using royal artifacts (i personally have no problem if you keep it that way as a tie in with the event title), how about 'avatar' (i dont want to say pet because we already have another event with a complex pet system)
something like :-

shoes ->  Mind Flayer
robe ->  Blue Crawler
scepter ->  Steam Machine
throne ->  Toadfish
crown ->  Ice Dragon

just using Water because they have some diverse creature cost among all
OR using diverse creature types but with no confusion about which fares better among themselves like :-

shoes ->  Photon
robe ->  Antlion
scepter ->  Fallen Elf
throne ->  Immortal
crown ->  Phase Dragon

you know instantly which is better ( Photon < Antlion < Fallen Elf < Immortal < Phase Dragon )
OR using in-game rare weapon as item, again using quanta cost as point of reference

shoes -> Vampire Stiletto ( :darkness )
robe -> Druid Staff ( :life :life )
scepter -> Lobotomizer ( :aether :aether :aether )
throne -> Pulverizer ( :earth :earth :earth :earth )
crown -> Eternity ( :time :time :time :time :time )

personally, like i said before, theres nothing wrong sticking with what you've got but if you want to make it more elementsy you can use different category than 'items', this would require event name/title change but i'm sure you can still make it work
again, just my personal opinion

Auction Archive / Re: BatCountry (Gravity, Life, Water)
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:37:23 am »
no doubt backroom deal is involved here
the excuse given is silly (all you had to do is copy and switch some words) and you see right from the get go generals are bidding without asking
even the response given (the seemingly negative response) is a tactic to detract other generals from bidding
well done BatCountry!

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: Gravity Comp.
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:30:13 am »
too simplistic
can be made into a weekly tournament (please refer to this here thread (,10877.0.html)) but not quite PvP Events material

Post Your PvP Event Ideas Here / Re: King of the Hill
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:20:34 am »
i understand completely how this work and i like all the limitations involved to ensure this isnt heavy RNG/luck-based event
i tried to play out this event in my head (as i always do with any event) and honestly its quite amusing
you've given much thought about this whole thing, thats for sure

listed on Upcoming Events (,22115.0.html)

popularity voting is something you do for fun but not an actual event
there seems to be 2 phase in this 'event', the popularity voting and swiss should clarify if that is the case

in any case, event requires one to actually participate in PvP duel(s)

voting = NOT a PvP event
PvAI = same as above^

Auction Archive / Re: Rastafla
« on: March 14, 2011, 07:37:24 am »
oh blondie

once a trollbid, always a trollbid <3

Rainbow Decks / Re: Cloaked dragon rush (against FGs)
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:25:56 am »
it was fun while it lasted

tobi, if you're reading this, please edit your original post so that no newbies will get frustrated when they get owned after trying the combo and getting roflstomped by FG with any form of PC

thank god
i had no diss shield in my build but many desyncs happening smells fishy when some other matchups (including mine) went on smoothly

if this is a pvp bug/glitch, hopefully some countermeasure will be taken to ensure we dont have another PvP doll issue especially now that the bigger event (WAR) is just around the corner

Metamorphosis / Re: RULES
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:33:22 am »
I think the Rules might be a tiny bit confusing there.

It's hard to explain simply I guess.
a big no-no: having difficulty explaining how the event works

as the event creator, everything seems to work perfectly in your own head but bear in mind we're NOT linked by some psychic network or whathaveyous

oh, i get the gist of this event, you started with a deck (and a mark) and by the end of a round, your deck will be completely different and by the end of the event, you will have completed a set of marks (based on your alignment)
unfortunately, as easy as understanding the big picture here....everything in between is quite the opposite
every single step require attention to details and that can lead to error, confusion, frustration, negativity etc
and that is not what we aim to achieve here

i will reiterate; the idea is interesting and fun but unless you can make the process flow go smoother, this is not going to go off

Build a deck of any size (from 30 to 60 cards) using exactly 6 different cards.
- Pillars count towards this total.
please clarify this section^ in relation to this sectionV
- When you win a game, you must swap out 2 groups of cards in your deck for the same amount of a different card. For example, you have 4 lightnings and 3 boneyards in your deck, which you swap out for 4 fireflies and 3 rustlers.
so pillars/pendulum count towards the (total) deck size...but not the 'different cards' or is it?
does swapping out 2 different groups involves pillar/pend or would you swap pillar/pend separately?

your battle result example isnt clear enough....not when all you got is pillar/pend
provide actual event-legal decks and show us what you meant for real (with the step-by-step game-by-game switcheroo and whatnot)

hows this? take note at yellow colored comments

Game 1 : WIN
Code: [Select]
4vi 4vi 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vn 4vn 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 55v 55v 55v 55v 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oiswap : -4 flying -4 nova, +4 charger +4 c.dragon

Game 2 : WIN
Code: [Select]
4vi 4vi 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vl 4vn 4vn 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 55l 55l 55l 55l 55o 55o 55o 55o 55v 55v 55v 55vswap : -4 discord -2 antimatter, +4 accel +2 pulvy
(-8 entropy pends, +5 earth pend +3 gravity pillar <== IS THIS LEGIT?)

say i want to increase the deck size (by 1) due to winning, it says i can choose to increase/decrease the size of a group by 1 card, does this mean i will have to stay with 10 pillar/pend all through out the match while increasing other group of cards? because if not, that means pillar/pend is also its own group and by definition, it has to be among the 6 different cards type during the initial deckbuilding process which means unless you're going mono and playing with just pillar (OR pendulum), you have limited yourself to just another 5 different card groups (or 4 if you use 1 group of pillar and 1 group of pendulum, less if you decide to go with a combination of differing pillar/pend)

new deck for Game 3 :
Code: [Select]
4vi 4vi 50u 50u 55k 55k 55l 55l 55l 55l 55o 55o 55o 55o 55v 55v 55v 55v 562 562 562 562 58v 58v 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa(^just showing how the deck will look like for Game 3 after all the swapping shenanigans)

now, looking at just that Game 2 can you not be confused?

let say everything is fine and dandy, you've decided not to mess around with all that increasing/decreasing deck size shenanigans, keeping it at 30 and you won Game 3 with that big pile of mess that you call a deck
time for another swap
swap : -2 mutation -4 BH, +4 iridium warden +2 momentum (-2 entropy pend, +2 earth pend <== going by the argument that pillar/pend isnt among the 6 different cards grouping)

Final Deck (or rather starting deck for next round, please replace the term 'Final Deck' in your battle result example as not to cause anymore confusion) :
Code: [Select]
55k 55k 55l 55l 55l 55l 55o 55o 55o 55o 55q 55q 562 562 562 562 58v 58v 596 596 596 596 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa(good luck trying to win with this bad, i didnt think of actually trying to morph into time element...just assume i was going for something legit and an actual mark just to keep my face value tyvm)

Auction Archive / Re: SnoWeb (Darkness, Entropy, Time)
« on: March 12, 2011, 09:27:04 am »
his second cousin's twice removed father in law fought hitler but who cares about his family tree or neighbours
this is snoweb mother-effers! respekt

gives me a chubby seeing darkness among that selected few
not sure if it was a tactical option or you're actually wanting to  go to the dark side

this and rasta's app tempted me to participate....must....resist!

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