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Messages - Friedrich Psitalon (29)

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Buff This Card! / Re: Trident | Poseidon
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:08:19 pm »
Would still be weaker than Pulvy because the synergy from Earth-Water is far weaker than the Synergy from Gravity-Earth.

Buff This Card! / Re: Nymph's Tears|Nymph's Tears
« on: December 13, 2011, 06:02:48 pm »
Wow, real life sure can creep up on you.

Finally got back to this and added a poll to it.

I've added my original suggestion and the poster above me. My alarm bells are going off just slightly about the idea of the card not consuming the pillar - not sure quite why, makes me think you could splash a color to get the nymph without devoting a lot of effort to it - but maybe that's okay by a lot of other people's minds.

So. Poll. Vote! (Please.)

Forge Archive / Re: Magnet Tracer | Magnet Tracer
« on: December 02, 2011, 09:05:06 pm »
Respectfully, do we really want people to be able to instantly draw Steals, Miracles, Shards of Sacrifice, etc on a whim?

This is an extremely powerful card. It's already becoming somewhat hazardous to not have permanent control in your deck; this card would move it into the realm of the permanently suicidal. Being able to immediately draw whatever card is needed for the occasion, over and over and over? Yow. I suppose this might allow/make it wiser for people to play decks larger than 35 cards, but this could be a pretty big boost to Rainbow decks. (Draw Supernova, have mana for two traces, use one for another supernova, dump card of choice into play.)

This is both card draw advantage AND topdeck-ability. That's a tremendously powerful combination, and for one gravity when upped...yeow.

I don't know if this is a concern, but this would also pose some pretty interesting AI problems in terms of the AI recognizing what to play when.

I've asked Zanz about this directly.
He specifically said that he didn't want trainer to be easy to find.

So it looks like this isn't happening.
Maybe this is a silly question but...why?

A tool that shows people what kind of decks they could aspire towards, what kinds of strategies might work without wasting large amounts of money, that improves and encourages creativity and diversity...

...and we do NOT want it found? Clearly, someone (which may well be me) is operating on an assumption that others are not.

Buff This Card! / Nymph's Tears|Nymph's Tears
« on: November 17, 2011, 02:35:23 pm »

I'd like to argue that this card needs a cost reduction of 2 to both versions.

Now, I'm fully aware that Nymphs are the Legendary, ultra-rare cards of the game, and that their ownership and use is fully intended to be protected and unusual. However, consider the difference:

A Nymph, currently, is a 8 or 9-quanta card, of an element that's almost certainly a heavy specialization of the deck. Playing one requires only that you have the card.

Nymph's Tears, on the other hand, requires:
a) The sacrifice of 2 cards for one (Tears and quanta source)
b) The sacrifice of a quanta source (this is significant and distinct from a simple card disadvantage, as in point a)
c) A significant, non-trivial devotion of a portion of your deck to water
d) Currently, 2 or 3 quanta less than a Nymph itself

That's four considerable disadvantages - none of them minor - in exchange for a card that requires specific deck construction to take advantage of. Is it the case that a Nymph can be a very powerful card? Absolutely - but most of them are either fragile, damageless, or again, require a very particular deck to deliver well. Given how ultra-rare Nymphs are, it seems reasonable that giving players access to them for competitive play - if they're willing to pay the price - is a good idea. Right now, players, realistically, do NOT have access to Nymphs in competitive play unless they've been ultra-lucky (luck not being the fairest of all masters) or won tournaments (which is a situation of the rich getting richer.)

I'm not suggesting a nerf to Nymphs, and I'm not suggesting they lose their ultra-desired/rare status. I'm simply suggesting that it become SLIGHTLY more feasible (because a card costing 5 or 4 water quanta is still not simple for many decks) that Nymphs be fielded under more circumstances. Could a Rainbow deck double-supernova and throw a Tears? Sure - and they'd have to pray they got the Nymph they wanted and not a useless one. Could the Rainbow deck splash the quanta type they want for the Nymph they wanted? Sure - and now you're talking about a 4 card combo that's praying it won't get hit by a bolt or a dozen other removals. Throw in a Quint to stop it and go-go five card combo! We playing Instosis here?  ;)

It will still be far more desirable to simply have a Nymph, but it will stop being basically impossible to see them in play if you haven't either been a champion or fabulously lucky. That, I'd argue, is more fun for everyone.

Gold League Decks / Re: What deck did you submit today? ( Gold )
« on: November 17, 2011, 12:58:40 am »
So dumb question - is there any way to pull the deck code for your arena submission other than to rebuild it personally and then copy the code that way? I don't have 5 Titans and that was my card.

Duo-Decks / Water/Earth CC-Poseidon Deck
« on: November 16, 2011, 07:47:20 pm »
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77m 77m 77m 77m 77m 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gp 7gp 7gr 7gr 7gs 7gs 8pp

So this started as an attempt to build a deck to make Flood work. I gave up on that pretty quickly, because I found that the Wardens and Squids made it possible to win with the Golems and Crawlers before I saw a sixth and seventh creature...and it made things awkward for my Earth critters anyhow.

The Poseidon is in there simply because it works with the two elements. The notion is that Golems and Crawlers are both cheap high damage, and Squids/Wardens provide cheap, easy CC.

Looking for a way to improve on this, or if it's simply not a viable model, let me know. Seems to do alright against AI3 in the trainer, and I don't know a better way to test the deck without going ahead and upgrading all these cards.

The Arena / Re: So what did you just take down from the Arena?
« on: November 11, 2011, 04:02:36 pm »
Dumb question; how do you tell how many thumb-ups your deck is getting?

General Discussion / Re: False Gods Spins
« on: October 28, 2011, 11:49:14 am »
I won three from Divine Glory.  :D
It's just bad luck for you, I guess.
That's the same person I won a triple off of - I thought I'd just won the lottery. Sadly, I sold all three of the Explosions, because at that point I wanted to build a Pestal. Heh.

The Arena / Re: The Adventures of Friedrich Psitalon, Rookie Elementalist
« on: October 28, 2011, 11:41:03 am »
So a week later and I managed to assemble Intosis yesterday.

Holy crap.  :o

Took me all of two games to fully understand how it works well enough to go on a tear. I think the quoted 67% win rate is a little low. :o

I can see why people are calling for this thing to be nerfed. I do wonder, though, if that will happen. While the combo is tremendous against the FG, that's because the majority of the FG have relatively low levels of CC as compared to what you'd see in competitive play - or at least, the competitive play I've seen at the Arena (limited experience) and how I'd imagine a competitive deck against humans (control heavy.)

If nerfs happen because of how decks perform against the standard "stock" decks - even AI 5 ones - then yeah, I think a nerf to one of the constituent cards of Intosis (probably SoR) is going to happen. If nerfs are strictly a result of pvp/arena play, though, I'm not convinced this will need one.

...but then again, I haven't taken Intosis to the Arena yet, so it's hard to say.

Since there seems to be a decent chance, at least in many people's minds, that Intosis is due for a nerf, I'm trying to ride the gravy train as far as I can and upgrade as much as I can before switching back to Arena "for fun" play.


Quantum Towers (15) - already done
Cremations (6)
Lava Destroyers
All the various rush creatures (Abyssal, 2x Recluse, Grabby, etc)
Fallen Druids (I find these guys hilarious, and would love to build a competitive  :entropy :life :darkness deck, but haven't really thought on it yet)
and then whatever cards it seems wise to upgrade.

I found a thread that says "What you should upgrade first" over in General - and I wonder if that's where this thread should be, now  :)) - but the upgrade chain for that was basically "ROL/Hope" which I already had.

Report ends - as always, feedback on my plans happily welcomed, and thoughts about my thoughts always read.

Edit: And on a side note, my highest accomplishment since getting into the Silver arena is still running: an Arena deck ranked 102. I've broken into the top 50 on bronze, but this is my highest silver. Simple blue rush backed by wings. Yar!

Well, it's interesting - and somewhat frustrating - to note that I can't just donate 20 for 4 codes, but fine, whatever, maybe I'll donate 20 more in 5 dollar segments next month.

As for the other bit:

Quote from: Elements Automated Response

Thank you for your email, this is an automatically generated message.
The amount of emails we are receiving made it impossible to answer all
of them.

If you are looking for the official elements website, with the last
version and the pvp/highscore features, you can find it here:

If you are writing about some other problem/suggestion our developers
will add every comment to our suggestions pool and everything is read
and considered while working on the new game versions.
....that's pretty much how I read that email, yeah.  :) At the very least, shouldn't I have gotten one code somewhere? I dunno, I feel like if you want to give someone money (and they give you a shiny gift in return) the process should be straightforward/transparent/etc. Like I said before, not exactly angry, but this has been a tad not cool. ;)

So I'm trying to figure out exactly what I've done wrong. Donated 20 bucks to Elements last night - I figure I've sunk more time into it than most of the monthly subscrip MMOs, right - and supposedly this should have generated a total of 4? gift codes for me. Ironically, I was probably going to host a tournament for my students here in my classroom and give the codes out to them, but alas, I have not received any?

Neither of the emails I got from Paypal work, nor did the receipt number it gave me immediately after donating, and I don't appear to have gotten any other communication or correspondence.

Wrote and got back an automated reply which basically said "Yeah, we don't really answer these, sorry."

So uh, I'm not quite annoyed, yet anyhow, but how am I to reasonably resolve this?

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blarg: Friedrich Psitalon