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Messages - Jumbalumba (328)

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Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament Apr 24 Game thread
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:02:28 am »
Format: No playing permanents other than Pillars/Towers. Upgraded cards allowed.

Prize winners
1. Justsoneguy 5000 electrum + Mark of Air
2. antagon       3000 electrum
3. ziom2150     2000 electrum
4. test0290      1000 electrum

Congratulations PhantomFox. I personally didn't expect to get such a proportion of the votes considering my inactivity so I am gladly surprised by the support.

I agree wholeheartedly and I do apologise for not being active (I'll still be really busy for half a week). Other than my recent and still current inabilities to be active, I believe I am still a good candidate for the Master role because I do help people out and I do write good quality posts.

I would not say that I have a real vision for Gravity as an element. Its current theme of, what I like to call, unconventional offence and defence is unique and should be retained. Unconventional because gravity is all about doing things unconventionally. We have Momentum to go past shields, we have creatures that can act as meat-shields, and we have a shield that hurts having bigger creatures more than it does smaller creatures.

Being unconventional is what I like to be and that's how I'd like Gravity to be.

Tournament Archive / Eastern tournament apr 17 game thread
« on: April 17, 2010, 05:13:47 am »

Prize winners
1. mafidufa      5000 electrum + Mark of Life
2. ziom2150    3000 electrum
3. Levgreee     2000 electrum
4. blu              1000 electrum

General Discussion / Re: Chaos Power Changed?
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:51:02 am »
It's +0+5/+1-6 I do believe. So average +2.5/+3. This has always been the case.

I do not think it is overpowered mainly because it is inconsistent. It is cheaper than Blessing because of this. Risk vs reward and all that jazz you know.

Patch Notes and Development News / Re: Elements 1.21
« on: March 29, 2010, 09:12:40 am »
I haven't played much at all but I have seen Hope in spins so we can start collecting new cards already.

Tournament Archive / Re: Eastern Tournament March 27 Game thread
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:37:04 am »
Jumbalumba 2 - 1 jmizzle7

Tournament Archive / Re: Eastern Tournament March 27 Game thread
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:07:34 am »
Jumbalumba 2 - 1 lokiburn4

Tournament Archive / Eastern Tournament March 27 Game thread
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:04:44 am »

Prize winners
1. Jumbalumba           5000 electrum + Amber Nymph
2. blu                          3000 electrum
3. CelestrialDreamer  2000 electrum
4. jmizzle7                 1000 electrum

Congratulations to all participants.

Deck Help / Re: pvp deck (under construction, engineers needed XD)
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:13:42 am »
There are only really 3 ways to deplete other people's resources: Earth, Gravity, and Dark. They all work pretty well although Dark does lose out against rainbows and Earth doesn't really affect Supernova usage. Gravity is not so good against non-rainbows.

You seem to like Earth so you should stick to that probably. You would want 6 Quicksand, 6 Graboids, and your pick of Basilisk Blood, Skin, or more creatures (+ towers of course). Without any other source of quanta, you would need Mark of Time. This also opens up the possibility of using Reverse Time.
I personally don't think Quintessence has much utility in a Graboid deck because of the ability to burrow. If someone gets an early Otyugh out then that's too bad I guess. Can always just stay with Graboids without evolving them.

Deck Help / Re: pvp deck (under construction, engineers needed XD)
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:46:51 am »
I really do not understand what's going on with your deck. What are you trying to do?
1. Use of earthquakes to slow down the opponents process in wasting my hp during the early stage of the game, steal and explosion works for that too.

2. Use of Protect Artifact on my Quantum Towers/Electrums, Elite Garboids are already burrowed when summoned.

3. Miracle and Granite Skin are mainly used during middle and end phase of the game, i once had my hp at 10 then used 2 Granite skin+ miracle, boosting my hp to 264 + (my earth quantum amount was about 70, hp was originally at 120 cause i used shard of divinity)
Why slow down opponents when you can speed up yourself without all those random cards and random quanta? Quicksand alone can slow down opponents enough.

Why do you feel the need for permanent protection? I know there is permanent destruction out there but why not just ignore it?

Now the last one is probably the main intention of the deck. You probably want to create a deck that gives you heaps of HP and can also play Miracle to heal back massive amounts. You can do this with a simple duo of Earth and Light. I have made such a deck previously before, it works well but it was purely a deck out deck with no damage output at all. However, one could quite easily put in some Shriekers or flying Morning Glories for some invincible damage if desired. The problem is, though, that it is really slow and quite boring after you get over the initial stage of awe of how much HP you can get and heal.

In any case, what are you trying to do? We do not know this so we cannot really help you.
As I see it currently, it was a really badly balanced rainbow which is heavily concentrated in Earth. It just seems like you want to play an Earth deck but you want all these other random things to.

You have changed to more Earth focused and it is better now but there can be improvements.
First of all, Miracle needs 12 Light to cast. 6 Supernovas give you 12 Light. You need to get all 6 to even use it. Waste of a card.
Second, you only have 2 Quicksands. Unreliable to draw. Quicksands are only good in the early game. After a while people have heaps of towers and quanta and they don't care about losing towers.
Third, nothing is going to kill your creatures consistently unless it is an Otyugh. There are better ways to deal with Otyugh than Quintessence. I just feel there is overkill on Quintessense. The chance of burrowing should really be enough really imo.

General Discussion / Re: Card win chance...
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:29:50 am »
This would be pretty difficult to program.

It could also lead to a different effect as people can more effectively create farms with less (rare) cards as long as all the other cards are unplayable.

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