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Messages - IStoneI (62)

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Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Suggestion: Card Graveyard
« on: April 19, 2010, 08:37:16 pm »
you know there wouldn't have to be a "location" just an icon that could show you the graveyard. plus tokens and generated creature would NOT be put into the graveyard but just simply dissolved. complicated or not, it will have to happen eventually
What happens when I mutate your dragon, reverse time it back in your hand as a fate egg, you cast it and hatch it into a graboid, evolve it into a shrieker and anywhere along this path the creature card is destroyed?

Don't think it ever has to exist. If it did, why didn't Zanz put one in place at the begining?
does it even matter, which of these creatures is destroyed? if you mutate a creature, you mutate it into a random base crature, with random stats and a random abilty. but apparantly only the base crature is interesting for the mechanic. if you use rewind on a 7/4 skelletton with   :death :death : destroy, the player gets the base creature  (skelletton 1/1) back to his hand. same would apply to the graveyard. so it doesnt matter, which of these creatures you mentioned is destroyed. the base crature, that died is going to the graveyard and could be revived.

also, magic is not the only card game, that works with a graveyard. it is also a game, that exists how many years now? its hard to find a mechanic, that magic HASN'T used until today. if a card graveyard makes this game like magic in your opinion, what about the pillars, the monsters, the spells, the artifacts?

just thought, it could open up a lot of new options for the game in the future.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Giving Mono a Boost
« on: April 19, 2010, 03:20:45 pm »
The argument about having to upgrade all your cards to change strategies is not only wrong (unupped decks?) it's also rather short sighted. It would boost diversity and make having a Rainbow deck not such a bore (this is my opinion).
unupped decks rarely have a chance at beating false gods at all. only with luck. so no, if you want to change strategy, you will still have to upgrade a nearly comletely new deck. there are unupped decks, that can beat false gods. i played the sacredgirl variant. but they still have a lousy winning chance.

i still dont see the point of giving monodecks a boost against false gods. why not just stick with a rainbow deck against them? i personally like the idea of having decks, that are more useful in pvp (certain mono decks) and some that are good against false gods.

even if youre giving monodecks a boost against gods, there will be still gods, that are nearly unbeatable with your monodeck, while they work good against othere goods. a well balanced rainbow deck will give you a good winning chance against all false gods, so they will still be more popular in the end, i think.

unless your goal is to just make the games faster (this is often the case, with monodecks), to make false god grinding more comfortable.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Giving Mono a Boost
« on: April 18, 2010, 10:55:05 pm »
gah, get that idea of mono decks out of your head!

rainbow decks are and will allways be stronger than monodecks all around. the reason is simple. monodecks are highly specialized. there are certain decks, that a monodeck can beat greatly and some decks, that are in most cases impossible to beat with the same mono deck. rainbow decks are the opposite. in most of the cases they are building slower within a game than a monodeck, while the player is rewarded with a huge advantage in versatility, leading to a much higher winning rate against all types of decks.

also, there are many cards in this game in general, but not many for each color. so rainbowdecks will generally have a huge variation, because of the many cards they can be built on. while monodecks from the same color will pretty much always look the same. if you would make monodecks much more powerful, every player would also need to built a comletely new deck, if he wants to change his strategy. he would have to upgrade all cards of the new color instead of switching just a few like he would have in a rainbow deck. this would turn the game into an even bigger grind feast.

no thanks. in my opinion, the balance of mono/rainbow decks is perfect as it is. especially since i made the experience, that im winning as much against rainbow decks (with my fire mono deck), as im loosing against them.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Suggestion: Card Graveyard
« on: April 17, 2010, 01:40:26 pm »
i dont know if anyone brought it up before or how hard this will be to implement. but this could be something for a major update.
i would like it, if you could add a "card graveyard" to the game, where every card that has been played (in case of spells) or destroyed (in case of monsters and pillars) would be saved. that would open up the possibility of a whole lot of new cards, that can bring destroyed monsters and used spells back to your hand. (both your enemy and you would share the graveyard, so that its possible to get cards to your hand, that have been played by your opponent).

for example there could be a card, that brings the last destroyed creature back to your hand as an "undead creature" ( :death cost to play equals the amount of whatever quanta the card originally cost to play).

Nerf This Card! / Re: [POLL] Most Overpowered?
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:24:56 pm »
again, i dont think its a good idea, to balance cards on the basis of how powerful they are in the hands of false gods. i agree, that false gods are too powerful at the moment. before the last ai update, false gods have been ridicilously overpowered, but you could still beat them, by exploiting their weaknesses and better play. (for example get them to waste their explosions/pulverizer uses on your bonewalls and thus protecting more important artifacts).

but after the last ai update some of them are nearly impossible to beat. i cant remember, ever winning a match against divine glory (if thats the one with the flying morning glorys) or the one, that just nukes you in the first few rounds with unstable gas. but thats just a matter of balancing the gods not a matter of balancing the cards.

if you want to figure out if cards are overpowered or not, i would suggest, comparing them against top 50 decks.

Nerf This Card! / Re: [POLL] Most Overpowered?
« on: April 11, 2010, 12:33:51 pm »
please dont make your judgements on the basis how powerful cards are when used by false gods. false gods are extremely overpowered in terms of quanta/hp and dont have the 6 cards of one kind limit. i played games, that where impossible, because they drew 7 to 8 explosions in their first 3 turns and killed my towers and items (shields, sundials). but that doesnt mean, the card itself is overpowered.

the only things that concern me at the moment are the pulverizer and earthquake/quicksand. if any i think both costs should be raised. earthquake/quicksand to 5/4 and the destroy ability of the pulverizer at least to 3. in my experience. when i draw a trident/pulverizer early in the game its a quick win. if the enemy is drawing it early, its a shure loss (unless im extremely lucky to have a steal/explosion on hand, which is extremly unprobable in a 40 cards deck). if hes is drawing pulverizer/trident + protect artifact, i can already quit the game. i havent seen any rainbow deck so far, that can survive without items. and i just cant take 6 protect artifacts with me every time.

Card Art / Re: Since tributes are cool..
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:45:55 pm »
nice. how many art is there to come for the game? i always felt, that some of the cards arent quite finished yet in regard to their art. i was wondering, if all the upgraded cards will get their own pictures in the future in a way, that they look like a more badass version of the original card. especially the monster cards. some of them use the same picture upgraded and unupgraded, even if they are named different.

will there be changes in the future or are the cards staying as they are?

General Discussion / Re: What have you won from the Oracle?
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:20:32 am »
yeah, i even quinted it and risked to loose the game, by leaving one of my important creatures unprotected. but i just wanted to know, what it does, before the god got a chance to poison it. ^^

luckily, the game worked out pretty well. and i used the cows "special" every round  :))

General Discussion / Re: What have you won from the Oracle?
« on: April 01, 2010, 10:00:08 am »
er, what the hell?

looks like the oracle has new new pets in store, lol.

is there a way, to win this for your deck? :D

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Sundial Suggestion
« on: March 06, 2010, 07:10:18 pm »
upping sundials is almost not worth it, as it seems now. since the cost was only 1  :time before the upgrade anyway, upping them doesnt make that much of a difference. you may have better use in certain mono decks with them, but only of they are heavy on  :light

i would suggest, changing the cost of the upgraded card to 1 random quanta and keeping the 1  :light cost for the card draw.
I beg to differ -- upgraded Sundials eases the load on :time quanta for Time mark Rainbows that don't use a Miracle. That extra :time you save can be used to draw another card with an Hourglass in the early game.
maybe, but making the cost 1 random quanta wouldndt change that.  personally, i find the extra card draw much to important, to upgrade the card. it can be a life saver at the beginning of your game, when  :light is hard to come by and you cant play an hourglass yet, because you dont have the  :time or because you didnt draw one. in that case the extra draw increases the chance to get an hourglass early.

much of the upped false god decks or rainbow decks in any case, that ive seen on the forums have every card upgraded, but the sundial. as far as i undersand, it seems to be the only card, that isnt always more useful when upgraded.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Sundial Suggestion
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:57:22 pm »
upping sundials is almost not worth it, as it seems now. since the cost was only 1  :time before the upgrade anyway, upping them doesnt make that much of a difference. you may have better use in certain mono decks with them, but only of they are heavy on  :light

i would suggest, changing the cost of the upgraded card to 1 random quanta (to keep the versatility) and keeping the 1  :light cost for the card draw.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quantum mark
« on: March 06, 2010, 06:41:08 pm »
i would rather like to see a possibility to upgrade your existing marks to 2x and 3x like the false gods have, so you get 2 or 3 mana (of the same type) from your mark every turn, like the gods do.

though, this should be rather expensive an something you would buy after upgrading your deck, since it messes with the balance (especially of speed decks) by a good amount. something like 10k electum for a tier 2 mark and 50k for a tier 3 mark.

maybe even throug a card, that you couldnt grind in top 50, like the nymphs. but maybe winnable at the oracle.

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