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Messages - Heavyweight (22)

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This week's tourney is coming up, and I was wondering when I would be receiving my reward code - can always use the electrum :).

Fun Games - Due to lack of Perm Control I got to try out my flying titan catapult deck finally.

Lot's of exclamation marks from my opponents made it worthwhile!  Bad draws in the semi's ended the fun.  Was a fun first tournament!

Code: [Select]
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Bronze Match:  Heavyweight 2 - Rastafla 0

Round 3:  Heavyweight 2 - Jboyken3 1

Round 2: Heavyweight 2 - Kakerlake 1

Round 1: Heavyweight 2 - Skulllair 1

Rainbow Decks / Re: Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo)
« on: January 11, 2011, 12:29:47 am »
Here are my strategies for the FGs.  Note I play the Entropy pendulum version.  Feel free to add input:

Neptune   Easy.  Play Voodoo + GP, add BB's as they come.  Occasionally he plays 3-4 Abyss Crawlers in succession, so you may have to TU your doll early.

Hermes   If you get the combo out early you can win.  Sometimes I BB a built up Lava Destroyer to give my doll a breather for a few more turns.

Seism   I have a hard time with him.  He's harder than Obliterator for me - I can't get enough aether quantum to play enough TU's to pull it off.  Can still win if he doesn't play a lot of quicksands early.

Osiris  One of the easiest of the lot.  Since his creatures never do more than 3 damage to the doll, even a nearly dead doll at the end will still do another ~15 damage or so.

Octane   As has been stated, you're basically hoping he plays his weapons instead of his Gases.  Easy if he doesn't play more than one or two gases early on.

Dreamcatcher   Easy.  Save your SN's till you need them in case he plays one of his (rare) black holes.

Rainbow   Easy.  You have no permanents you care about, and his creature build up is slooow. 

Gemini   Hope he doesn't have a lot of early momentums.

DivineGlory   Easy.  Keep a BB back if you can afford it to freeze up the MG in the weapon slot.

Paradox   If you get your doll out early, it's easy.  He can build up damage fast if you're unlucky.  The AI is stupid and doesn't save its buffs for the Deja Vus, instead casting it on whatever.  Occasionally it gets lucky and realizes that Blessing + Twin Universe on an unsplit Deja Vu = Win.

Darkmatter   Auto-Quit.  I've beat him maybe once in 30 games before I just saved myself the hassle.  Black Hole + Gravity Nymph destroys you.

Destiny   I have a hard time with the mutate gods.  You can't even twin the good mutants because he will just rewind them!  Maybe someone has a better idea than me.

Firequeen   Get the combo out early and it's easy.  Wait too long and the bonds will prevent you from finishing her off.

Scorpio  Easy. 

Morte   Easy.

Incarnate Easy.  Sometimes you get unlucky and he plays a lot of pests + eclipse early.

Miracle Easy.  Make sure you have enough damage to kill him in one go.  You can get him to about 60-70 HP remaining before he thinks about playing Miracle.

Graviton:  Hope he plays an early momentum'd Oty - TU it, then eat a charger, then eat firemasters.  Otherwise, quit,.

Obliterator  Slightly different strategy.  TU his Momentumed creatures, then BB them.  It's important you wait for them to be Momementumed, or his shield will hurt you too much.  A doll plus GP will soak up any creatures he plays that aren't momentumed.  Also, he burrows his shriekers like an idiot.  Will GP a vanilla doll, so don't sweat not having one in your starting hand.

EternalPhoenix   You need a good draw, and hope he doesn't pop out too many ruby dragons.  Watch his aether quanta and assume that whenever he's going to hit 9 he'll play a fractal for another 4 or so phoenixes - that's 16 more damage; plan accordingly.

Decay  I auto-quit.  You CAN beat him if he plays eclipse early, but the problem is hoping to get enough aether quanta to play your TU's.  Not worth the guessing games (you won't know if you can win until turn 8 or so)

Chaos Lord:  Twin the good mutants, BB the druids, hope you get lucky.  No rewinds unlike Destiny, so playable.

Ferox:  Get your doll + lots of BB's out early.  If he plays 3+ bonds, you're probably toast.

Elidnis:  Like Ferox, but slower.  Gives you more wiggle room.

Rainbow Decks / Re: SCEM: SuperCharg'EM
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:22:31 am »
Good- only that Vader Sader deck is unbeatable due to lack of creature control and insane amounts of healing it pulls.  Decks that pull out an early antimatter are tough, but the rest aren't bad - between the charger ignoring shields and the explosions for SoG (or lobo's, or eternity) I've won a fair amount of coin due to the amount of EMs I get.

I spend a lot of time hoping I pull that second supernova early - if I do, I usually win.

Rainbow Decks / Re: SCEM: SuperCharg'EM
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:05:03 am »
I run with -1 Entropy Pendulum -1 Minor Phoenix, + 2 Explosions for t50.  Too many shards of gratitude in the t50 - they slow you down something fierce.  I'm rarely wishing for another gravity quanta, and the phoenix wasn't pulling its weight imo.  Too fragile, takes to long to rebirth it, and with only 4 attack it doesn't have the punch the phase spider does.

Rainbow Decks / Re: Shak'ars Revenge (FG-Voodoo)
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:15:26 pm »
You didn't read the first page of the thread very well, did you?  It says quite plainly that you WILL lose 12 games IN A ROW at some point -- losing comes hard and fast with this deck.  If you're not prepared to lose a lot, don't start. :)
Oh right, I somehow managed to test this deck without reading the first post. Yeah. At any rate, losing my first 12 (or 17) games in a row is sort of a turn off.
I've been using this deck off and on for the past week - it works, but I'm not getting the 33% win rate - more like 25%.  There are some gods that you may as well quit (Dark Matter!) and some that are super easy (Rainbow, Divine Glory, Neptune).

You do go on long losing streaks, especially if you draw a bunch of hard gods.  My first session playing this deck I got FFQ and Ferox over and over, which sucked. 

The strategy is a little hard to get a hold of at first. Part of the deck is knowing when to hit your doll with TU, letting it die, and then hitting the copy with a new pull + BB + TU combo to roll over that accumulated damage.  I'm interested in seeing at how the version with only two dolls and pulls works.

It is fast though - I average a win in about 10 turns.  If you get on a run of easy gods, you can rake in the dough.

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