Duo-Decks / Re: Vampire Dagger versus Morning Glory
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:32:09 pm »
I admit I have not tested this deck but I cannot see how you can "consistently" beat Divine Glory.
First of all, it has 200 HP while you have 100 HP. As you clearly mentioned in your earlier example, if you both had the same amount of attacking creatures/weapons you would both get damaged at the same rate (not counting eclipses). You would have to have double its weapons to kill it at the same rate it is killing you. I recognise that this can very well happen because you have 12/30 chance of drawing a damage-dealing-thing while Divine Glory has a 12/72 chance which is less than half of 12/30 but I would think the chance is too close for any consistency.
Secondly, you state your creatures are cheaper but you don't see that the double draw and the 3* mark makes that point moot. Divine Glory makes more quanta and can also destroy your Towers so it doesn't matter that you get cheaper creatures.
Thirdly, it has Miracles. The only way to consistently avoid Miracles is if you save cards in your hand (which would be at least 2 creatures/weapons or just an eclipse). Now as I mentioned earlier, you have to have double the amount of damage dealing things to actually kill it faster than it kills you. That's more improbable because you need to save cards to avoid it using Miracle.
You stated that Vampire Dagger beats Divine Glory with apparently the same theme. That is entirely incorrect. Firstly, you are really comparing Vampire Daggers + Vampires against Morning Glories only. Secondly, it is hardly the same theme as the entire point of Divine Glory is to kill you with creatures that you can hardly do anything about. Any sort of creature control totally destroys a Vampire deck.
One last point: you are fighting the AI which uses a predetermined deck. Unlike yourself, Divine Glory is far from using the optimal deck. You can see it always has a tonne of Light quanta. It can easily fit in some Light Dragons and/or some Holy Flash. You may think Light Dragons would go against its theme but I consider Light Dragons to be something that you can hardly do anything about. I don't see Light Dragons making this deck worse in virtually any case.
First of all, it has 200 HP while you have 100 HP. As you clearly mentioned in your earlier example, if you both had the same amount of attacking creatures/weapons you would both get damaged at the same rate (not counting eclipses). You would have to have double its weapons to kill it at the same rate it is killing you. I recognise that this can very well happen because you have 12/30 chance of drawing a damage-dealing-thing while Divine Glory has a 12/72 chance which is less than half of 12/30 but I would think the chance is too close for any consistency.
Secondly, you state your creatures are cheaper but you don't see that the double draw and the 3* mark makes that point moot. Divine Glory makes more quanta and can also destroy your Towers so it doesn't matter that you get cheaper creatures.
Thirdly, it has Miracles. The only way to consistently avoid Miracles is if you save cards in your hand (which would be at least 2 creatures/weapons or just an eclipse). Now as I mentioned earlier, you have to have double the amount of damage dealing things to actually kill it faster than it kills you. That's more improbable because you need to save cards to avoid it using Miracle.
You stated that Vampire Dagger beats Divine Glory with apparently the same theme. That is entirely incorrect. Firstly, you are really comparing Vampire Daggers + Vampires against Morning Glories only. Secondly, it is hardly the same theme as the entire point of Divine Glory is to kill you with creatures that you can hardly do anything about. Any sort of creature control totally destroys a Vampire deck.
One last point: you are fighting the AI which uses a predetermined deck. Unlike yourself, Divine Glory is far from using the optimal deck. You can see it always has a tonne of Light quanta. It can easily fit in some Light Dragons and/or some Holy Flash. You may think Light Dragons would go against its theme but I consider Light Dragons to be something that you can hardly do anything about. I don't see Light Dragons making this deck worse in virtually any case.