« on: May 22, 2011, 03:03:36 am »
I'm relatively new to this game, and this was my first, and still is my only FG deck. From running A3 and T50 with a minor vampire/Adrenaline deck, I started looking for a decent deck to help fund all of my own failed creations. I think I had something like 400 cards... But after staring at this deck for what seemed like forever, I sold every card but what was in my hand, got this and upgraded just over half the cards (and in my inexperience, I upgraded the wrong cards- starting with TU, BB, and VD)... The first ten hands or so, I thought I had made a big mistake, but then I started seeing what I needed to do, won enough cards to up the rest of the deck. This was during 1.27, and I started keeping stats. I'm only up to 119 recorded, but I thought I'd share some of them.
The deck I'm using is:
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 74d 74d 74d 77l 77l 77l 77l 77l 7qb 7qb 7tg 7tg 7tg 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b
(oh yeah, sorry -atm I am too newb with formatting to put it in a table proper)
Games played: 119
Raw winrate: 32.77%
Normalized winrate: 35.08%
Avg. TTW: 9.51
Not sure about the fancier stats yet, but I'll be looking into those soon; plus, I seem to be a bit above the curve right now, so we'll have to see what happens as I close in on 200 games.
Some side stats and such that don't really mean anything (still only applying to the 119 recorded games):
-I have a total of 2 EM (once against Dream Catcher and once against Serket)
-Despite having played each of them 6 times, I've yet to come close to beating Dark Matter, Osiris, or Seism (rewind... Grr.)
-I also haven't beat Gemini or Lionheart, but I only played against them twice each, and I think I was close.
-After 119 games, if I hadn't won or sold a single card, I'd be down 421 Electrum (but counting cards, I'm up ~30,000)
-My median win% against individual FGs is 33%
-I played against morte 10 times, and he stomped me 8 of those times...
Also, playing Chaos Lord with a good TU draw is the most epic fun of all time; Even if a simple BB would stop it, I cannot resist TUing a druid, and mutating my dolls -praying the whole while to get one with the steal skill (that I can afford) to steal his shield and quantum towers to feed my mutants...
anyway, my second post ever, and I hope I contributed something to this thread!
Oh! And I cannot believe I almost walked away without offering my profuse thanks for this deck idea- amazing! (both the deck and that I almost forgot)