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Messages - GunsT (1)

Pages: [1]
Forum Archive / Re: Time to get an eternity?
« on: May 18, 2010, 02:27:29 pm »
I must agree with your topic dude. I also won lots of the other weapons but I've never saw eternity even on the spins...

Arondight, maybe you played top50 some time, because I really don't think that eternity is one of the most common cards from top50. Arsenic, vampire stiletto, pulverizers and druidic staff are the easiest ones to get on the spin in my opinion. Lobotomizer, fahrenheit, owl's eyes, morning star and titan also seems to be more common than eternity at least for me, once that I've got every one of those weapons but eternity.

Well, as the spin depends of lucky I may be (very) wrong, so that's only my opinion :)

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