Trio & Quartet / Crazy Quanta Heals w/ Fractals!!!
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:25:17 am »
this is my new deck, i hope everyone likes it, cause it grinds AI3 and T-50 like they are nothing.

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The Antlions ain't worth it.hey, u were right, removing the antlions worked good, thx man
The Shield is also unneccesary (if playing againts AI3/T50).
But deck looks good
The Antlions ain't worth it.the antlions are also there for bad draw reduction, so i have less pillars to draw for 4 or 5 turns straight, i will have them, and they cost little
The Shield is also unneccesary (if playing againts AI3/T50).
But deck looks good
1. http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,5034.0.htmlleave liquid shadow and dragons for big healing, and upgrade and keep miracle, the rest should be taken out tho
Read this and try using the deck image builder system installed in the forum.
2. Remove unnecessary cards (dragons, angel, miracle, liquid shadow, drain life, etc) from the deck and try to reduce it to 30 cards. Less cards, less bad draws.
The Antlions ain't worth it.i just used antlions for when i have extra quanta left over, the antlions' 2
The Shield is also unneccesary (if playing againts AI3/T50).
But deck looks good
you might want to fix the mark...the dude was using air mark for taodfish ability
also, pretty good deck