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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

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General Discussion / Re: The 7th card - no use for it?
« on: February 12, 2010, 09:14:50 pm »
I like to keep 7 or 14 (or 7 and 7) cards of a type so that even if I have 6 in my deck, I can still see the card in the bazaar and while upgrading. However, other than that tiny bit of convenience it is useless. I also wouldn't recommend it if you need more electrum to upgrade your deck. That's more important that a little convenience.

P(0 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.0837...
P(1 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.280...
P(2 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.350...
P(3 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.2102...
P(4 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.06467756...
P(5 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.010...
P(6 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.0007...
P(7 towers in first 7 cards) = 0.0000177...

Issue Archive / Re: Mark of Fire! Now in card form?
« on: February 10, 2010, 05:20:15 am »
Wow Puppy. You don't read before posting? (Or you don't see the picture?)

You don't seem to understand how mono aether works. You would take damage the first few turns until you are about to die then you start using Dimensional Shields one after the other. Almost all the time you would have enough Dimensional Shields to last until the end of the game and because you have this invincibility for all this time, you have all the time in the world to break down Bone Walls.

Adding Life for Adrenaline only, serves to dilute the effectiveness of Aether by first needing another type of quanta and secondly needing creatures that are not immortal, which are vulnerable to being infected, and which need immortalising. Basically, that's 3 cards (creature{has to be Phase Spider}+Adrenaline+Quintessence) to create a creature that attacks 3 times when you can instead have 3 immortal creatures with the same effect.... I realise 3 immortal creatures would cost more to play in terms of total quanta but they deal more damage and they do not have the problems of needing all 3 cards at the same time to work effectively.

There may be a point for Parallel Universe of Adrenalined Phase Spiders but again you need so many cards at the same time to make it work.

What's with all the thinking? Mono aether unupgraded has always beaten Incarnate. You don't even need lobo. It's probably not 100% win because you could have bad draws but it's close enough.

You don't want to kill Incarnate's creatures because it could mean feeding Bone Wall and, while you could play a Bone Wall yourself, Incarnate's Graveyards would mean your Bone Wall will fall down faster than its.

Anyways Aether wins hands down because:
    Immortal creatures means Retrovirus and Bloodsucker are relatively harmlessDimensional Shield means no more damage from its creatures and no more healing for Incarnate from its VampiresImmortal creatures not dying means constant pressure on its Bone Walls which it cannot keep up sustainablyIf you have Lobotomizer, you can use its ability to stop Retrovirus from dying and feeding Bone Wall. It also takes away the Vampire ability but you really shouldn't be getting hit towards the end anyway so that doesn't matter.

I click the images (which would take me to the image in original size I would think and I know it's not a direct link to the image) but I get an error. I have tried various browsers (FF IE Chrome).

For FF I get the error "Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." An offered solution is to allow cookies which I do.

Am I the only one who experiences issues with this?

I click the image links but they don't work.

General Discussion / Re: Finally had enough
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:37:21 am »
yendorii: It's not only about win rate. You could have a terrible win rate but a deck that leads to quick games and result in a better outcome. Or you could have a 100% win rate (not really possible I know) but have each game take 20 minutes or something. You can see how win rate isn't the be all and end all.

Archived Decks / Re: Untouchable Rares Deck
« on: February 07, 2010, 12:29:38 am »
I was using a similar deck before. I found the utility of protecting permanents is pretty low. You could just add a few more towers to counter any steals or explosions of them. Yes, you get more vulnerable to quicksand but it's not worth it just to counter that. Similarly, people don't pack many explosions or steals in their decks. Having to protect all SoGs against 1 or 2 cards is not worth it.

Surely there is no legitimate reason (other than not bothering to upgrade in the trainer) for the light pillars.

Also think about upgraded Sundials. You make light quanta anyway and you generally would make more than 2 per turn. Also the card draw means adding them doesn't make your deck any slower most of the time. Yes, they can get stolen or exploded but the 1 turn of not attacking can help you heal up or get the necessary light quanta to cast a miracle in a dire situation.

General Discussion / Re: Finally had enough
« on: February 06, 2010, 11:25:48 pm »
That's the way this game is. You're not meant to finish it in a few hours like most other flash games. If you think you stating that you wish it to be otherwise would change things then sadly you are mistaken.

I would like to also say that you have gone about this wrong. You should begin addressing your concerns with the issue as a suggestion rather than an ultimatum.

I know I may sound harsh but I've seen these types of sentiments all to often and nothing has changed. Rather, I'm trying to be nice and say quit if you have really "had enough" because it isn't going to change.

Perhaps part of your frustration stems from you not playing well. FGs have become harder but there are decks that can be made to grind them even if unupgraded. If played right you can probably upgrade a card an hour or two.

General Discussion / Re: What the...
« on: February 03, 2010, 12:41:27 am »
Yeah, it doesn't stack with the mark you start with if it is upgraded. I still feel it is worth it for the extra quantum.

General Discussion / Re: What the...
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:18:57 am »
It is currently a prize for winning tournaments but one can also get it if won from slots as it is a card itself. I personally won it AGES ago.

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