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Messages - Jonybat (14)

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: January 24, 2010, 06:27:39 pm »
Seems that we got a jump in users accessing and the hosting service is not acting as expected. It is bit slower than usual and even inaccessible at some times.

We are already searching for a solution, in case this gets worse in the future.

If any of you know any hoster that meet the following specs, we would appreciate:
- MySQL with InnoDB engine
- Free with no ads (at least in a first stage)

In the meantime, please be patient.

Thank you

Oh, and thanks Lanidrak  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Elements Statistics
« on: January 19, 2010, 04:05:50 am »
Could you make the "stay logged in" time longer? I'm using it and it's great, but sometimes to submit a stat I have to relog in.

And could you make an "overall" row? To show the overall win percentage and such?
Thanks for the comment. We're glad you like it ;)

The login time will be increased as requested. About the overall stats, that was one of the first things in the todo list, but then the register and login issues came up and it was halted.

That will be done soon :)

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