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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

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Forum Archive / Re: grinding top 50 for bout 6-8 hrs str....
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:41:12 pm »
Haha! So you got 1/3 of cards solely from me? (Unless, of course, other people are running relic farms as well.)

Tournament Archive / Re: Eastern Tournament March 20 Game thread
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:42:01 am »
Jumbalumba 2-0 wassd13

Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament March 20 Game thread
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:08:35 am »
For brackets go here:

1. amilir                  5000 electrum + Purple Nymph
2. aryxo                  3000 electrum
3. xdawnbydeath   2000 electrum
4. acelink                1000 electrum

That is quite limiting in my opinion because an image can distort and subconsciously limit ideas.

I feel we could (also) have a competition whereby we have no images nor descriptions of images at all and concentrate solely on what the card does.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Card Usage Statistics
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:01:54 pm »
I sort of agree with Essence. Trying to balance everything takes too much effort. There's no real problem in having cards that are relatively unpopular. As long as elements are balanced and there's no real super tactic then it's fine imo.

As is I would say rainbow is still far and away too popular however I don't think nerfing it is the answer. I'd prefer buffing monos some way because people will complain that they can't even get 50% win against FGs anymore or at least it would be more difficult to even achieve that.

On the topic of Graboids, I think we should look at Lycanthrope/Werewolf to balance the costs. I do think Graboid is overpowered in comparing with Lycanthrope/Werewolf. Unupgraded Graboid only takes 1 for +6/0 while upgraded it only takes 1 for +8/1. Lycanthrope takes 2 for +5/5 while Werewolf takes 1 for +5/5. While Werewolf appears to add more in total, the reality is attack power is much more useful than HP; +8/1 is much more useful than +5/5. It should be obvious that +6/0 for 1 is easily better than +5/5 for 2 in the case of unupgraded versions both in terms of addition per quantum and general usefulness.

Also, for 2 Lyncanthrope/Werewolf are 1/1 pre-ability and vulnerable to being killed. Graboids are 3 for 2/3 and not vulnerable (shields aren't going to kill it before it evolves anyway).

I do not see any real synergy between Dark and Entropy that makes Lycanthrope/Werewolf any easier to play than Graboids. Yes, Nova/Supernova can help but a mark will do the job of lycanthropy just fine as is the case for Graboids and evolving.

This is actually pretty interesting to see... Especially the ones about useless cards (relics).
Kind of makes you wonder if people read half of the cards they use x,x
I made a relic farm before so I don't think that's ridiculous at all. Although people might not be in top 50 they might still have a decent chance of finding their friends or their multi account in PvP random....

No another note, how are people using Phoenix and Fractal?

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.21
« on: March 17, 2010, 02:09:42 am »
Man, I don't get why there is no love for mono life. It has been proven to be just as fast as the shrieker spam deck, and it is extremely easy/inexpensive to build.
Too many people obsessed with mono-Earth imo. Both mono-Fire and mono-Life are faster yet many people still think mono-Earth is faster.

Verified for my side (as in not opponent). I even found out that after destroying the/all Eclipse (with Nightfall still in play) then playing another Eclipse led to an increase in 1 attack to all affected. So this could be done indefinitely (subject to card constraints).

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.20
« on: March 14, 2010, 07:51:24 am »
It's 5 everywhere I think. I've tested with FGs, HBs, Top50, Level 3 and level 2.

HBs were marginally better than Top50 for electrum previously imo but now I think top50 is better.

Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament March 13 Game thread
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:09:45 am »

1. metahater      5000 electrum and Nymph Queen
2. Belthazar666  3000 electrum
3. plastiqe          2000 electrum
4. Acelink           1000 electrum

I like to read recent posts to catch up on what has happened since I last was at the forums but it is quite annoying now with all the posts from Forum Games that take up a huge amount of space (especially the ultimate quote pyramid thing; the Evil vs Good thing was annoying due to the quantity and frequency of posts). So, if it is possible, I would like the personalised option of choosing what can be seen in the recent posts.

If that's not directly possible then is there some way to subscribe to certain parts of the forum where the new posts are in a nice collection (and not something like sent in emails for each individual post)?

Jumbalumba vs jmizzle7

Game 1

I didn't really know what to expect but I thought otys and firemasters would counteract any antimatter due to their ability to gain attack and otys will mop up his creatures after an Unstoppable. However, it turned out playing otys was too slow. Discord slowed me down and mutations stopped otys. So I lost because of lack of creature control.

Jumbalumba 0 - jmizzle7 1

Game 2

I thought I'd pack more otys for more consistency and an extra tower for better quanta. Didn't really do much difference...

Jumbalumba 0 - jmizzle7 2

Game 3

Seeing that otys don't work I decided upon Gravity Force for control. This worked beautifully and this game was quite one-sided.

Jumbalumba 1 - jmizzle7 2

Game 4

Seeing as jmizzle7 never played a creature with more than 5 HP, I decided to ditch the Gravity Shield. Instead I put in extra Armagio and SoGs as defence in the case that he did play upped dragons. This game was pretty lame because jmizzle7 decided to go for a stall+shield->laying down all his dragons for the kill. Stalling was mutating my creatures and antimattering them. Unfortunately for him, he just didn't have enough damage to get through all my defence plus I killed some of his dragons with Gravity Force. In the end, I was lucky that I put in extra cards to have the same amount of cards in my deck as him. He went second so he decked out.

Jumbalumba 2 - jmizzle7 2

Game 5

Seeing as the Armagios really didn't do much because they got mutated anyway so their tanky HP was useless I decided to scrap them. Instead I put in some Unstoppables to bypass shield. This game was disappointing because I only really got 1 Firemaster out going through half my deck (2nd one came when I was virtually dead with 7 HP left). Bad draws made me lose.

Jumbalumba 2 - jmizzle7 3

jmizzle 7 wins

Thank you Scaredgirl.

I will endeavour to continue to do my best and let's hope we can arrange more new and exciting events in the future.

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