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Messages - Kirchj33 (974)

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 82
Forum Game Archive / Re: Elements Mafia 22 - Hosted by TStar
« on: October 02, 2011, 02:51:36 pm »
Terroking - 8 (calindu221, 1world24, philipapw, Jocko, PlayerOa, Zblader, majofa,7_Deadly_Sins)

Zblader - 1 (1chase1997)

philipapw - 1 (kirchj33)

Propaganda Archive / Re: War #4 - Promoting Your Element
« on: October 02, 2011, 02:56:22 am »
Is there a time limit on this?  Matrim is too lazy to post.

Time / Re: Shard of Readiness | Shard of Readiness
« on: September 30, 2011, 04:40:32 pm »
Pretty fun deck here:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 6u8 6u8 6u8 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 8ps

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.29
« on: September 30, 2011, 12:27:56 pm »
It doesn't nerf firestall. Like, at all. A normal Firestall will still be very strong against a majority of decks. However, if you notice, it does introduce a whole new category of counters to Firestall: decks with massive healing, some PC, and hp-increasing cards. Like Shard of Divinity. You can no longer commit yourself to only Bolts and Fahrenheit for offense, because if you do, then your damage cap is not so high, and even moderate constant healing will outstall you, eventually. I can see a lot more Stall Faster-like decks (phoenixes coupled with high quanta flow, Fahrenheit and Bolts is a powerful all-around deck) but Stall Faster is not as strong as Firestall, in general, and is more prone to abuses. Heck, The Immortal is going to be considered a hard-counter to firestall...
I agree a rework of Stone Skin is needed. See my previous posts.
Yep.  I feel like a reduction in fire bolt's damage may have been a better short term solution, but as zanz mentioned, it sounds like there's a bigger long term plan that needs a cap.
I don't quite understand what you consider a stall, then, if you exclude "decks with a lot of shields and CC"...
Meh.  I'd call those a form of 'control' decks, but everyone has their own definitions.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.29
« on: September 30, 2011, 11:16:02 am »
Great patch zanz.  Whether or not some of these changes are effective or not, it means the world to me that you, as a developer, are putting real effort into balancing the meta.

Well, the best FG grinders don't really use many SoGs and surely aren't dependant on it.
First, let me say that on this list (,25609.msg349339#msg349339) of the top 10 FG grinders, 7 use SoG, I would say 4 of those 7 are dependent upon them, the exception being the 3 RoL/Hope variants, which probably just function differently without it.  I agree the new patch provides several new deck ideas and options we are yet to see.

Now, let me shift my focus entirely to PvP, as this is certainly where the meta and balancing matters most.  I want to bring up some "bigger picture" meta points that others have not yet brought into focus.

The deflag nerf is needed.  However, this is also an indirect nerf to pvp rainbows, especially unupped.  What this means is that discord becomes stronger as people are more reliant upon monos and duos.  EQ also receives a buff, but I find that generally EQ is fairly balanced and can be worked around through quanta splits and intelligent playing.  All perms receive a soft buff via the rainbow nerf.  I believe among the most significant of these is Dim Shield.  One nice effect however, would be an indirect indirect buff to gravity and momentum.  In conclusion, I believe discord needs a nerf as a result of this patch.

Quanta cap at 50:  Goodbye most popular methods to stalling.  Except, I don't feel this actually does much to nerf firestall.  It will still be annoying as hell in arena, and it will still be annoying as hell in PvP.  It will simply be played as a troll deck now, with the possibility of killing through fahr.  It will still be strong.  Other bolt based decks will not.  Diss shield is pretty much unaffected.  Stone skin will not be "strong".  Stoneskin was pretty poor to start with, as you had to commit huge amounts of quanta to using it before.  It was made viable by sanc/miracle or poison.

Which leads me to my final point.  How the meta will shift as a result to the quanta cap.  The major mechanic seen in "stalls" will now undoubtedly be poison (if you want to call poison a stall).  The nice thing about having a few effective stalls in the meta is that they are nice curveballs that prevent everyone from packing a ton of CC and shields.  These are already effective pvp strategies before removing powerful stalls.  I suppose purify receives an indirect buff as well.

These are not complaints, just points I wanted to raise.  I find the ideas to be awesome all-in-all!

One question for zanz:  Can we expect updates to take effect mid-war?  It doesn't seem like they would be ready by then, considering more shards still need to be developed and tested, but it is a possibility all teams who will build their vaults next week need to consider. 

Crucible Archive / Re: Level 1 - Crucible - Earth Card Ideas - 18 Cards
« on: September 29, 2011, 04:09:14 pm »
First time voting in a crucible.... *pats self on back*

Some of the cards are more buffs to trident than anything else, so they are more of a buff to water than earth. 

Turtle/Tortoise - This card looks awesome, maybe a bit OP.  The card art is pretty meh.
Guinea Pig - Looks like this is combining mutation + gnomeriders minus quanta production.  Fun!  But probably not all that competitive.
Earthwyrm - Helps to give earth some "hard" CC, but 7 cost with an activation fee of 2 makes this meh at best.
Superconductor - Gives some protection to exposed grabbies/shriekers, but packing a whole card that will die after two lightnings is... idk.. promising I suppose? Very specific counter card at any rate.
Mudman - Definitely more of a buff to water than earth.  Nice synergy with trident though.  I like the art as well.
Stone Guardian/Warrior - Idk what to think here.  Earth creatures are generally not all that susceptible to status effects in terms of plague, but AM is another story.  Again, not all of that competitive imo.  Hits just hard enough to be considered competitive I suppose.
Urchuchillay - Interesting idea.  I'd like to see the attack in more of a 2-3 area for a cost of 5.
Sheild/Weapon Guard - Good alternative to PA.  Art is just too poor for me to take this card seriously.
Land Wyrm - The "more damage in groups" part should be more clearly defined.  Fantastic art though.
Crystallization - "number of pillars" could be more well defined.  Give earth some "hard" CC.  Synergizes with trident more than anything.  Again, a buff to trident I think.
Arched wall - cool art, interesting concept, kind of the opposite of wings here.  Probably a lot less practical than wings, but nice against fire and air.
Erosion - Good Hard CC for a stall deck.  Synergizes well with titanium shield/SS.  Makes a mono stall a better option.
Excavate - Random card is random.
Dark Cathedral - So... gargatosis in the form of a perm?  Interesting in a dev/EQ deck.  Has potential.
Improved Barrier - Just a non-competitive card.  I don't know what it is bringing that would be useful really.
Tunneling - "Most effects" needs to be more clearly defined.  Has potential.
Alchemist's Stone - Its like a solar shield w/o damage reduction for a higher cost.  Synergizes ok-ish with SS.  I would love to play around with this and see what kinds of uses it has.  Might work nice in some duos as well.  I feel like the cost could be reduced to 2.
Gnome Mine - This card gives SS the buff it needs to become really competitive.  Earth stalls would probably run rampant with this card. 

I chose dark cathedral, gnome mine, urcuchillay and turtle, but I'm not in love with any of the options here.

Auction Archive / Re: bogtro (No Bans)
« on: September 29, 2011, 12:04:04 am »
Toe-tally.  I almost smooshed my keyboard.

Auction Archive / Re: Sevs (Time, Water, Aether)
« on: September 28, 2011, 11:53:03 pm »
Earth bids:
8 cards

Auction Archive / Re: Onizuka (Gravity, Air)
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:46:55 pm »
I just gave up on life.  This is getting ridiculous.

*shoots self*

Auction Archive / Re: Onizuka (Gravity, Air)
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:01:08 pm »
Earth bids:
8 cards

Auction Archive / Re: CCCombobreaker (Darkness Death)
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:50:47 pm »
Earth bids:
3 cards

Auction Archive / Re: AnnaMall(no bans)
« on: September 28, 2011, 07:20:16 pm »
Earth bids:
1 card

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 82
blarg: kirchj33