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Messages - Hodari (320)

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Rainbow Decks / Re: Wiseguy's 520Hp Rainbow - Max Hp Joke Deck
« on: November 06, 2010, 10:45:39 am »
I always love playing against this with my mindgate deck... ;)

Deck Help / Re: Fractal Vamps: Quantum&weapon issue
« on: November 06, 2010, 10:16:02 am »
I'd definitely suggest using pests in there as it not only lets you play your vampires more easily but also slows your opponent down early on and can potentially lock them down completely.  Here's the version of this deck that I used(still works unupped):

Code: [Select]
7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t8 7t9 7t9 7ta 7tc 7td 7td 7td 7td 7to 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i
Lobotomizer is definitely better here than the dagger since you already have plenty of healing from the vampires

Forum Archive / Re: Why is T50 supposedly better than AI5?
« on: November 06, 2010, 03:59:07 am »
There are a few disadvantages to AI5 that make it undesirable for most people, but basically:

Compared to t50:
  the base electrum reward is only slightly higher but games will probably take longer due to higher starting hp.
  The larger and generally more varied decks mean much lower chances of winning cards from AI5.
  The fact that some of AI5's cards are upgraded and some are not even further lowers the chance of winning them
  No rare farms
  Difficulty on both can vary significantly but at least with t50, you know which deck types are more popular at any given time so  it's somewhat more predictable.

Compared to FG's
  Only some cards are upped, not all - again meaning lower chance of winning them(and especially of winning the upped cards)
  Slightly lower base electrum reward
  Generally easier, but again, more varied opponents making it harder to design decks that can grind them effectively

So basically, if you're looking for rares, t50 is better.  If you're looking for upped cards/faster electrum gain, fg's are better as long as you have a deck which can handle them effectively(and it doesn't necessarily take a very high win % against them either for this since even winning one upped card will make up for quite a few losses).  Several decks have been designed which are very effective for grinding both t50 and fg's and a deck which can beat AI5 consistantly probably can beat at least some fg's as well or at most might need some minor adjustments to make it work(in fact fractal/pest/vampire was the first deck I used for fg's and was at least decently effective for it)

Combining all of these factors, many people will probably do AI5 once for the quest and then never look at it again aside from occasionally for a change of pace when they're bored.  That being said, if you do find you're making more money doing half-bloods than the other levels or just enjoy it more, keep doing so :)

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Spell type suggestion: Boomerang
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:06:54 am »
I'm sorta on the fence on this one, but am leaning more towards a no. On one hand, the ability to bounce spells back and forth sounds interesting (yeah, MtG buy back fer shure), but I agree the endgame would abuse these to no end. Perhaps if there was a way to force a discard (and we all know that didn't go over too well last time it was suggested) it would be a viable card to introduce. Until then, or there some way to balance the card, I'd say it's a no go for now.

The only upside I see is that mono decks would make use of these far better than rainbows and thus would give mono decks a hand up versus rainbows.
I believe the biggest issue people had involving forced discards was your opponent being able to force them, not you playing a card that would make you discard something yourself which would be much less of a problem.  I still don't think this would be the best way to balance cards like this though.

If nothing else, these should be limited to one use per turn though.  Also in determining the cost for it, you would need to keep in mind that some elements have creatures which generate extra quanta while others do not(Pests and RoLs in particular would become even more useful in combination with a series like this).  Either new quanta-generating creatures would have to be added for the elements which don't already have them(and perhaps some adjustments made on the ones that DO have them but rarely use them currently like Air) or the costs for elements which do have them should be significantly higher and/or the effect of the spells should be weaker for those elements.

Forum Archive / Re: What do you prefer?
« on: November 03, 2010, 06:17:37 am »
  Personally I prefer a good variety of decks in there sometimes but overall, when I play t50 it's mostly trying to get some rares(almost got 12 of each weapon now so won't be an issue for me much longer, but I think most people do play t50 primarily for the farms).  Biting or not doesn't really matter to me much since almost any decent deck should have no trouble handling most biting farms.  I also don't mind having normal decks in there as well to keep things interesting. 

  Actually about the only thing that DOES annoy me lately about t50 is that it seems like about 50% of the games on there lately have been against virtually identical life rush decks :P.  These are probably the worst ones to face in all ways..they usually have no rares you can win from them AND they get extremely boring after playing so many of em..usually they aren't even that hard to beat but a bad draw can always end up costing you.  Basically they just come down to whether or not you can get a shield and a couple shards out quickly enough :P

  Anyway, like I said, overall I prefer farms(biting or not) but normal decks are fine as well so long as there is at least some variety and not one type completely dominating it.  Of course, some decks will probably always be more effective than others and thus more popular, so t50 will always be somewhat a case of taking what you get...

Deck Help / Re: Pestal-Hope
« on: November 02, 2010, 01:38:20 am »
Maybe try replacing 4 of each tower with pendulums?  Either way though, I think this is a case of trying to do too many different things at once for it to be really effective at any of them.

Crucible Archive / Re: Flare | Burst
« on: October 29, 2010, 04:19:13 am »
Maybe I am over exaggerating the OP, but this is Fire we be talking about. Sure someone will come up with an epic stomp with this card.
6 of these, 3 momentum, 3 blessing, 3 plate armor, 3 chaos power, 6 quantum tower, 6 supernova?

Dark Matter / Re: Oracle : Dark Matter
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:27:18 am »
Worked great..just EM'd DM with the fully upped version of this, then tried a couple more random fg's as well and managed to win against Morte and Octane as well

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: The Cost to Upgrade?
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:47:02 am »
I just wanted to understand why does it cost so much to upgrade a card? It is already hard enough just to make that amount. But if you wanted to make a new deck, this would take forever.
With a good fg or t50 grinding deck, you can easily upgrade a deck in a week or so

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: card idea
« on: October 24, 2010, 09:11:05 pm »
As it is, this card sounds very OP to me, especially in a rainbow deck which could easily produce hundreds of quanta by the end of the game.  It might be possible to make it balanced by having it ABSORB a certain number of quanta to regain life, however that would make it too similar to Dissipation Field and light also already has plenty of shields as it is.  As a normal permanent, this would be even more OP since you could have more than 1 in play at a time.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:59:51 pm »
Aside from the gameplay issues already discussed, this would probably require completely recoding the game as far as how cards are represented in your deck.  Currently it can simply be stored as a code representing which card it is, however this idea would mean the exact stats for each card would have to be stored as well.

Aether / Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate
« on: October 19, 2010, 07:49:08 pm »
It's really just a fun card. You never know what kind of deck is your opponent using or if his cards will help you win.
This may be the case if you simply throw 1 or 2 mind gates into a random deck, but I would say it's very different if you are using a deck specifically designed around it.

Assume your opponent has some sort of winning strategy(doesn't matter how effective it actually is, so long as it gives them SOME way of potentially winning the game).  Once you can get to a point of having 2 or more mind gates in play and being able to use them every turn, you basically have the option of playing that same strategy your opponent is trying to use against you, except you are able to do so even faster than they are(and even this is in addition to any other cards you may have in your own deck that will give you additional ways to win).  Of course, you also need the quanta to play all of those cards, but since mind gate will be giving you copies of their towers as well, this is usually not a huge problem so long as you have enough time to get things set up.  Ironically though, it may be entirely possible for a mind gate deck to lose to a farm deck precisely because the farm deck does NOT have a winning strategy for you to exploit. 

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