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Messages - Ephesar (4)

Pages: [1]
Deck Help / Re: Suggestions for card upgrades?
« on: February 29, 2012, 04:08:48 pm »
Hey zhangvict!

Thanks for your answer!

I will definitely look into that link!

As to my maybe unusual state concerning cards, money, rares and upgrades:

Often I log in once a day, go to the oracle, play three games with the bonus critter, see if I can make the false god hint into something worthy.
Obviously there are other days where I play alot of games, e.g. while I´m one the phone or waiting for something.
My "poor" ratio might have something to do with the fact that I like to give "themed" decks a try. Those are often not the most successful but I like the fun  :)
At the moment I´m playing around with a deck consisting of 6 flying druidic staffs on adrenaline.
Also, the element I picked when I started was earth and although I love playing earth/gravity combos, I fear this also is not the strongest colour you can pick (now all the earth/gravity lovers will bash me  :)).

Nonetheless, thanks for your advice!

Maybe someone else has another suggestion?



Deck Help / Suggestions for card upgrades?
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:27:54 pm »
Hey Folks!

I´m planing to upgrade a few cards. At the moment I could upgrade 40 cards, but I don´t know if I will do so all at the same time.
I have roughly 1300 Cards. Luckily I own 6 copies of all rare weapons and rare creatures like the arctic squid, but only 14 Nymphs.
I could buy missing copies of common cards for a specific deck.
I´m undecided about what to do. I like decks where I have choices to make (e.g. what enemy creauture should I reverse with eternity), not so much decks that almost play themselves (e.g. green rush with upgraded frogs, cockatrices(?)) although I´m sure that the latter will earn more wins  :).

If anyone would like to share their thoughts I would be delighted!



P.S.: Oh, I already have upgraded 6 copies of all the "old" shards (divinitiy, gratitude, readiness). I sadly don´t own any of the new ones.
And I have upgraded 6 animated weapons, 3 shrieks, 2 pulverizers, 1 diamond shield. I know, some bad choices for first upgrades...

P.P.S.: I tried to check out the forum for similiar threads, but I didn´t manage to find something fitting. If that´s due to my incometence please lead me to the relevant thread. Thanks!

In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Top 50 not working for me
« on: October 19, 2010, 11:19:04 am »
Hi again!

I should have been more precise: I wasn`t looking for help in this case, I just wanted to add to the knowledge base for the troubleshooting as there seem to be a few users who can`t play the TOP 50 games.

Thanks for the hallo Dragoon1140!



In-game Troubleshooting / Re: Top 50 not working for me
« on: October 17, 2010, 10:39:09 pm »

I`m new to this forum.

I just wanted to add, that I had the same problem. I couldn´t play the TOP 50 games. I read this thread carefully, the connection page was no solution for me. I always used the latest firefox.

As some of the other posters here, I didn`t really want to decache my browser, so I tried my never-before-used Internet Explorer. With that it worked, I don`t know why.

I was very lucky, because in my first TOP 50 game I won in the card slot machine a Vampire Stiletto and a Fahrenheit, thank you very much catalyzeme!!!

So long,

greetz to everyone,


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