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Messages - Kael Hate (3661)

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 306
There was evidence sent to me that showed that Fire had made more effort to come to a resolution.
Napalm and Sevs both said that there were complications with both sides and would like to duel after the line rather than going to ruling.

I asked both teams to front then and there to duel. The original opponent tttt, was able to duel and neither was Sevs.
Napalm was ready to play if a game could get done right then and there. It could not be done so I ruled based on the aformentioned effort shown by fire.

Fire was given the win without salvage. Play on.

War Archive / War #3 - Round 14
« on: June 28, 2011, 03:49:14 pm »
There will be 2 pairings this round covering 2 days of deckbuilding and 2 days of dueling.
Discard for losing this round is 30.
Aether will receive the Bye for being in last place

Team Death :death has been Eliminated
Event Card:

There is no Event Card for this round.
The Card scheduled for this round is
no longer functional and it is decided
there will be no replacement.

Duel phase has started
Teams have to build decks for all players who are fighting during this round. Decks are to be posted on the secret team section. Team Deckbuilder starts the topic, and all team members participate in the planning. Please do not post your decks in public or talk about them in chat.

All decks must be made ready before the timer goes to zero, after which editing deck post is strictly forbidden. Failure to have all the decks ready will lead to a severe card penalty, and/or automatic losses. It is highly recommended that all team members double-check their decks before the duels start.

Round has ended
Duel phase starts when deckbuilding ends.

PM your opponent and try to find a time that suits you both. Time Zone Converter ( might be useful here. If you cannot find a time when you are both are online, please contact Warmasters (;sa=send;u=293,3167) Kael Hate or ddevans96 immediately. If the match doesn't happen, you both lose by default, unless one of you is clearly more active and/or more flexible.

Duels are "best-of-three", you must use the deck and mark built during the previous phase, and you cannot make any changes to your deck or mark during the round.
Please make sure you record your duels correctly.


Opening Standings:
RankElementVaultDuels (4)TotalWinLoss Mod
1:entropy Lt. vagman13vs:underworld Gen. Sevs
2:entropy Gen. Zeruvs:fire Gen. Napalm Grenade
Good luck and have fun!

Round 13 / Re: ~~ War #3 - Match Results and Countdown ~~
« on: June 28, 2011, 02:04:48 pm »

Outnumbering all other teams does not constitute a bye and will not affect them if they are now in last place.

General Discussion / Re: Open Letter to Potential Platinum Leaguers
« on: June 27, 2011, 10:55:44 pm »

Lol, Locked.

Don't dare threaten action that is in anyway an abuse of the forum.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: A few details about T500
« on: June 27, 2011, 07:34:58 am »
Its Awesome when an idea spawned starts to grow.

Thanks Zanz if you took my idea, Thanks Zanz if you didn't and the same thing came to you.

War Archive / Re: War #3 - Round 13
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:34:13 am »
Pretty crazy round. If people who are fighting know the time of the battle beforehand, please post it here with big bold letters. My current timezone sucks big time, but I'm hoping I get a chance to see a battle or two.

Also, I added 4 more rounds to "Battle Results" section.
Thanx SG

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: What's the matter with t50?
« on: June 26, 2011, 11:32:21 am »

I wonder if it could be your account's age.
How long ago did you start?

War Archive / War #3 - Round 13
« on: June 24, 2011, 07:55:40 pm »
There will be 4 pairings this round covering 2 days of deckbuilding and 2 days of dueling.
Discard for losing this round is 30.

Event Card:

Players who defeat their
opponent 2-0, can salvage
additional 3 cards.

Duel phase has started
Teams have to build decks for all players who are fighting during this round. Decks are to be posted on the secret team section. Team Deckbuilder starts the topic, and all team members participate in the planning. Please do not post your decks in public or talk about them in chat.

All decks must be made ready before the timer goes to zero, after which editing deck post is strictly forbidden. Failure to have all the decks ready will lead to a severe card penalty, and/or automatic losses. It is highly recommended that all team members double-check their decks before the duels start.

Round has ended
Duel phase starts when deckbuilding ends.

PM your opponent and try to find a time that suits you both. Time Zone Converter ( might be useful here. If you cannot find a time when you are both are online, please contact Warmasters (;sa=send;u=293,3167) Kael Hate or ddevans96 immediately. If the match doesn't happen, you both lose by default, unless one of you is clearly more active and/or more flexible.

Duels are "best-of-three", you must use the deck and mark built during the previous phase, and you cannot make any changes to your deck or mark during the round.
Please make sure you record your duels correctly.


Team :death Death have accidentally edited their deck topic after the deadline. They admitted it noe rather than have it come to light later. Penalty 12 cards.

Opening Standings:
RankElementVaultDuels (4)TotalWinLoss Mod
1:entropy Lt. vagman13vs:death Gen. MrBlonde
2:underworld Gen. Sevsvs:aether Lt. pikachufan2164
3:aether Gen. Higurashivs:entropy Gen. Zeru
4:fire Gen. Napalm Grenadevs:underworld Lt. tttt
Good luck and have fun!

Can we use Indeterminism to create results?

Have you ever been unable to feed yourself?  (Postpuberty, I mean)
I've lived in Poverty.
I made an effort to get out of it.

How about you?


I fear somehow I agree that humanity as whole does indeed deserve a wipe-out.
... Or at least a "reset" of biblical proportions.

Then again, we are in the situation we are in and being realistic about it probably
carries further than abstract theory.

All I am saying is that the "weak" ones are weak for a variety of reasons.
Not many of those reasons can be traced back to the doings (or non-doings)
of the weak ones themselves.
For the most part, they seem to be weak because others became strong
while riding on their back. Then those strong ones gave birth to even stronger
ones who got to flourish under most favourable conditions while taking further
advantage of the weak ones.
Generations later all that is forgotten ... the "American self-made man" has
indeed done everything himself it seems. He has "no idea why black people
are at a disadvantage when they have all the rights I do." He is happy about
a 20% increase of his stock-portfolio. Okay, most of that portfolio comprises
petrol-firms and arms-producers but "why is it my problem that those diaper-
heads in Iraq and Iran had to bomb Manhatten and now they're stuck in a war?"
He spends 140$ dollars on a "business"-lunch and responds to the beggar in
front of the restaurant asking for a buck: "Get a job!"
... The beggar is the son of a factory worker who worked in a factory of the
rich mans father for 20 years, who then got fired when the place shut down
and who forced himself onto his wife numerous times while being drunk.

Society, in some countries, tries to care about the "unfortunate" in the form
of programs and welfare ... a drop of water on a hot stone, or "ineffective"
as some might call it. I prefer the term "insufficient".
Those who are fortunate, all too often forget whom they owe it to when
questions like "Is living a life of luxury while others starve immoral?" arise.
Nice Story.
Have you ever lived in Poverty?
You get over it or you die.

Sorry, I had to travel to work.
I don't expect some morralistic rich folk to feed me if I cannot feed myself.

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blarg: vagman13,Sevs,Zeru,Napalm Grenade,MrBlonde,pikachufan2164,Higurashi,tttt