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Messages - Drobbit (487)

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First: Being foreign is no excuse for bad english. For example, me and the guy above me.
Well... my english it's maybe the worst of this comunity but I try to improve it and write correctly so I'll be understandable. I know I say a lot of things wrong but I'm proud of my work and I don't think that your words are kind for him. Anyway he appologies so the kindest way it's to excuse him.

And to the point that really intereses: I think that I understand him and agree with him in some things. In my opinion Elements don't have to be MagicTheGathering. The equilibrium among all elements is needed but not making the same for all. But also who can say where are the limits? I mean that we now have a scorpion on the time team who poisons in the "time way". Why not to have a "death drawer card"? Again: where are the limits? I'll possibly think on another way to fill my hand (as with fractal, mindgate or nightmare).

Also, for dealing with permanents, fire is not the only way. We can steal them or "pulverize" them.

The thing is not to copy an skill for every element nor to make more chances to play that skill.

Again: excuse my poor english

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 20, 2010, 04:34:40 pm »
In a way to personalize more our decks, i suggest the option of improving our creatures in our own way.
It means that with a considerable high cost of electrums, we could buy new abilities or strengh/defense points to our creatures. The summoning cost of the creature would increase, of course.
For example:
I want to buy 1 strengh points to my vampire so I pay with electrum coins the cost of it. Lets supose that each strengh point increase the summoning cost of the creature by 2. So now I have my new and unique vampire 5/3 that costs 7 :darkness

Another example:
Now I still want to improve my new vampire 5/3 from the previous example. But now I want to give it the devour ability. Devour is a strong ability so the sumoning cost (for example) is increased by 4 and costs a lot of electrum coins. But I pay for it so now I have my extremely good but also extremely expensive vampire 5/3  :gravity:devour with a cost of 11 :darkness

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 20, 2010, 12:06:40 pm »
Yes, of course!
I meant that don't revert, but they are still affected. We are saying the same but you explained better.

In resume: mutated creatures don't revert to they previous form, but still are affected and re-sumoned becoming the standard new creature (without changes applied by the mutation).

I'll add that to to the main post. Thanks for the point.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Infected and infectious creatures
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:02:52 am »
As happens with some creatures (venomous ones), It'll be great that infected and infectious creatures, likewise, infect if eaten.

For example:
- plague infects a photon
- otyugh eats that photon
- otyugh it's infected

That will make eater creatures worse (oty and scarab) indeed, so in case the idea likes may need an improvement

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Deck Destruction Concept
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:46:15 am »
IMO it's so close to magic the gathering's way. I prefere to build a new concept more particular of this game

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The Card of The Community (Suggestions Please)
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:42:51 am »
As the game works mostly in absolute values, it should be like 1 or 2 quanta less, and 1 or 2 quanta more, instead of 10%|20%

But regarding other options, I think it should be some kind of high cost ultimate card, something like "drain all your quanta" while having a massive quanta drain just to be in the field, or it would be OP...

I think some kind of growth hability would be cool, something like "every creature gains +1|+1 every turn", and make it like a 12 quanta draining permanent... Also make it kill every creature in the field when it is destroyed, ore some kind of nerf like that
I like that about the ultimate card. How if it drains all your quanta but also all the opponent's quanta? like a reset

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:37:52 am »
Thanks for all imputs. I've edited the card with your suggestions.
Now it affects both players for 3 turns but still (I prefere this way) don't revert mutated creatures.
Now the playable chances increase as you can keep alive your creatures while you disturb your opponent. And the good idea of the 3 turns lasting makes it not OP.

In the specific case of the chimera, I assume that after the re-summoning it will be a 0/0 creature unless they'll be other creatures at it's side of board.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The Card of The Community
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:37:44 pm »
Yeah! quantum clock looks nice.

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 19, 2010, 03:35:11 pm »
I don't know if I understand it correctly: If (and only if) a creature perform a successful attack during your turn, it is removed and re-summoned. Right?

It means:
- when frozen/Basilisk Skinned/Turtle shield effect => no attack = no effect
- when antimatter => unsuccessful attack = no effect
- when killed => no attack = no effect
- when 0 attack => no effect = not buffed scorpions, voodoo, chrysaora, othyugh, spirits (etc...) are not affected
- when 1+ attack => effect = buffed scorpions, voodoo, chrysaora, destroyer, spirits (etc...) are affected = ouch
- when the ability of a virus is used => no attack = no effect
- when lycantropy is used => successful attack = restart to 1¦1
- when déjà vu is used => 2 successful attack = restart 2 déjà vu with déjà vu ability non-used
- when poisoned but not killed and successful attack => effect
- when HP reduced but not killed successful attack => effect

This is basically only a way to deal with fire buckler, torn carapace and infecting creatures but causing you a lot of trouble in a great number of situation. It synergies well with deja vu but you can not buff the creature (sic).

I am maybe missing the point here but IMO 6 :time for this is a bit to much! Think that 3 explosion cost 6 :fire .
Yeah! you've resume it perfectly.

I also think that maybe it's too much cost.
How about if the ability affects BOTH players instead of only you?

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 19, 2010, 02:06:28 pm »
I've edited the text. I think that now is more understendable (and it fits).

I don't think that it is OP. There are benefits but also loss.
Benefits if your creatures are: infected, burning each turn, frozen,... And also, as said, with abilities like deja vu.
But loss in any other abilities of your creatures: grown creatures will came back to initial form, as will happen with ablaze or scavenger. And don't forget that you will not be able to quint or burrow creatures cause they re-appeare as summoned.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The Card of The Community
« on: October 19, 2010, 09:42:20 am »
Ok. Here goes my idea: as de votes make winner an Other Permanent card, I suggest that it will be a card that provides quantum as it was a quantum pillar but from all the elements. It will be like the miracle/fractal series, having a minimum cost of 72 random quantums (that cost have to be discussed) and after playing it all the rest of your quantums will be consumed (yes, you'll start again with 0 quantums but generating 1 from all elements, as a nova do, every turn plus what other pillars provide of course).

The name should be Quantum Tree

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:48:29 pm »
The card works this way:
Anytime one of your creatures hit your opponent, it disappears and immediatly appears again as if it just was summoned (it means: with the stats of the original summoned creature).
What's for?
If your creatures are infected, they will reappear "clean" (as summoned). That also will do nice work with mutations, fire shields,... but on the other way, if you improve your creatures that improvements (as momentum, chaos power, blessing, mutations, growing,...) will dissapear after each attack.

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