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Messages - Ekki (246)

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Multilingual / Re: Torneo Extraoficial para hispanohablantes!
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:13:25 am »
al final, cuando va a empezar el torneo??
Al parecer no va a empezar, la firma (signature) de Krathos dice *goes away for a while* así que supongo que la idea quedó en la nada  :(

Pero aún así... Por qué no?? Podríamos organizar un torneo en español, o incluso uno multilingual!! Con equipos por idiomas, fuegos artificiales, un pony y todas esas cosas que hacen a los torneos especiales  ;D

Como ya dije: Por qué no??  ;D

Crucible Archive / Re: Martyr | Martyr
« on: November 06, 2011, 09:32:05 am »
Huh, this can sound nasty... I will throw lots of rocks (imagine the rocks as figurative unbalances this card may have) and I will enjoy seeing how you deal with them, both if you evade them or get hit in the head with them  ::)

1- I use this with fractal and Light Dragons (6xMartyr 6xFractal 6xLight Dragon, some pillars/towers/pends, Mark of Whatever, only a Duo). I play my upped Martyr, then fractal it, then... Well, I play all of them and after the first fractal, fractalling dragons gets more and more fun. Seem a bit too powerful, mainly with upped Martyr.

2- What happens if the top card in my hand is a targetting spell? Like Fire Bolt... Or if it's a Spark? I guess it dies instantly...

3- It's hard to see a non-casual use of the passive ability. I won't pack this card just to play a random card of my hand (one I may not even want to use) once my hand is clogged. I see it more like the active ability is too cool, and the passive is "meh".

Anyways, I like the picture, love the concept, and it gives me sooooo many decktype ideas, like MartyrNovaBows with 3/4 cost creatures instead of current 2/3 cost NovaBows, or... well, that's all I've imagined yet :P I actually wouldn't complain if Zanz made this a new card in the game as it is now.

Crucible Archive / Re: Persephone | Persephone
« on: November 06, 2011, 09:06:28 am »
Sooo, technically, you could have an almost pillarless deck with 6 of theese and all dragons... Huh, cool! Not OP at all, it would just lead to some new crazy decktypes (not to mention being used together with Martyr). I like it!

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: i m done with elements
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:55:50 am »
Also, you can try to build a deck that can deal with Firestalls.
Just this, A LOT.

Introduce Yourself / Re: A wild lurker unburrows!
« on: November 05, 2011, 11:55:38 pm »
Thanks Acacia, I have already checked the list just to see that the list is the same as 1 year ago, but as AI3 changed a lot, those decks give you more trouble than before. I was wondering if there are some new decks that are more famous/efficient amongst the community.

Right now I have a Mummy Rush (6xMummy 6xPoison 4xBone Dragon 14xBone Pillar*, Death Mark), and Pepoker (6xRustler 4-6xFrog 4xEmerald Dragon 4-6xHeal 10xLight Pillar, Mark of Life), and Pepoker is pwning, while the previously 95% win rate mummy rush (I may have exaggerated a bit) now loses one every 3 matches.  :'(

*not wanting to split into pillars/pendulums for the sake of good looking  8)

BTW, what do you grind? Which are your favourite decks?? (If answering this is spamming just do as if I never asked it :P )

Introduce Yourself / A wild lurker unburrows!
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:15:22 am »
Hi there Elements Community!! I've been lurking here and there for like a year, and I stopped playing/lurking somewhere beggining this year (studies and stuff)... Well, Now I decided to come back as WoE is finally going to come out (thanks to the entire community for that), and I promised myself that I was going to come back whenever that happened.

So, here I am  ;D

BTW, my favourite element EVAH is  :gravity  8)
Any decks you recommend me to grind lvl 3's? I've lost all my info and I'm lost in the new system  :P

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