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Messages - Faqop (3)

Pages: [1]
Rainbow Decks / Re: Anti-crittical-Jangoo-Poison
« on: January 07, 2010, 08:40:17 pm »
Incarnate: Havent played him often but lost every game. Waiting for an eclipse than AMing his vampires should do the job but then again I couldn't quite figure out whether an AMed Vampire still heals back his owner. ??
I tried a modified version of this, a mostly unupgraded (only the dissipation field) just for testing the vampires.
18 pillars, 6 antimatters, 3 enchants, a dragonfly, an eternity and an dissipation field.

Played against Incarnate and was able to get my shield up and enchant a vampire to see what happens.

Two interesting things that may be bugs in the coding depending on how you look at it.
1.) Creatures with vampire who are hit with antimatter actually do damage to the owners.
2.) When nightfall is played if a creature has -4 attack it will have -2 attack.

Duo-Decks / Re: Aether Shield with some Fire support.
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:27:03 pm »
Steal would be better in many decks, but in this case, you don't want to have to Steal an enemy shield because your own shields are generally superior -- and unlike in a Rainbow deck, you won't be able to activate any activated permanents that you steal.  I actually see the purpose of Deflag in this deck instead.

Not a bad unupgraded FG poacher.  The question is, is it profitable?  (i.e. do you actually make money in the long run playing with this deck?)
Barely, I've won 90% of the time versus Destiny and Miracle and about 50% versus FQ.  So yeah, not really worth it, grinding t50 or Tier 3 is probably faster.  But it's still fun lol.

And yeah I'll probably throw in Lobotomizer and take out the Rain of Fire to take care of the FQ.

Duo-Decks / Aether Shield with some Fire support.
« on: January 03, 2010, 01:15:09 am »
I've been playing around with an Aether deck based around Dimensional Shield. I decided to try to do a duo with it so I came up with a list of things it is weak against. 

Momentum / Poison / Deflagration / Steal / Bone Wall / Empathic Bond
That's 6 different things.

I came up with a solution that helps with 3 of the above problems.  I've tried it out and have had good success so far.

Unfortunately momentum, poison, deflagration or steal can still screw you over some of the time.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 61v 8po

Got Tired of dieing to Firefly Queen so I added a Rain of Fire.
Just beat Fire Queen, Miracle and Destiny twice in a row. 
Obviously gonna lose to almost any other FG, but the best completely unupgraded deck for FG I've tried so far.

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