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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22] 23 24 ... 28
General Discussion / Re: What have you won from the Oracle?
« on: February 22, 2010, 08:41:49 am »
I do believe we have 1/12 chance of winning nymphs. Since it has been around 16-18 days since oracle was released, most people would have 1-2 nymphs.

General Discussion / Re: Do noobs get better spins?
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:38:20 am »
um... jumba, this thread hasnt gotten a straight answer yet. you cant start classifying people as noobs because they have a nymph, even then, there is still a chance a pro can get a nymph, even if this thread is right. im pretty certain jm has a few nymphs, and hes one of the least noobish players there is so far.
Wow! You seriously do not see that I was joking?

General Discussion / Re: spinning
« on: February 20, 2010, 04:32:59 am »
One would only use Spin once when one needs time to note down or get more time to see what spins one gets. I don't really see any other purpose.

General Discussion / Re: just adding 2 cents on card draw
« on: February 19, 2010, 08:50:43 am »
As we all know, it is rarely the case that programmed random events are truly random but in terms of long term distribution it should still be random.

There could also be other factors. Perhaps your deck has too few pillars. You also probably have confirmation bias as Essence mentioned.

I do feel there is some cyclic thing going on in the random generator thing where we could potentially get in a cycle of repeated events and continually get the same result. I had a situation where basically every game I would get 2 Stone Towers within the first 8 cards (note: confirmation bias) when I had only 4 Stone Towers in my deck. I took away 2 Stone Towers and still I kept getting the 2 Stone Towers in the first 10 cards or so.

I also feel there's something going on right after one makes a deck because I keep seeming to get multiples of some cards in the first draw even if they are uncommon in my deck.

If my opponents wouldn't die so soon, it would be possible for me to do infinite damage with a time deck. Do you want me to demonstrate the concept? :)

Oh, and question: Is a mono deck allowed to feature more than one type of pillars? Like aether pillars for my Anubii? (Anubites? Anubisses? More than one Anubi?) I can do my trick without, but it'll take longer.
The maximum damage a mono-time deck can do in one turn is 142 ((13+5+4)*6+2*5) or 134 (if Animate Weapon cannot be used) not considering Fate Eggs. Infinite Deja Vu is a nice idea but there is limited field space.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Game mechanic questions
« on: February 19, 2010, 07:24:32 am »
The attacking order of creatures is decided by when they came into play. The creatures that were summoned earlier will attack sooner than ones recently put into play.
That is incorrect. There is a set order depending on the position on the field. The exact middle card attacks first and so on with the order going with the order of when they would come into play but any disturbances to the order or replacements are not considered, i.e., if your middle creature dies and and you play a new creature (which would take that spot), that new creature will attack first even though you have other creatures that have come into play earlier.

General Discussion / Re: Do noobs get better spins?
« on: February 19, 2010, 04:52:10 am »
That means you're a noob Puppy.  :P So am I since I have 2 nymphs as well.

I think everyone will be happy if we classify people with nymphs as noobs and people without nymphs as pros. Am I right?  ;)

General Discussion / Re: What is the most useless rare weapon (when upped)?
« on: February 19, 2010, 12:48:56 am »
You know if you had Guardian Angels and Red Nymphs around, used any HP gaining card (Like Blessing in your example) on any creature/weapon, and used Liquid Shadow on that creature/weapon, it would be the same usefulness.

Similarly, you could do the same thing with Vampires. In fact it would be a lot better generally with Vampires.

In determining what is least useful you cannot just limit your perspective and compare between weapons. A huge part of what makes Vampire Dagger the least useful is the fact that Vampires exist as creatures. Vampire Daggers are only useful where the extra HP of flying Vampire Daggers is crucial and worth the added difficulties of flying Vampire Daggers or where 6 Vampires is not enough. Basically, it is useful on very rare and limited occasions and that is why it is the least useful.

General Discussion / Re: What is the most useless rare weapon (when upped)?
« on: February 18, 2010, 09:11:49 pm »
Druidic/Jade Staff beats Vampire Stiletto/Dagger in almost every way really. If you want to talk about using Adrenaline it makes it even better because they are both Life cards.

Duo-Decks / Re: Vampire Dagger versus Morning Glory
« on: February 18, 2010, 01:22:35 am »
I guess we have differing opinions on the style of Divine Glory. I think of it more as creatures that can't be touched hitting you to death. Vampire Dagger with Eclipse does make it out of reach of an Elite Otyugh but generally rainbows or other decks have other creature control, e.g., any sort of mutation, or reversal/rewind/eternity which can apply regardless of HP, as well as permanent control to destroy the Eclipse(s).

Light / Re: Miracle / Improved Miracle
« on: February 17, 2010, 11:24:37 pm »
From the oracle is the other way.

General Discussion / Re: What is the most useless rare weapon (when upped)?
« on: February 17, 2010, 10:37:51 pm »
theres no useless rare weapon...they all can be used for purposes that pwn the other weps
This poll isn't about what is useless. Obviously nothing is useless. It is about what is the most useless.

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