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Messages - HeartNotes (107)

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Elidnis / Re: Oracle : Elidnis
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:53:20 pm »
Every time I try that Sudden Firebolt deck, I die because I don't pull the dimensional shields in time...  :'(

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: February 12, 2011, 04:15:11 pm »
I was just wondering, is it okay to delete really old entries in red (from January) or should we leave them up?

Death / Re: Skeleton | Skeleton
« on: February 12, 2011, 03:44:27 pm »
I dunno, I'm looking forward to it. I've never really used Death heavily against AI3 or AI4 or AI5 because it gets stomped and I can foresee this as a good addition to Duo, Trio, and Rainbow decks.  8)

My only gripe would be that Fate Egg still costs 4 quanta, making the skeleton a better Fate Egg in some ways since it can at least attack on the turn before.

Deck Help / Re: Workable 30-card Nymph Tear or Mutation deck?
« on: February 12, 2011, 04:09:40 am »
Welp, I played for a while and I have to say that Nymph Tear decks get stomped really freaking fast. I think it might be more of a support card to be played in a late-game sort of period rather than sitting there feeling helpless while mana builds up with nothing to do in the meantime. I'm thinking about trying a Forest-Spirit centered deck with Life pendulums and three or four other pillars for the Nymph's Tear but I only own two FS right now.

As for the other, this is what little I came up with. I upgraded a Fallen Elf because it's the card I enjoy the most. There may be other cards more important in a rainbow deck (Supernova, Electrum Hourglass, Towers) but this and an upgraded Arctic Squid were what I wanted first.

Code: [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4vc 4vd 4vd 4vk 4vl 4vl 4vm 4vm 4vm 4vm 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c4 5cg 6u6
I settled on Horned Frogs because you really really need that early offense and Entropy creatures are rather expensive, especially Maxwell's Demons and they can be mutated as ready as any other critter. I also got a Nymph from the Oracle, but a couple Adrenalines would serve just as well, I think. I just find that casting Adrenaline on the Fallen Elves makes them just as offensive as a Frog in the same circumstance and doing that has saved my butt a number of times.

I haven't really tested it for any kind of win/lose ratio or optimized it but it seems to perform well enough in AI3. Unfortunately, it gets steamrolled in Top50 for obvious reasons (lack of ready-available creature control besides mutation, stolen Discords, unable to kill the enemy by turn 7 for those damn Immobows and upgraded Life Rushes, etc.) and the only thing that I can get by with is that really-cookie cutter unupgraded No Land Stompy deck. It feels cheap, but that's how I earned enough money to upgrade my druid (the deck I'd really rather optimize and be playing at)

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: February 11, 2011, 10:15:37 pm »
P.P.S.  Batcountry seems to be a Quantum Pillar farm right now (that's all that was drawn before I killed it), using Fire element.
I won a Vampire Dagger and saw a Yellow Shard (what's it turn into?) in the rolls so I updated the Google spreadsheet accordingly.

When Oracle predicted Decay and I built that deck and I went to the False God, I didn't get Decay! I got Rainbow instead! What gives?

Does it have to be the very next battle you play?

Deck Help / Re: Workable 30-card Nymph Tear or Mutation deck?
« on: February 10, 2011, 03:31:25 am »
Thanks, I'll give some of these a try over the next week since I have a little cushion of money to sustain some minor losses and get back if I've tweaked any of them.

Huh. I only had one Antimatter and Butterfly Effect (though I bought another) and one Mutation, so I stuffed the rest of the rest with Sparks for fodder and Maxwell's Demon. With an excess of Life Quanta, I discovered something when you have three or four Elves on the field... continually mutating the enemy into something you can Paradox is a really cool strategy. First, I turned into a Colossal Dragon, went "uh oh" and mutated it again into another Dragon with high attack and low defense which got promptly nuked. Awesome.

Deck Help / Workable 30-card Nymph Tear or Mutation deck?
« on: February 09, 2011, 03:31:14 pm »
Is it possible to win with a Nymph's Tears or Mutation deck unupgraded against the T50 or AI5 without running into a laughably lame and random AI opponent or a farm?

I've tried several different spreads, but I always seem to get stomped in the first 9 turns... I'm trying to build a spread of decent permanent control and light CC, with decent creatures while I get the Mutations/Nymphs set up.

I keep on running into the problem that I need Aether to Quint my creatures on the first turn (Fallen Elf, Green Nymph that I own, Teared Water Nymph) or else they die horribly fast but Aether's Dimensional Shield is too expensive and broken through too easily at the upper levels, though Mindgate continues to be useful in a rainbow deck, but fairly useless in Duo since I'm always slaughtered by turn 10.

I want to make one deck with Nymph Tear's and Steam Machine, but I'm not sure what support or permanent cards to put in. Same goes for the Mutation deck: Do I put in Maxwell's Demons? Should I use the spell Mutation or the creature Fallen Elf as source of mutation or both? Also, I have like 6 Schroedinger's Cats, are they decent mutation fodder because of their cheap cost?

False Gods / Re: anti-FG fractal scarab?
« on: February 09, 2011, 04:25:04 am »
No Golden Hourglasses? With Quantum Pillars/Towers, just one Enchant Artifact can speed things up some...

Forum Archive / Re: RARE CARD FARMS - updated daily by the community!
« on: February 07, 2011, 08:53:19 pm »
I just wanted to thank majofa for the Relic farm... honestly, I'm stuck at a hole where I can just barely win 1 out of 5 Top 50 fights using the AI3 Pillarless Rush, and the money that earned me was enough to buy enough cards to make a real deck.

Design Theory / Ourosboros
« on: February 06, 2011, 07:21:26 am »
I have an idea for a card that is something of a counter to over-used creatures like Otyugh and Scarab: Ouroboros would have the image of a snake consuming it's tail in a ring, and would cause a creature with devour to self-annihilate by eating itself, basically. If a card has another ability or none at all, it's replaced by devour.

I think it might fit into the theme of the Time element (Ourosboros also symbolizes infinity), but I wonder if the idea is too situational?

[/edit] Posted this in the wrong subforum...

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