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Messages - JTWood (69)

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Issue Archive / Dust Mantle and Fahrenheit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:32 pm »

Dusk Mantle appears to say creatures and impact weapons.
I saw the same for Fog last night.

Deck Help / A Fire/Earth deck I've been thinking about.
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

I tried the basic Fire/Earth deck when I first started farming (Fire Golems, no Earth Pillars).  I found Farenheit to be weak, because you're spending too many of the quantums that the weapon relies on.  It works great in monofire, but I'd think about taking it out in here.

Issue Archive / Gravity Pull Did Nothing to Creature
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

You're joking, right?
Yeah, you're right.  I was joking.   ::)

First time, the creature didn't have momentum, and that doesn't explain the weapon (Fahrenheit).

Issue Archive / Gravity Pull Did Nothing to Creature
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

Just did it again.  Played it on an omnom, attacked with my momentumed dragon, AI took damage, omnom ate my dragon.

I tried playing a fire bolt against the AI, too, and the omnom remained undamaged.

What am I missing here?  Surely I'm doing something wrong.  ???

Issue Archive / Gravity Pull Did Nothing to Creature
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

I just played a Gravity Pull on an AI creature, and my creature/weapon kept on dealing damage to the AI directly.

This is a problem, right?  Or am I missing something here?

In-game Troubleshooting / help me farming
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

you can get all but the lobo farenhieght and polerizer from grinding AI3
I just won a Lobo on Lvl 3, and I've won Fahrenheits there before, too.

General Discussion / Are Quantum Towers Too Powerful?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

Or how about just 2 instead of 3?  No need to get crazy...

Game Suggestions and Feedback / The 500 Score Rare Quest... Is It Enough?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

you don't need more than 2 or 3 in your deck
I can put only 1 of em: thus I still miss the "2-3" you're advising.
1 is less than 2 or 3.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / The 500 Score Rare Quest... Is It Enough?
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

I'd rather just get some money every X points.  Rares are nice, but all quest rares are weapons.  You can only have one in play, so most of the time, you don't need more than 2 or 3 in your deck.  After you get those couple of rares, the real progress is in upgrading.
Flying weapon
In any case, after 500 wins I got 3 rares (+ the one from the quest), and in every deck I'm thinking of, I can put only 1 of em: thus I still miss the "2-3" you're advising.
You know as well as I do that most combos that generate one creature out of two cards aren't effective.  I know that's a generalization, but it's true way more often than it's not.

As for how many you put in each of your decks, that's up to you to decide how often you want to draw them.  I carry 2 Fahrenheits in my monofire deck.  I prefer the better odds, since I only carry Dragons as my other creatures.  If you're content to only have 1 of your rare, that's great.  My point is that you will almost never more than 2-3 of any rare weapon in any deck, because the odds of you having stale cards in your hand would increase too much with more than that.  Also, 1 is less than 2 or 3.

Issue Archive / Dust Mantle and Fahrenheit
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:31 pm »

Just to bump this, the cards do say creatures specifically.

Something should be corrected.

False Gods / Beating False Gods
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:30 pm »

Are there decks that don't require a ton of upgrades that can hang with the God decks?

I've tried monoaether and monofire and been simply smoked each time out, because all I've got are a few Fire Towers.

General Discussion / So They Fine-Tuned Phase Dragon...
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:09:30 pm »

When does Firefly Queen finally get the looked at?  I don't think its stats are particularly offensive, but it says something when it's the mainstay of so many decks out there - particularly rainbow decks.

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