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Messages - IStoneI (62)

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Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:27:14 pm »
i am playing with the thought to change the costs to 1 :fire | 0 again or 1  :fire | 1 random mana and making it impossible to damage your opponent by sacrificing your own warded artifacts. together with the restriction, that it can only be triggered once on stacked items like pillars and bonewalls, the cost should be justified, concidered that it only provides partial protection for your artifact and the enemy has total control over when and if he chooses to take the damage. also if you destroy your warded pillars with nyph tears, you wouldnt damage your opponent. (imagine this on a stack of water pillars).

i could also try to come up with creatures, that have the ability to put a ward on a single permanent at a time. so it could be renewed on your pillars, after your opponent used earthquake. at the same time, it wouldnt get out of hand, if someone would ward his bonewall or use nymph tears on his pillars.

alternitavely i could change the card into a shield, that protects all of your artifacts and make the cost 9 :fire | 7 :fire. if i can figure out how to do this, i will put it to a vote because it should be clear first, which type of card this should be (spell or shield), before we move on and work further on the costs and mechanics.



Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 21, 2010, 12:39:42 pm »
wow, quick replys. and some great ideas of you guys.

the card is indeed supposed to work as a one time effect. if your artifact is stolen, its supposed to trigger and then be cleared from the permanent. otherwise, if is wasnt cleared, it would be simple to abuse it with boneall. imagine 10 damage, for every layer that is destroyed. since it guarantees no absolute protection for your artifacts, like protect artifact does, i wanted to make it cheaper (your artifact can still be destroyed or stolen, after all this card does make a bit harder, but not impossible). but the damage is pretty good, so maybe changing the cost to 2 :fire | 2 random? (still would like to make it usable in other decks than fire).

of course it has its weakness. your enemy could hide behind a bonewall, phase shield, sundials or you simply can have no creatures on the table for several rounds, while he is able to regain hitpoints. this would be a moment, where he can take the risk to destroy or steal warded permanents. but thats perfectly fine, its not supposed to make your artifacts untouchable. there will be enough situations for shure, where the 10 damage would be too much to take.

the potential for protecting pillars seems nice, but i dont know if the game makes differences between stacked items (towers and bonewalls). i have to guess, that if a creature attacks a warded bonewall, the layer counts as destroyed. so the ward has to be cleared from the item, after its been triggered once.

problem if it was a permanent itself, your opponent could simply steal the effect. so although, it provides protection to all of your permanents, you would be dependent on protect artifact again or the card would be pretty dangerous to play, unless you can make it indestructible. but still, the idea is intriguing. maybe making it a shield could work (raising the cost to 9 :fire or 7 :fire, maybe even adding permanency?). because in this case, it couldnt come into conflict with bonewall.

anyway, i will start by raising the costs first.


On that note... is there a point in giving the element that already has permanent control the ability to damage others that also have permanent control?

I think it would suit an element like Death or maybe even Light. Maybe make the Death permanent poison your opponent by XX counters each time they touched your Bone Walls, Graveyards, or what have you. For light, it makes me think of a permanent named "Consecration." Matches the effect and the name quite a bit in my view.  :) Yet, Light has quite a few immaterial permanents.. so, maybe that's out. But, yes, you get the general idea of my idea of your idea (confusion intended).
i wanted to make it available for all elements, thats why the upgraded version didn't have a mana cost, originally.

Forge Archive / Re: Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:20:39 am »
since there are a lot of ways by now, to destroy permanents, i figured the game really needs new cards outside the earth element, that provide some protection for your artifacts. well, there it is. i think, it looks pretty promising.

it's working with a new mechanic, other than making your artifact immortal. also it works pretty good with the theme of the fire element in my opinion. your opponent is damaging himself by attacking you, like fire shield|fire buckler or you can place this on one of your artifacts and sacrifice it with an explosion, to inflict 10 damage to your opponent, like you can sacrifice creatures with immolation|cremation.

im also pretty happy with the card costs. 1 :fire is not to small of a price for a potential good, but not absolute protection for one of your artifacts (if youre not destroying your warded artifact, your enemy has total control over the time he chooses to take the damage to hamper you). the free cost for the upgraded version allows it for use in any deck and/or hightens your chance for an early draw)

the damage is not too much, since there are spells in the game, that inflict much more damage to your opponent, like unstable gas. at the same time the 10 damage and the 3 card combo (artifact, fire ward, destroy) doesnt make it too powerful if used with other fire spells, like fire lance against your opponent.

i was also thinking, that there could be rare creatures in the future, that can place a single ward at a time on a permanent, so it shows promise for the development of new, interesting creature cards.

i think the defensive and offensive use of the card could really add to the deepness of strategy of this game, while providing a much needed way, to protect your permanents. whats your opinion?

PS: crappy art is by me. would be nice, if someone more talented than myself would offer his skills, to make this a nice looking card for the game :)

Forge Archive / Fire Ward | Fire Ward
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:08:01 am »
    Fire Ward
    9 :fire
    If any of your permanents are destroyed or stolen,
    your opponent takes 10 damage. Can not be destroyed or stolen
    Fire Ward
    7 :fire
    If any of your permanents are destroyed or stolen,
    your opponent takes 10 damage. Can not be destroyed or stolen

    • the purpose of this card is, to counter artifact destruction, without making it completely impossible
    • please keep in mind, that the damage can be easily countered by healing (one shard of divinity allows 2 attacks on artifacts for every deck for only 3  quanta)
    • you're not able to damage your opponent by destroying your own warded permanents
    • the card only triggers once on destruction (including earthquake) or steal effects
    • one earthquake only triggers the damage once, not three times
    • it protects all of your artifacts as long as in play

    wait a minute. so it does the same than fire lance, without taking mana into account you already built up, but the cost is 9 instead of 1  and it consumes all your  :fire ? did i miss something?

    tarrasque looks good. i have to agree, that there are too many ways at the moment to destroy permanents. nice to see a possiblility to protect them without making all of them indestructable for a change. i also like the artwork a lot.

    Card Ideas and Art / Re: Suggestion: Mimic/Shapeshifter
    « on: May 09, 2010, 05:39:08 pm »

    Card Ideas and Art / Suggestion: Mimic/Shapeshifter
    « on: May 09, 2010, 05:26:02 pm »
    just came up with the idea. the mechanics already exists with mirror universe. just thought it would be interesting, to have a neutral creature (other than flying weapons ;) ). maybe it could even be a new rare.

    cheaper than twin universe, but can be killed before put to use.

    little bit higher hp decreases the chance to be killed on the spot (for example through fire shield).
    if someone would like to make the artwork, go ahead. im terribly untalented, when it comes to drawing.

    Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: gods need to dial it down
    « on: May 02, 2010, 12:59:53 pm »
    NOTE: I had 1k to start off things, ditched all gods apart from > Paradox, Incarnate, Neptune, Ferox, Destiny, Morte and fire queen
    and thats no real solution. these are highly specialized decks, that may have an over 50% chance to beat certain gods. personally i would like to have a good chance against all or at least most false gods, by having a well balanced deck and playing with good tactics. not a deck, that can nuke a handful of gods with a 50% chance.

    Osiris is already powerful enough. had a hard time against him until now. no problem for him to spam the field with scarabs within the first few turns and if he has some of them out there, they are bloody hard to get rid of. neptune needs a tweak, because he is pretty easy to kill with immortal creatures now. and making creatures immortal has become standart tactics in nearly every deck. cant remember loosing against him even once.

    ps.: im pretty shure rainbow always had eternity in his deck, but i admit, that i also may be remembering this wrong.

    Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: gods need to dial it down
    « on: May 01, 2010, 03:42:19 pm »
    i think, thats only part of the problem. the increasing number really does make it more difficult for players, but also every new powerful card, that is introduced, benefits the gods so much more than the players.

    if you think back, rainbow always was a false god, that was very hard to beat. but some new cards here and an ai tweak there, and hes nearly impossible to beat. nowdays, if you nearly have him down, he's just playing a miracle and youre back to turn 1. and he can do that as often as he wants, because he doesnt have the 6 cards limit and 2 or 3 turns and hes got enough mana. you could also beat him by surviving, until he was decking out, but since one of the last ai updates, he is using rewind on his own creatures to prevent that from happening.

    i think some gods even got additional control, because explosions and steals have been added to their decks.

    i like the system as it is. there are still new rare cards now and then, that can be grinded in top 50 games. but the idea, that there are some cards, that are really hard to get, makes it more of a win, if youre finally winning one of them.

    got my second green nymph today (fifth nymh overall :D ). wouldnt be that much awesome, if you can get them another way.

    how about the possiblility to change them for rares, that are already possible to grind, like miracle and pharao or weapons etc.?

    Game Suggestions and Feedback / gods need to dial it down
    « on: April 29, 2010, 10:37:07 am »
    i know, they are not supposed to be easy, but their amount of control became just ridiculous. the possiblility to draw two cards by default every round + no lilimation on cards of the same type just leads to the impossiblility to play artifacts in games against gods (at least not for very long). iv'e had countless games, where gods didnt even need earthquake, to win a game. they just used explosion and steal to destroy all my pillars, while playing massive amounts of creatures, to kill me within the first few rounds.

    even 6 times protect artifact couldnt help fast enough in a 40 cards deck. they would still be able to slow you down, so they can finish you off. either because you need 6 extra cards and your deck builds slower or because they just blast your artifacts until they have enough creatures on the field. (which really doesnt take long)

    until the last few ai updates, they where already overpowered, but beatable through a well organized deck and better play. but now, that they even play nearly as smart as you, they became only beatable through sheer luck. i doubt, that there are any decks left, that have a good chance (more than 40% to 50%) of beating all the false gods now anymore.

    would be nice, if they just would slow down a tad. at least on the destruction of the artifacts. there are many ways to protect creatures, but for artifacts there is only one card in the whole game, while there are now many many ways, to destroy artifacts. (butterfly effect, creatures with destroy through mutation, explosion, steal, pulverizer and trident+earthquake for pillars come to mind.)

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