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Messages - Drobbit (487)

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 41
Card Ideas and Art / Re: Invisible Pink Unicorn | Invisible Pink Unicorn
« on: October 24, 2010, 09:33:57 am »
I suggest to implement also the glasses  :D as a shield: if you wear the glasses you can see the pink unicorn and it can't harm you

Anvil Archive / Re: Necromancer | Abyssal Necromancer
« on: October 23, 2010, 04:06:19 pm »
I'd like to compare it better with pharaoh rather than with FFQ.
Pharaoh is a 9 :time 3/8 creature with  :time :time: generate an elite scarab
(all of the same mark: time)
Elite scarab is an 2 :time 3/N creature with  :gravity: devore

If we want to do nearly the same with the necromancer it might be like this:
Abyssal necromancer 9 :darkness 3/8 with  :darkness :darkness: generate an elite ghoul
Elite ghoul 2 :darkness 3/1 with  :death: gain +0/1 and  the passive ability of absorving one random quanta

In comparation, devour + swarm and absorving + hp gain are quite similar in cost IMHO
Well... you have eclipse. And? If we just trie to eliminate on every card the efects of eclipse... better eliminate eclipse instead. It's a card of the game and we have to manage with it.

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Invisible Pink Unicorn | Invisible Pink Unicorn
« on: October 23, 2010, 01:47:04 pm »
five dimensions hehehehe

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Invisible Pink Unicorn | Invisible Pink Unicorn
« on: October 23, 2010, 12:09:01 pm »
This is not a Kael card. It is just worded as a Kael card.

4|0  (6|0 upped)
When this card enters play it has an equal chance of receiving +2|0 (+4|0 upped) or +0|1.
Much better this way. But I want to see the pink unicorn!!!  :'(

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Meteor | Meteorite
« on: October 23, 2010, 12:01:19 pm »
I suggest changing it to Meteorite / Meteor as unupgraded and upgraded, respectively.

According to this helpful answer here: (

A meteor is a piece of iron or rock that is falling through the earth's atmosphere from space. It is called a meteorite when it lands on the earth's surface. A meteor is much bigger in size than a meteorite as much of the meteor burns off in the earth's atmosphere, creating the visible "shooting star" in the sky. Meteorites are different sizes and shapes. The largest meteorite ever discovered was in 1920 in South Africa. It weighed about 50 tons.

I love going on sidetracks. ;D
Then it could be this way:
Meteor: 10/3 creature who lasts 3 turns
Meteorite: 5/0 creature who can hit opponents or creatures after sacrifice itself (cheaper than meteor)

EDIT:  fractal meteorite and you have a nice meteorites rain (and even you can ask a wish)  :P

Crucible Archive / Re: Shrine of Vesta | Tribunal Altar
« on: October 23, 2010, 01:36:00 am »
i understand where you're coming from, thanks for the feedback by the way, but if you think about it: damselfly, gemfinders, and even RoLs are the near single-element equivalents of these cards. they have low(if any) cost and produce quanta without constraint as well. these cards are the same but doubled up with 2 elements, cost and life.
You are right. No objection then

Crucible Archive / Re: Shrine of Vesta | Tribunal Altar
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:57:05 pm »
I'll be linking these to crucible 5 at a time. so i need to submit 2 more. The problem is, none of these cards have any problems:as voiced by the community, so the unspoken rule that every card must have been changed at least once kind of worries me.
If you want a change, here you have an input:
I'm worried about what you talked about the decks without pillars. I think that pillars are the base of the game and I don't like to remove them. If your cards go through it would be a possibility (I know that there are pillarless decks by the way, but they use specific strategy).

So, I suggest to pay for the quanta like happens with creatures like Rustler. You could pay with 0/-1 for each two quantas ( :fire and  :aether in this case) so you'll have to use healing creatures like angels to keep gaining quanta or gain quanta after a succesful hit so you'll have to use blessing or momentum. I don't know... I'm throwing ideas to the wind... but just produce quanta without constraint...

Anvil Archive / Re: Tomb | Grave
« on: October 22, 2010, 07:00:29 pm »
What would happen if more than one creature dies, for example, rain of  :fire? Does it clone the least powerful?
Maybe I'm wrong but I noticed that, when there are vultures, they use the ability before rain of fire hits them (if they are not the first creature on the row), so I supose that there is an order of hits on this case. Then there will be a first of diying and that would be the copied one.
If I'm wrong... then, as you said, it clones the least powerful.

Crucible Archive / Re: Jersey Devil | Jersey Devil
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:52:02 pm »
I like the divide idea but I have another suggestion:
Why not to divide itself and cheapen the cost. Like an entropy version of dejavu.
1rst turn: 3/5
2nd turn: 1/3 + 1/3 but both can still divide
If you bless your first jersey devil:
1rst turn: 6/8
2nd turn: 4/6 + 4/6
3rd turn: 2/4 + 2/4
4rd turn: 0/2 + 0/2 + 0/2 + 0/2
And I will lower the cost to 5 and 4  :entropy and pay the ability with  :darkness (cause I'm agree with Anonymous  ;))

Card Ideas and Art / Re: Meteor | Meteorite
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:30:48 pm »
what if you add the ability: "sacrifice meteor: do damage to the target equal to meteor's attack"
and you won't need momentum (cause you can hit the opponent) but shields like Reflective Shield would reflect it. Anyway, it has to be funny to throw meteors to creatures ^^

Anvil Archive / Re: Tomb | Grave
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:12:54 pm »
This and eclipse=Affected by shield effects? 0.o
Does it still activate if it's delayed?
Yes, but the copied creature stays delayed

Game Suggestions and Feedback / Re: Quest: improve a creature
« on: October 22, 2010, 05:12:39 pm »
I think, you should get the following upgrades for your "great" suggestion.

Chrysaora, 1 :water
stats: 3/2

Black Dragon, 11 :darkness

Otyugh, 5 :gravity

Micro Abomination, 2 :entropy

Immortal, 7 :aether

And not the following:

Firefly, 200 :air or 2 :life with Firefly Queen , nothing with SoR on her:)

Lava Golem, 5 :fire

Pegasus, 7 :light

Horned Frog, Cockatrice,  4 :life
8/3 or 8/5.

Otyugh , 6 :gravity

If you see the bad (or the good points) of this upgrades, you´ll see, why Atk/Health is discussed in the forums and not a part of a free upgrade with electrums.
I think you didn't read my "great" suggestion or I don't understand what you are talking about.
The cost is increased by 2 for any single point of attack or defense.

Another aspect is to think in terms of game code. Which would be easier? Modifying the game code to allow players to alter cards in game or just add new cards? I think it's easier and simply better to add new cards rather than having to go through all the extra trouble of modifying the current game code.
I'm agree with that.

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