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Messages - Ekki (246)

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Ekki 2 - 0 ak65ala


Brawl #1 Archive / Re: Forum Brawl - Rules
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:13:48 pm »
That Artist role is my main concern right now. It's going to be difficult to find 12 artists, and it's going to be even more difficult to find 12 artists where skill level is roughly the same. Otherwise it could easily lead to a situation where the same 1-2 people win every single challenge. My first reaction for this problem was to expand the role somehow, but I'm not sure how we could do that so that it would still make sense.
Well, the solution, as far as I see it, is judging creativity. Even a professional artist can't just "train" his creativity. Well, if he's a professional, it's likely that he's innately creative, but that also applies to some people that have drawing as a hobbie. So I think judging creativity rather than skills -while taking in account some level of skill- could be a good idea (though I don't know how to do that).
My other idea is to merge the Card Design and the Artist role. I mean, cards need art. Art is important to the card. You could judge the card idea and the card art separately or altogether, and you would be sparing the job of having to make a topic for each art round. This option should take in account mostly how the art is related to the card, rather than how awesome the card art is. I think adding a disclaimer in the polls will help in this case. Just my 5 :electrum

Off-Topic Discussions / Re: The Official Member Pictures Thread
« on: November 19, 2011, 04:34:14 pm »
Do you realize that with the new Google's Image Search tool I could trace all of you that have facebook and kill you spam your account?? :P

More seriously though, I think that should be warned in the OP...

please don't trace me :'(

Other / Re: Malignant Cell | Malignant Cell
« on: November 19, 2011, 04:26:40 pm »
Just adding +0/+1 per cell would be evil >:D
Yeah, imagine Fire Shield-resistant cells! :o (i.e. you got 7 of them, they get damage, spawn 7 more, next turn they die, but next ones spawn 7 more, so you always have cells :D )

Deck Help / Re: Adrenalined Deja Vus
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:14:36 am »
SoR DOES work on Deja Vu's...AND Fate Eggs (for future reference).
Actually, just tested it in trainer... It no longer works with Deja Vu's. Zanz fixed that (he said it was a bug)
I think timat, meant it made the deja vu's skill free. While you meant that it no longer triples the Deja Vu's.
lol true :P
Anyways, the thing is that SoR would be a waste (5 quanta to use a 1 :time quanta skill?)

Deck Help / Re: Adrenalined Deja Vus
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:51:10 am »
SoR DOES work on Deja Vu's...AND Fate Eggs (for future reference).
Actually, just tested it in trainer... It no longer works with Deja Vu's. Zanz fixed that (he said it was a bug)

Deck Help / Re: Adrenalined Deja Vus
« on: November 19, 2011, 05:27:35 am »
SoR could be good in this deck.
SoR doesn't affect Deja Vu's as far as I know...

I think I saw the upped version somewhere else before, it's a great deck (and upped is just awesome), nice deck! Maybe you could try to swap 1 :time pillar for 1 :life pillar. You look too short on :life

You'll notice you can buy rares in the Trainer bazaar; they do have 'real' buying prices.
^^This. Also should be added to the OP.

You don't need to read the whole thread since rares aren't an exception. If they were, it'd be mentioned in the FAQ.
Still, I'd rather have a warning in the OP, something like "rares count by their buying prices, which are only taken in account in Xeno's calculator, and not by the selling ones", than having banned decks because someone took in account the selling price of his Morning Star instead of the buying one...

Archived Decks / Re: Scarab Deck Without Time Towers - Say What?
« on: November 18, 2011, 11:54:15 pm »
And I'm not going back on my claim of 85% win rate. You're not going to believe anything I say anyway, *snip*
Would you believe me if I told you that if you added some stats (include which gods you defeated and how many times and some screenies), we would believe you?

And something you failed to realize about my other deck, you don't need/get more than 1 or 2 pharoahs. Period. See, I thought :time was SO useless, I took out ALL my Time Factories. I bet that really irks you.
Well, my whole argument was about the fact that drawing that 3-card combo is actually hard to do (not to mention you don't have 6xevery card in the combo), comparing it to a Chaos Power/Dune Scorp deck, which needs ONLY ONE two-card combo, but it still fails to do it in the first 2 turns (and sometimes you can't even play it before the FG's are set up/killed you).

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Soul Break | Soul Sever
« on: November 18, 2011, 05:19:09 pm »
Wow, cool idea, I totally like it, but I have some questions:
-What happens if you play multiple copies of this?? Does it stack?? I hope it does.
-That "would have generated" makes me think that it also denies your opponent from gaining any quanta, and that may be OP, mostly because Darkness is the element of Devourers...
-What happens with reflective/jade shields, that reflect spell damage? Is this reflected??

As I said, I like this card, and I actually would like it to be in-game :D

Archived Decks / Re: Scarab Deck Without Time Towers - Say What?
« on: November 18, 2011, 05:04:19 pm »
I said myself it's not likely, but it's definitely possible. Not seeing that is proof that you and the others who posted here bashing m ydeck don't understand how to use it, and therefore that could be why you lose so much.
I'm not bashing your deck, and I haven't even tried it, I'm just showing with maths that your percentages in the Original Post are not real stats. Actually, you're disregarding the opinion of vets, and saying that X person doesn't know how to use the deck, when this was an idea that has been tried before... I encourage you to edit that OP in order to gain some credibility, or to show the stats of those wins.
Also, I firmly believe that reaching 85% win rate against FGs is simply impossible, mostly because you'd have to make a single deck that could defeat a MULTIPLE 2xhp, 2xdeck, 3xmark, 2xdraw, fully upgraded opponents with good decks (not like uber decks, but at they're actually good ones).

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