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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

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Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament March 6 Game thread
« on: March 06, 2010, 05:13:06 am »

1. Terroking        5000 Electrum and Auburn Nymph
2. Jumbalumba   3000 Electrum
3. PuppyChow    2000 Electrum
4. vrt                  1000 Electrum

Forum Archive / Re: How to make the best possible rare farm deck
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:07:06 am »
Here's a totally random thought about shard farming: It's a worthwhile reason to collect 6 upped and 6 unupped shards.  Put a shard farm together that's just 6 unupped shards, 6 of the same shard upped, and some pillars.  Sure, it doesn't increase your actual odds of winning, but at least when you do win, you get the same result either way.
Can't have more than 6 of the same card. Yes, they are the same card (according to the game).

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:22:04 am »
ginfred is accepted as well

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:12:20 am »
Spielkind is accepted into the Battalion of Gravity (it was arranged/discussed privately and not just taken from the above message).

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 04, 2010, 05:09:31 am »
As you may have noticed, I am the new  :gravity Master of Gravity :gravity .

PhantomFox is joining me as part of the force of Gravity!

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 01, 2010, 09:41:21 pm »
Urgh now we are all going to be limited (at least somewhat) by elements?

Anyways, I'd like to be part of gravity.

Life / Re: Adrenaline / Epinephrine
« on: February 28, 2010, 06:31:17 am »
I would not think it is random but the number isn't a whole number. It could be 1.5 rounded to the even number (which is the correct way to round).

Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament February 27 Game thread
« on: February 27, 2010, 06:12:21 am »

Final results:
1st cokeandaspirin 5000 electrum + Mark of Death
2nd PuppyChow 3000 Electrum
3rd Jumbalumba 2000 Electrum
4th wassd13 1000 Electrum

General Discussion / Re: Coin Reward System is Backwards
« on: February 27, 2010, 04:05:34 am »
Your score should have increased by 57 I believe. The 30 extra is probably from looking at your points right after you begin the fight against the False God.

I guess I was wrong about the points = money gained thing in all cases.

After a test it appears points = money gained - the cost of losing to the lower level opponent (with the exception in the case of False Gods)
So for False Gods is points = money + 15
For Half bloods it is points = money - 15
For Top 50 it is points = money - 10
For Level 3 it is points = money - 5
For Level 2 or lower it is points = money

So the hypothesis was probably put forward really early in the game....

Forum Archive / Re: Anti t50 deck
« on: February 26, 2010, 05:34:58 pm »
Either rush or quanta denial will work well. The best would be rush decks as games would finish faster.

A Fire deck with Earth mark is the best in my opinion but I personally would not use Fire Spirits.

Issue Archive / Re: Adrenaline versus Freeze
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:51:06 am »
I'm not sure about Fahrenheit because it's a bit weird in that its face attack value isn't its real attack value but Devourers do steal more than once per turn with Adrenaline. I do believe certain cards with Adrenaline were given specific effects in order for them not to be overpowered so it's not always once per 'attack' but it is always more than once per turn.

General Discussion / Re: nymphs are so shit
« on: February 26, 2010, 04:05:51 am »
Either this is a joke or you are missing the point of Nymphs completely. They are not meant for rainbows and, for the most part, are not meant to be used on their own.

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