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Messages - Haerar (1)

Pages: [1]
Card Ideas and Art / HERO CARDS by Scaredgirl
« on: December 15, 2009, 10:10:32 pm »

What about Wyrm Queen generating 2 elite wyrms in a turn? It would partly make it better. Otherwise I like the idea of making all friendly creatures dive... There's also the dumb but hilarious possibilty of switching it for a huge spark, 30/0 untargetable  ;D It cannot pass shields, but it's quite a wind turn  :P
I was about to make a rather idiotic comment on this part - about momentum on this making it a momentum 31/1 untargetable... then realised it was untargetable.  ::)

Anyway! I think there's a slight imbalance in terms of the costs for each, even if the cards themselves were balanced. Some elements can generate quantums faster than others, making it unfair if each were equal cost. I mean fire for example has immolate and its upgrade (sorry i'm not familiar with the upgrade of that), meaning that with a very lucky draw (3 photons/sparks, 3 immolates, and the hero) this could be played in one turn  :-\ of course, the chances of that are next to none, especially with the 1-hero-per-deck rule going on. But it's still a possibility? My brother's deck in his second day of playing can get two or three crimson dragons out in the second turn for example. If a fire deck was based around getting their hero out it'd be over far too quickly, especially if the hero had a higher attack power as previously suggested. The suggested 20 attack, 5 turns, boom. Unless the opponent got lucky with counters and Towers within that time, enough to secure themselves at a decent HP.

True that fire decks are designed to strike hard and fast - but not this fast.

Other elements don't have such an advantage. Unless you count in accelerated pillar accumulation from hourglasses - still a lesser circumstance.


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