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Messages - Drobbit (487)

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Humor / Re: 12 days of Quantum Christmas
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:16:16 pm »
@johann: think about something to put instead of quintescence

Politics / Re: Animal rights
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:33:20 am »
Maybe I misunderstood you but I thought you said that you don't care if animals are tortured or not.
Now you say that animals have some rights. You better fix your thoughts.

I'm not talking about to give the right to vote to an animal. I'm talking about the right to live a painless life. I'm talking about the humans that think they have the right to torture an animal because they think that humans are the rulers of the planet over other spices: they can destroy anything they want just because they are stronger. That's not a right, it's a supreme arrogance.

If you agree with torture of any kind to any kind of life form, you have a sensitivity problem. If you see a mutilated dog, a guy pulling of the fur of a fox that is still alive while doing that to it, an elephant being punched in a zoo just to make it learn some tricks, and you don't feel pain... maybe you have to question your ethics.

Gravity / Re: Catapult | Trebuchet
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:56:08 pm »
Or, you know, permanent control of any kind.
Yes. I was saying: where the f.... is my pulvy?  :)

Gravity / Re: Catapult | Trebuchet
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:53:17 pm »
Osiris has turned a hard god to beat since he has trebuchets on his deck. If you let him play he sacrifices the scarabs and unless you have the carapace shield, it's game over.

Politics / Re: Animal rights
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:37:24 pm »
@legit: You must be proud of yourself to see those things funny. What a shame...
I've been with animals electrocuted, shooted, hit or with their heads oppen to test something in a lab. I've seen some of them die because of their wounds and still ask for a stroke. Laugh at that if you want, that says much about you.
If the game wants to talk about real things, lets talk about real things that happens in our world while people like you laugh about them.

Politics / Re: Animal rights
« on: December 29, 2010, 10:08:56 pm »
You are right with Shrodinger's cat. Is really a need to use that name that refferes to an experiment of that kind? It talks also about quantic physics but it is reality and this is a fantasy game.
Why not to call it Quantic beast or Immortal beast? Why it must be a cat and why must it mention that experiment?
If there is a card that talks about concentration camps everyone will say: what the hell is this? Is not the same if we talk about animal tortures? Do we have more rights than the animals? Do we have the right to torture them?
Lets keep playing in a fantasy game. There is no need to upset anyone.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Bane | Bane
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:53:14 pm »
This with a Diamond Shield (or even permafrost) would be awesome. Only creatures with more than 4 attack points damage you.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Narwhal l Alpha Narwhal
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:37:16 pm »
I personally preffere to propose new concepts or mechanics, but if this is already on the forge is because people like it so lets respect that and congratulate the maker.

Forum News and Announcements / Re: War #2 has ended - winner Team Entropy!
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:35:40 pm »
Congratz, team Entropy !!!  Although, I was 50% sure ,since the beginning of this War, that Entropy will win.
50% sure... big LOL  :))
That's entropy spirit! XD

Music / Heavy metal mates
« on: December 29, 2010, 12:31:37 pm »
Any heavy metal fan here?  8)

Which is your favourite metal band? Mine is and will ever be Blind Guardian. Hail metal bards! :D. Also love Avantasia and Edguy.

Which is your favourite song? "and then there was silence" from Blind Guardian. And your favourite ballad? "Loosing your" from Dream Evil, or most of Gotthard ones.

What concert was the best you've gone to? Alice Cooper, of course!  :P

Best singer? Hansi Kürsch.

Best guitar/bass/drums/etc. player? Erik Singer (drums).

Humor / Re: 12 days of Quantum Christmas
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:49:41 am »
Awesome! I'd love to see someone singing that on youtube!!!!

On another note, starting from the fifth day, you spell dolls wrong.

On another another note, yay, first!  :P
haha thanks, it's a copy-paste mistake ^^

Humor / 12 days of Quantum Christmas
« on: December 29, 2010, 11:26:18 am »
Here you have the 12 days of Quantum Christmas song. Happy new year to every one and have fun singing it to your friends even they think you freakly insane.

 :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum :electrum

On the first day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the second day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the third day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the eighth day of ChristmasThe Oracle gave to me:
Eight Druids mutating, seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the nineth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Nine Shriekers burrowing, eight Druids mutating, seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Ten Gravoids a-evolving, nine Shriekers burrowing, eight Druids mutating, seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Eleven Wyrms a-diving, ten Gravoids a-evolving, nine Shriekers burrowing, eight Druids mutating, seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

On the twelfth day of Christmas The Oracle gave to me:
Twelve Sparks a-sparking, eleven Wyrms a-diving, ten Gravoids a-evolving, nine Shriekers burrowing, eight Druids mutating, seven Squids a-freezing, six Fate Eggs hatching, five Golden Nymphs! Four Horned Frogs, three Quintescences, two Voodoo Dolls and an Otyugh in a pear tree.

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