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Messages - Drobbit (487)

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 [38] 39 40 41
Anvil Archive / Re: Tomb | Grave
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:56:18 pm »
I've edited the card to fit the lasts inputs.
I think that the cost is OK because the most used creatures cost 5 quanta (or less) except dragons or other creatures that have to pay other elements for they abilities. And it's not that easy to kill your own creatures so maybe you will copy a ball lightning...

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 22, 2010, 04:33:51 pm »
I like it so much that I prefered to ask the autor for permission. Even when the page doesn't seems to me that has those arts for sale. Moreover I think those are samples to sponsor the artist.

That was on the main paige of the picture:
<<Link to this artwork

Copy and paste the code below to embed this image along with a link back to this artwork on your website or blog.
<a href="" title="alltradeart - Upload Portfolio, Sell art"><img src="" title="Time Loop" alt="Time Loop" /><br /><p style="font-size:10px; font-style:italic;">Time Loop by Blanka Ciok</p></a> >>

Anyway, I asked her to use this art and I'm waiting for her answer.

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:57:10 am »
Well, I'm still not sure if I like the idea of this idea, but I guess I'll keep playing the devil's advocate, as it were, since no one else it.
So I have to play the devil's rol  >:D hehehe
Well, I see that it's not a popular idea but really think it please before killing it.

Ok, let's discard the abilities part and focus on the increasing stats part. I understand that adding abilities kill the process of card construction cause you are free to make your own card without limits. I'm sorry for that.

As said, if you pay for having more and more attack and/or defense, your creature will have an unpayable cost.

Imagine an otyugh with 3 more points on defense. Yes, you have in your deck a 0/8 oty who can eat almost anything. But it costs 6 more quantum for a total of 11 :gravity. Are you really sure it's OP?

Anvil Archive / Re: Tomb | Grave
« on: October 22, 2010, 09:33:46 am »
well, how about if I make the creature inmortal with the intencion of no targeting it with fractal (of course, when copied it will lose the inmortality unless the copied creature had it). I lower the hp of them and lower the cost of the upgraded card (5 and 4 for the upgraded)?
The purpose is, as said above, to have a kind of paralel univers in a death way. The difference is that you have to kill the creature.

EDIT: even more funny, it could be burrowed with no unburrow possibility  ;D

Crucible Archive / Re: Accretion | Simultaneous Accretion
« on: October 21, 2010, 11:07:14 pm »
I agree with you moomoose, people seem to restrict creativity based upon what has been done in the past. Nothing has to be one way and i don't see any cookie cutter saying each element has to do a certain thing. leaving no room for another element to do something similar.
Well, I'm agree with that but you guys have to understand that it's difficult to think about gravity elements doing that (and that doesn't meant it's not possible).  Let me explain: personaly I think that  darkness or  aether fits more to that purpose. That is, you had to explain why it belongs to gravity. If it was  :aether no one has asked.

I like the concept of the card very much. I think that it's necessary for the game, even when it's strange to see that in gravity

Crucible Archive / Re: Time Loop | Time Loop
« on: October 21, 2010, 10:59:29 pm »
I'm happy to help with ideas  :D

I really love this card! I think it's the best idea I've seen by now.

I'm a lover of the egiptian culture and I hope this card will come to game

Card Ideas and Art / Re: The Card of The Community (Suggestions Please)
« on: October 21, 2010, 11:56:41 am »
SUGGESTION: Quantum Clock/EvaRia
TEXT: Every turn, you mark changes. Generate 2 Quanta matching your mark.
TEXT: Every turn, your mark changes. Generate 3 quanta matching your mark.
NOTES: :earth> :fire> :darkness> :entropy> :aether> :death> :air> :water> :light> :gravity> :time> :life
All of them stack.
I like this idea, but I would do it this way:
SUGGESTION: [/color][/b]
Quantum clock/Evaria-Drobbit
TEXT: [/color][/b]
Every turn, you mark changes. Generate 3 Quanta matching your mark
TEXT: [/color][/b]
Every turn, you mark changes. Generate 3 Quanta matching your mark. Gain 3 extra quanta matching your mark when you play this card.
NOTES: [/color][/b]
:earth> :fire> :darkness> :entropy> :aether> :death> :air> :water> :light> :gravity> :time> :life

Crucible Archive / Re: Fire Aura | Inferno Aura
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:22:28 pm »
if you have 4 inferno aura in play, it means that your creatures do 8 extra damage?

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:33:55 pm »
besides jokes, I don't think that the idea is so terrible to...
as Korugar says, think about the cost of that cards you are talking about.

Crucible Archive / Re: Fade | Evanesce
« on: October 20, 2010, 09:23:37 pm »
Cool card idea. I don't think it's OP but gives a lot of work to the useless nightfalls (because effects of nightfall doesn't stack). Enemy creatures are affected to?

Anvil Archive / Tomb | Grave
« on: October 20, 2010, 05:59:45 pm »
5 :death
When a creature dies, Tomb becomes a copy of that creature.
Tomb is always burrowed
4 :death
When a creature dies, Grave becomes a copy of that creature.
Grave is always burrowed.
Unknown (
The creature copied is an exact copy of the first creature to die after Tomb|Grave comes into play. If Tomb|Grave dies it doesn't copy itself but if another copy of Tomb|Grave is in play, it does.
After the copy is done, Tomb|Grave can't change again on new deaths.
Tomb|Grave enters play burrowed and can not be unburrowed in anyway but when it becomes a copy it's only burrowed if the copy was.

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