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Messages - JJ 52 (242)

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21]
The only rares I dont have are morning star and SoR, but I dont need either of them atm so, unless others request them, put up other peoples first. I would also just like to thank you for the farms you have put up before, Im always glad when I see you are my next opponent! ;D

Archived Decks / Re: RoL-Hope Unionruler Variation
« on: June 18, 2010, 02:45:37 pm »
RoLs are the only upped cards this deck requires as you have no other source for light quanta and hope shield triggers. Someone in chat started this deck with just RoLs and after a few wins he could upgrade it all. After the RoLs aether towers and electrocutors are the key. Then fractals.

Many play without miracle and sogs only really help with momentum/poison and EM with the other gods that dont use such.
Actually I think the bare minimum is all 6 RoLs, 4 aether towers (rest pillars) and 2 SoGs for a total of 12 upped cards. Then again that's just an opinion.
What order would you suggest I upgrade in after I have those 12 upgrades? The deck works pretty well with just those (plus a few more towers, electrocutors, and SoGs I had from my other deck) but I can tell it would work much better with other upgrades.

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