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Messages - Fan of Rainbows (152)

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Literary Arts / Re: The Elements, the Empires, the War.
« on: June 13, 2011, 09:23:03 pm »
Chapter 1
The Incident
In a land known as Gridiusa, there was the capital city named Utriuse. A boy named Titanus Arizada lived in the city. At an age of 16, being orphaned for many years, he was self-sufficient by hunting for food outside the city in Trikius Forest with his trusty mahogany bow and steel arrows. Titanus also had a friend named Louis for his hunting partner and they shared their daily kills without much if any dispute. They had been hunting together for many years and thus had developed the best ways to bring home fresh meat without fail.

On one occasion, however, after killing several wild turkeys, they heard a ground-shaking roar and saw a jet of flame soar into the sky. They each readied their bows, preparing for the wild flame drakes who sometimes did attempt to bother them and steal their kills. turned out to be worse...much worse. A soaring flame shot into the sky with it's ruby talons literally on fire. The two boys scattered, shooting arrow after arrow behind them in a desperate attempt to knock down the mighty beast. The ruby dragon dived into the forest in an attempt to give chase, but the hail of arrows eventually pierced its wings. It gave one last jet of flame before disappearing into a fiery crash in the forest.

Titanus managed to make it back to Utriuse but he and Louis had lost each other in their panicking escape. What was additionally puzzling was that a ruby dragon had not been seen in the area since the Flame Empire occupied Utriuse, 50 years ago. The Flame Empire had also collapsed 17 years ago after a long internal civil war. So what was happening...

Literary Arts / The Elements, the Empires, the War.
« on: June 13, 2011, 09:02:33 pm »
List of Characters (will be modified as new characters are added and such)
Titanus Arizada/General Arizada/Emperor Arizada
Louis Sriza
Eveliea Nius
Emperor Axtrik (dead)
King Sildras (dead)
King Trisan


War Archive / Re: War #3 - Voices of the Fallen
« on: June 13, 2011, 07:28:34 pm »


War Archive / Re: War #3 - Voices of the Fallen
« on: June 13, 2011, 05:18:20 pm »
I already fixed that lol


War Archive / Re: War #3 - Voices of the Fallen
« on: June 13, 2011, 02:51:24 pm »
My War #3 Eulogies
Team that wins gets a victory speech

AetherAether, the leaders of dimensions
sought to keep the realms in order...but intrusions by the other elements...
constantly disrupted their efforts...war was eventually the only solution.
Aether's armies of phase dragons, recluses, immortals, and aether nymphs took the field...
destroying army after army until only Fire was left in their way.
Fire and Aether engaged for the determining battle...clashing throughout day and night
until after several weeks...Fire broke through the defenses...roasting to a crisp every brave soldier...
that dared to stand in their way...
May your realms stay forever untouched  AirThe rulers of the air, the rulers of the sky, they held on to their territory like a bright, shining prize.
They fought hard and long but soon it became apparent this war could not be won.
As victories gained less and defeats took more.
All Air wanted was to be left alone and soar
But Underworld could not let Air dream anymore.
As a variety of undead creatures rose to living world
The Underworld's phoenixes and shockwaves blasted Air's dragons out of the sky.
The undead lava golems pummeled the fallen guardians.
Air's dreams would never come true.
May Air's brave heroes rest in eternal peace DarknessDarkness ruled the realm of the dark, everything black and frightful.
They protected the realm of the night and saw fit that it would always be maintained.
As team after team fell, they held on.
They dreamed of being conqueror of all elements.
Making the world eternally dark.
The dream was crushed by the dimensions of Aether.
Aether copied Darkness's forces...
When the poison came too...Darkness was painfully strangled and poisoned by their own gargoyles.
May your dark hearts stay forever pure.  DeathDeath, the lords of the dead
Ruled over many, enforcing a constant feeling of dread.
They let no living thing thread far, growing their army with every death.
War soon came to the Elements, and Death eagerly joined in.
Death watched team after team fall and fall. They themselves crushed many foes.
But their corpses became more limited as the other nations became more aggressive to protect corpses.
Without fuel, the army thinned...
They made it to Week 13, one of the last 5 nations alive. They then fell to an ambush from Entropic dragons.
May your graves be forever untouched EarthEarth as protector of the earth guarded the precious ground from pollution.
The other elements disobeyed Earth by trampling and polluting the soil.
Earth saw no other choice but to go to war.
All of Earth's creatures banded together and fought together as one.
Their spirit did not break but the losses mounted as more and more enemy troops poured in.
Aether coldly broke Earth's back with a cruel tactic.
They used wings and their dimensional shields to protect themselves...
while their forces ruthlessly and brutally killed every last brave soldier of Earth's army.
May your stone tombs never be defaced EntropyEntropy, the rulers of randomness
The Kings of the Realm after their last War victory
sought to keep Great Zeru on his great throne, but the other elements revolted...
and sought to destroy their benevolent masters.
So Entropy went to war to enforce the peace. They had many successes...
crushing the resistance, nation by nation until only Fire and Aether kept up the revolt.
However, heavy losses suffered by all nations drained Entropy of able troops...
Fire and Aether in treachery joined up to fight Entropy.
Entropy was slowly surrounded and despite valiant efforts, Entropy fell.
May the Universe always be entropic.  Fire: Victory Speech! Fire, the ruler of Flames...
watched as Zeru, the evil lord of Entropy and his evil minions abused their power to no end...
by forcing the other elements to build Zeru's palace and his twisted throne...
Fire and the other elements revolted...and marched off to crush Zeru...
Fire's kind general, Napalm, lead the cause and watched Zeru fall...but anarchy...
threatened to tear all nations Napalm had no choice but to defeat..
her former allies...She spared prisoners and kept casualties to a minimum.
Fire succeeded...and kind Napalm ascended to the throne as Napalm the Great...
Peace was restored quickly to the realms and she was hailed widely
Long Live Lady Fire: Napalm the Great!  GravityGravity, the guardian of the forces that hold our universe together...
marched into battle proud and tall not knowing that fate would shun them and they'd be the first to fall.
There were spies amongst them...Gravity's leaders and officers were assassinated by the rival elements.
However, Gravity's forces did not falter and kept on fighting.
They soon became outnumbered and they knew that they could not be saved.
They held a last stand against the forces of Earth, Entropy, Death and Light.
Gravity's army was eradicated that fatal day but the other elements paid a heavy price for victory
It was a Pyrrhic victory for the other elements.
May your forces stay forever strong  LifeLife as the guardian of all life, sought nothing better than peaceful harmony.
However, the drums of war began to beat and Life was forced to intervene in order to restore the peace.
Life's brave armies of dragons, frogs, and cockatrices were launched at the enemy.
Early victories however were soon shadowed by defeats...
once the rival armies finished Gravity off, they turned their attention to Life.
Life was a peaceful nation and such did not practice destruction as an art of war.
This would turn into a fatal Achilles Heel for poor Life...
as the other elements were not so merciful.
They burned and pillaged as they went and every last soldier of Life's army was eventually cruelly slaughtered...
May you find the eternal peace that you seek   LightLight was the guardian of the shining beacon that illuminated everyone.
The other elements wanted to snuff the light out and plunge the world into darkness.
Light defended the shining beacon and in the process got plunged into the war.
The army of dragons, crusaders, and pegasi provided a solid defense as the attackers were driven back.
However, on each charge, the losses mounted.
As the soldiers dwindled...the undead from Underworld took advantage...
the death blow was dealt and Light was lost.
May your beacon never dim TimeTime as defender of the realm of time...
wanted to be the sole controller of the flow of time.
However, the other elements grew jealous and tried to take it away.
War was then initiated. Time defeated element after element to protect their realm.
Their dragons, and ghosts of the past got battle-hardened and fought even harder.
However Aether would not so easily fall, they weakened Time slowly.
At their last battle, Aether hid behind their dimensional shields and cruelly slaughtered their foes.
May your control of time be eternal WaterWater as ruler of the seas, oceans, lakes, ponds, and rivers sought to keep these bodies of water clean.
However, the other elements eagerly polluted and defiled the water against Water's wishes.
Water went to war to protect their rights.
They summoned dragons, crawlers, and squids to serve as their soldiers.
Early victories raised Water's morale. However, the other elements were jealous of Water's capabilities...
they demanded that Water be crushed immediately. All the other elements banded together and tore Water's army apart.
Their bold last stand was futile as the numbers disfavored them severely.
The soldiers of Water died heroes.
May your burials be at sea and forever calm UnderworldUnderworld, the land of the gladiatorial mercenaries.
A secret realm below the elemental worlds. Always having to pay tribute to the land above.
When war came to the overland realms...Underworld took revenge and joined in the fray.
They crushed element after element till they were one of the last four.
Entropy, Aether and Fire were their foes.
However, like all the other elements...replacements were few and losses were many.
Entropy crashed into the Underworld and launched their troops at the defenses.
As the fight on, the Entropic troops flooded in from all the gateways. The last ditch counterattack was futile
The numbers were simply too much.
May you rise against your oppressors again.

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 2/2011
« on: June 13, 2011, 01:33:49 pm »
Fan of Rainbows: 2
Jenkar: 0

2 good games! ggs

League Archive / Re: Beginners League 2/2011
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:16:47 am »
Fan of Rainbows: 2
Zblader: 1

ggs Zblader, 3 strong games
I'm so thankful that Zanz invented Sancs

Humor / Re: All Unread Topics!
« on: June 06, 2011, 01:06:18 am »
I have 803


League Archive / Re: Beginners League 2/2011
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:38:10 pm »

Forum Game Archive / Re: Corrupt A Wish 3.0
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:56:00 pm »
Granted, there's one happy person and everyone else is sad.

I wish for several bodyguards

Forum Game Archive / Re: The Box By PlayerOa
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:54:21 pm »
I shatter the cups all at the exact same time and grab the box.

I put the box in a baby diaper. put it on a baby and using krazy glue and lots of masking tape seal the diaper shut

Forum Game Archive / Re: Vending Machine 5.0
« on: May 07, 2011, 05:52:37 pm »
you get training armor

I insert lots of fruit.

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 13
blarg: Fan of Rainbows,Jenkar,Zblader