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Messages - Juissi69 (32)

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Orc | Elite Orc
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:57:03 am »
Ok ill increase the cost but now i gotta go to school.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:44:44 am »
Ok so the card is now UPDATED. Check it out and also look at the Note box.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:37:49 am »
Yes i get the idea now... But when you cut a head off it, doesnt it go in rage? So it gains +2/+0 because two heads have regenerated. Btw im now gonna change the Hydra card so it says "damage"....

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hellhound|Fiery Hellhound
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:34:54 am »
9270984 if you think so check my Hydra card u might like it. The card is now updated so check it out again and read the note box!

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hellhound|Fiery Hellhound
« on: November 02, 2010, 05:21:52 am »
Umm.. So increase the unupped one to 7  :fire and the upped to 6 :fire?? ok ill do that

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 01, 2010, 09:20:16 pm »
Hmph... dont take things so literally.. Despite of my bad english, you still understand what i mean, right? Attacking = Damaging. If you want i can change the word "attacked" to "damaged" in the picture tomorrow, but now im too tired and im off to sleep... so, see you tomorrow. Oh and btw, i already changed the Ice Hydras "attacked" word so dont worry...

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 01, 2010, 09:06:54 pm »
No no you see, now if you use rage potion on unupped you get a 13|1 Hydra, and for the Ice Hydra you get 15|3 so any spell will kill them now, and that does balance the ATK/HP rates. Do you like it now ppl?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 01, 2010, 08:45:08 pm »
Umm... You really didnt get the idea, didnt you? Lemme explain it to you. When the Hydra (Or Ice Hydra) is attacked, it gains +2 ATK BECAUSE of the tale that it regenerates 2 heads when you slice 1 head off from it. Of cource, you cant do it that when its attacked it gains +2/+2 because that would make it almost immortal exept from fire lances. Of cource you could kill it with more than 1 spell, but if you dont kill it with 1 shot it becomes more powerful. Also its very resistant to poison because it gains +2/+0 from each damage dealt, and if its poisoned by 1 poison damage, it gains +2 ATK every turns. For example, the un-upgraded Hydra lasts for 6 turns so its 6X2 to ATK wich is 12. And there you already have dealt 49 damage (Dunno if i calculated it right) within 6 turns. I dont know if this cleared up anything but still, try to understand the idea, will you? :)

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Orc | Elite Orc
« on: November 01, 2010, 08:19:59 pm »
Well, im just suggesting all the things that come up in my mind, and if im lucky ill get to Lvl 1 :) Anyways this was just a minor card thing im really working on the Hydra|Ice Hydra card now and when i was thinking of imagination creatures the first ones that came in my mind was this and the Hydra. Maybe it would be more balanced if it would cost more quanta?

PS: Can anyone teach me how to add the quantum mark on the card text?

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 01, 2010, 08:16:55 pm »
Thats a good idea, Krathos, but i already updated it so check it out again :D

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Hydra | Ice Hydra
« on: November 01, 2010, 07:50:48 pm »
Ok ill try to make it better.

Card Ideas and Art / Hellhound|Fiery Hellhound
« on: November 01, 2010, 07:48:02 pm »
7 :fire
2 :fire Howl
Double the Hellhounds damage for one turn
Fiery Hellhound
6 :fire
1 :fire Howl
Double the Fiery Hellhounds damage for one turn
Hellhound quanta use changed to 7 :fire and Fiery Hellhound quanta use changed to 6 :fire due to the balance of the other double damage turn cards. And btw for you who didnt already get it i was trying to make a Fire Pegasus here and i came up with this bcs i like fire decks :)

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