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Messages - HimeKunx (4)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Re: need help with grinding.
« on: December 14, 2010, 03:01:22 am »
hey dude...thanks. lol. JINX. xD i got to that same exact thing and im working on it...i have tested almost every unupgraded rainbow and mono aether, gravity, earth, water, fire, darkness, death, and light. i have only like10k electrum...and a ton of rare weapons. but anyways, thanks for the input. i still appreciate all you guys.

P.S. @TheIdioticIdiot, lol i would've said ur name...xD. kinda mean ROFL. xD me no call you idiot lololol. anyways, TY

Deck Help / Re: need help with grinding.
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:53:17 pm »
sorry for being so mean, but im just interested in knowing the win/loss ratios? if you have them, because ik the trainer and the real game is kind of different, so i dont want to waste more electrum, as i have lost about 5000 testing many different decks... thanks so much for helping. i really appreciate it   ;)

Deck Help / Re: need help with grinding.
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:40:49 pm »
i have already run mono aether least 5 different versions for grinding AI5...ur style as well...played at least 200 seems like my only option is grinding til i get the electrum, or at least, i would like to know the win ratio of mono aether vs HB. i used to reach only 30-40% max wins with almost every different kind of mono aether...i'll play another few hundred more and decide, but thanks anyway[:

Deck Help / need help with grinding.
« on: December 13, 2010, 07:29:13 pm »
Hi guys,

Im new to the forum, pretty much just started elements.
i have been grinding level 3 AIs with an earth graboid/shrieker deck. It's fast, but the grinding seems kind of slow. I'm trying to reach false god grinding asap, upgraded cards of course. I have run almost any legit unupgraded deck against T50 AI5 and AI6 for grinding, but the win/loss ratios are too low. I'm hoping someone will suggest a successful deck for grinding AI5 unupgraded.


P.S. I would rather grind AI6 upgraded, but my problem is finding the fastest way to reach 50K electrum, without earth shrieker grinding.

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