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Messages - Kizer_Zone (6)

Pages: [1]
kizer_Zone 1
jednorozecCZ 0

Introduce Yourself / Hello awesome world of Elements
« on: April 02, 2011, 12:38:34 am »
Hey im sorta new to elements ive played off and on but recently ive found

enough time to acually play the game xD. Besides elements im interested in

magic the gathering and found elements to be a better more accessible game.

I be came a member to take part in the fate tourny and now im going to try my

luck in the eve of dragons tourny, heres goes to that and enjoying a wonderful game
 Peace :P

Yay! dragons!! i'm defiantly looking forward to this one xD

War Archive / Re: War betting - Win 10 upped Shards!
« on: March 28, 2011, 06:51:15 am »
 :earth :gravity :death :entropy :aether :air :time :light :water :underworld :life :fire

kizer_Zone 2
Doc_Moore_J 0

lotsoflaughs 2
tymalous 1

Pages: [1]