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Messages - Icybraker (3876)

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Oh, jesus. Don't get me started. You can't imagine how thick those bars were. It took me five hours just to saw through one of them before I realized that the gate was unlocked.

Good luck to you in the Aether trials, Pikachu! :)

Forum Bugs, Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Moar smilies!
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:17:23 pm »
If we are to do this, I wholeheartedly support adding dance.gif. It's awesome. :P

Duel.gif is pretty cute as well.

General Discussion / Re: Weekly Featured Cards poll - Life
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:11:52 pm »
Pepo's gone? D:

Oh, and Staff all the way. Flying adrenalined staves are pretty intimidating.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Corrupt A Wish 3.0
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:06:59 pm »
Granted, but you're banned.

I wish that I were Master of Aether again :O

Good to see you too.

And Gl1tch, you have more posts than I do. We can no longer be friends.

On an unrelated note, I probably won't find the time to ever play the actual game, so that means no tourneys, no wars, and no spiffy "Master of Aether" title for me. Only spamming posts and lurking like I usually do. :)

Well, here I am. :)

Yep, I'm back. But I won't be nearly as active as I was before. Thank you all so much for not forgetting me, even if you think I'm still a noob.

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: ZOMG!!! HE IS BACK!!!
« on: September 09, 2010, 07:38:23 pm »
Jesus Christ, guys! I never knew I had so many adoring fans! :P

Anyways, I am really, really sorry for my inactivity, and I'm even more sorry to say that I'm going to have to leave you.

I recently received some life-changing news and I have to do a LOT of stuff starting from now that's going to change my life. Yes, I'm being vague.

So. I'm going to have to leave you guys. It was really fun being with all of you. And who knows? When I get all this sorted out, I may be back. But it's going to be a while.

Goodbye. It was fun. :)

Off-Topic Discussions / See you all in a couple of months.
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:57:12 pm »
So I have to be on a very important trip, starting a few days from now. This trip is going to last a while, but I don't know exactly how long; it can be over in several weeks at the minimum, but it's probably going to take some months. So I'll be on leave until I get back.

I'm just saying this to give you guys a goodbye for a while. Sorry if it seems that I'm ditching everything, but it's necessary and I PROMISE that I'll be back.

Forum Games: You guys can exclude or replace me from any and all forum games. :P
War: Sorry, I have to ditch this one, too. Unionruler will be the acting Master while I'm gone; he seems to be the most active. Good luck to :aether.
Trials: They may come and go while I'm away, so feel free to strip me of the Master position and give it to someone else. I'm sure you'll find a way to handle it, SG. Good luck to the next prospective :aether Master, but don't think you'll be holding on to that position for long :P
Deck Helper: Yeah, I won't be able to do anything with this, either, so feel free to strip me of this as well and give it to someone else.

Again, sorry for abandoning you guys, but this trip is pretty important to my real life. (Yes, it's vague on purpose). I may find a computer somewhere along the line and be back for a little while, but whatever. And I promise I'll be back. If I'm not, then feel free to follow Implosion's suit and utterly destroy me in all ways imaginable.


See you all again in a couple of months! ;)

Humor / Re: Longest Joke Ever!
« on: June 21, 2010, 02:13:04 pm »

Forum Game Archive / Re: This or That
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:44:32 pm »
icybraker, of course ;)

stardoll advertisement or Diamond Jewel advertisement?

Humor / Re: Longest Joke Ever!
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:34:40 pm »
The joke is that it's not funny, but people tend to say that it's funny to make it seem like they understand.

I think.

Forum Game Archive / Re: Gradual Massacre by Gl1tch
« on: June 21, 2010, 01:30:52 pm »

What the- Nanuuk was blinded. The universe was blanketed by sheer white light, exuding outwards from Arctarael's angelic form. What was that for?

A second later, it clicked. His hands flew to his ears a millisecond too late; an explosion unlike anything he had ever experienced ripped through the entire room. Lots of things broke. His eardrums pulsed in pain, but the worst was yet to come. A shockwave of devastating energy tore through the remaining statues and rapidly approached Nanuuk. HOLY MOTHER OF-

Nanuuk shone with a gentle light that encapsulated his entire body. It absorbed the shockwave and dissipated its effects, but could not fully withstand its whirling destructive forces. He was flung several meters in the air and was unconscious before he hit the ground.

Nanuuk woke up slowly, groggily. A twinge of pain arced up his left arm and he squeaked in surprise. Well, pain means I'm alive, at least. Hopefully. He rolled to his wobbly feet and spotted Arctarael and Jonathan's forms not far off. Like a newborn deer, he stumbled over to them, clutching his arm in pain. Just then, a spark of blue caught his eye. His head jerked to the right at the sign of the spark. Hmm...

Could it be?
He broke off in a brisk jog towards the spark, which happened to be near a half-broken crevice of a wall. He knew it. He lifted the perfectly intact Glacius from the rubble, its reflective surface sending many blue sparks flying through the air. "Yes! Found it!" Nanuuk cried. Just my luck. Let's see if I still got it.

"Sanarus," he whispered. The orb on his Glacius seemed to pulse with a strange blue light, which concentrated onto a tiny point and flowed over Nanuuk's arm. He felt as though he had just plunged it into a pool of glacial water. When the light subsided, the pain was gone. "Yeah! I'd like to see someone challenge me NOW! Anyone? Huh? Yeah, I didn't think so; nobody messes with Nanuuk and his Glaciu-"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Where was that voice coming from? "You have survived the bomb. But now, you shall fall victim to Abaddon, Lord of the Abyss!"

Are you kidding me? More guys to defeat? Well, I'll take them. He spotted a humanoid shape not far off that looked to be composed entirely out of darkness. Strange, but manageable. He concentrated, and then uttered a garbled syllable. With a whoosh, several razor-sharp icicles flew with the speed of arrows, headed directly for the Abaddon person.

The icicles stopped a few feet from Abaddon and a shadow descended over them. When the shadow lifted, the icicles were no longer there. Nanuuk gulped. Uh oh. It was then that a chill crept up his bones; a chill of shadows, of darkness, and of an eternal void so abyssal, it threatened to suck the very soul from his body.

My oh my. Maybe I WON'T take him on, then... Nanuuk slowly walked backwards, fervently hoping that Abaddon did not yet spot him.

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