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Messages - Irkalia (44)

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Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 03, 2010, 05:55:28 pm »
:D Light is looking pretty damned strong, yeh. Especially now that we know it has access to flying wep too.

Competitions / Re: War is coming..
« on: March 03, 2010, 05:31:14 pm »
Surprised there isn't a limit on rares too to make it more even. GL dealing with 6 SoG + fireshield with your 0 perm removal btw "good" :D

Deck Help / Re: Fungal Growth, Death-Life deck
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:03:30 pm »
I'd try removing the darkness cards and adding in a few vulture's instead. That way you can mark life for the bonds and play the rest as death.

Haven't tested yet, but my first draft looked like this;
Tested it vs ai3 and it worked ok, was fun although a little slow. Won 1 game via poison, one via Mali-cell zerg and one with a 25/26vulture :D. The loss was my fault too - I played a bonds without thinking and AI stole it and out-healed my damage, eventually decking me :P


Might be worth removing the poison's entirely and adding a second Arsenic to bring the deck down to 30 cards. Problem I see atm is that the deck's going to be pretty slow & unreliable due to needing too many different cards to come out at once. should be fun when it does work tho :)
After testing I think they might be better off removed for an Arsenic & maybe a plague

Removing life too would probably also be a good idea. Once the bonewall is up you shouldn't need any healing anyway. After testing I found that the bonewall never actually holds up, even with a full army of cells being killed off at once (for some reason the AI ended up with 3 cells left alive after the plague, I'm guessing that some managed to split before the poison killed them?). One it's down the second shield + huge healing you recieve keeps you up through pretty-much anything tho.

Trio & Quartet / Re: Spark Deck [Earth/Light]
« on: March 03, 2010, 01:07:30 pm »
Grav mark for momentums could work nicely too :)

Or go light aether and TU for an army of giant sparks :D

Deck Help / Re: constructive criticism on Graboid/mana denial deck
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:49:10 am »
Sadly I'm gonna have to agree with Plastiqe - tri decks do not make good rush decks. You need to be consistent with rush decks or your opponent will either out race you or stabilise with shields and beat you at the long game. The earth/time, grav/earth, monodark, dark/earth & entropy/grav all do the same thing you plan to but with only two elements.

& Acelink, there's plenty of synergy between aggro & creature /quanta denial - tempo decks have been around for a very long time and are incredibly powerful. The problem here is that they've been done before & better in this case.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Acelink's Adaptable Rush (Pillarless)
« on: March 02, 2010, 11:08:02 am »
From the 30card deck you posted, I'd remove the photon - you'll still have more ball lightnings than cremations whilst removing the extra card will up the chances of drawing your golem/cremation/ball lightning opener.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: A bunch of ideas for cards
« on: March 01, 2010, 07:35:00 pm »
Welcome to the forums :)

I like both ideas. The wolf should probably be a little bigger for it's cost, tho it's current form would combine nicely with the life nymph. Edit - I supposed that's fixed by the upgraded version? Perhaps add an upgraded version of each (Or unup'd if these are meant to be the upgrades)?

The colossus is cool too, and I don't think it'd be op with Eternity - you'd be paying 9 quanta per turn + giving up your draw to deal 1 damage to all enemy creatures.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Acelink's Adaptable Rush (Pillarless)
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:11:52 pm »
Ahh, I must have missed it. Well, I've not tried this kind of deck out much, but thinning it to 30 cards would be a good start. Maybe make space for the 6th cremation too, to maximise your chances of a turn 1 Golem?

Deck Help / Re: Help My Deck Building please (New to this game)
« on: March 01, 2010, 04:02:23 pm »
I run 5 quakes usually. I'd either run 0, 5 or 6 tho - you want at least one in your starting hand or they become very weak very fast.

And yeh, for fast creature rush decks you usually want to be mono as it makes you more consistent. Tho there are a few exceptions.

Deck Help / Re: What do you think of my deck?
« on: March 01, 2010, 03:56:33 pm »
You should really split that deck into two more focused decks - monolife(Or a firefly deck) & FG Rainbow.

A good place to start for a rainbow deck is,1615.0.html

For monolife there's a few decks listed here;,23.0.html

Finally there's the FFQ deck;

Deck Help / Re: Help My Deck Building please (New to this game)
« on: March 01, 2010, 03:37:58 pm »
For edits, I'd recommend removing the Quantum Pillars & all the non-earth cards (including the Hourglass) + the Gem-finder. The Earthquake should either be removed or more added depending on personal preference and what you're playing vs at the time.

There's lot's of ways to build Shrieker rush, and it works great unupp'd or upp'd, so i'll just list all the cards I swap into mine and you can mess around until you find the build that suits you :)

12-17 Stone pillar
6 Graboid
0-6 Shrieker (Don't play too many of these unless you have a high pillar count (15+))
0-2 Long Sword
0/5-6 Earthquake (Lots or none. I prefer lots for PvP, and none for t50/ai3 farming)
0/2 Diamond shield (Again, these are only good if you play a lot of pillars, can be a great help vs some fast creature rush decks)
0-6 Rewind (These work best when used with earthquakes, but are still pretty strong without them)
I've also seen a few people running Antlions and Precognitions (only in the fully upp'd versions) tho I don't have much experience trying either of these.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Acelink's Adaptable Rush (Pillarless)
« on: March 01, 2010, 03:14:52 pm »
Which mark are you using? If it's earth then a Graboid or two could be nice.

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